Chapter 8

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Just as Lord Bertilak had said, the trail was half a league from his castle and within three hours, I could see the Green Chapel.

I dismounted and tied the reins to the trunk of a nearby tree. I patted the muzzle of my valiant steed, thanking him for all it had done for me.

My final goodbye.

Despite the hope that the girdle brought, I still felt like I was going to my death. And I probably was. Regardless, I was here, and I wasn't about to back down. It was my honour as a Knight of the Round Table.

Taking a deep breath, I walked the rest of the way to the Green Chapel.

Just outside of the small green church sat the Green Knight. His head was attached again and he was sharpening an axe. He looked up at the sound of my boots against the uneven stone pathway. He stood, his long green hair flowing down his back, and walked toward me, hefting his axe. Up close, I realized that he was actually quite handsome. I felt like I knew him from somewhere...

His holly berry coloured eyes twinkling, he said, "I'm impressed you came, Sir Gawain."

"I said I would, and so I came," I replied.

He nodded. "I respect that, Sir Gawain."

I nodded my head in thanks. I then bowed my head, letting him full access to my neck.

I heard the sound of a blade slicing the air, and try as I might, I could not repress a small flinch. I waited for the blow to come, for my head to fall to the ground, but it didn't happen. I looked up and saw the Green Knight staring at me, amusement clear in his eyes.

"What?" I asked.

"You flinched," he told me. "I didn't flinch."

I felt blood rush to my cheeks. "I-I didn't mean to. It won't happen again."

I bowed my head again, determined not to flinch. I heard the swish of air and managed to not flinch, but again the blow didn't come.

"What this time?" I asked, annoyed. Couldn't he just kill me and move on?

"I was just checking," he said, smiling.

"Just do it!" I said angrily. My nerves were already frayed, and this wasn't helping.


I felt the blade pierce the skin on the back of my neck, but nothing else happened. I looked up, stunned.

The green knight's eyes were alive with mischief. "Oh, well, it looks as if I couldn't swing right. Good game!" He turned to go.

"What?" I drew my sword and held the point facing the Green Knight's back.

He turned, then did the oddest thing. He started laughing.

I lowered my sword. I had heard that laugh before. But where...?

He seemed to know what I was thinking. "Sir Gawain, do you not recognize me?"

Suddenly it dawned on me. The deep laugh, the twinkling red eyes. "You're Lord Bertilak."

He nodded, smirking.

"But how?"

"I've been transformed by magic."

I blinked. "Why?"

"Do you remember the old lady, back at the castle?" he asked. It was a strange question, but I nodded regardless.

"She is actually Morgan Le Fay. And this was all a ploy by her," he told me. When he noticed that I was incapable of answering through my shock, he continued. "She changed me into the Green Knight and sent me to Camelot, hoping that the surprise would frighten Queen Guinevere to death. The rest of your adventure was a test for you."

My brain felt like it was about to explode. Morgan Le Fay was behind all this. Morgan Le Fay. My insane aunt was trying to destroy the kingdom again. That should have made me angry, but then I remembered the rest of what Lord Bertilak had said. A test.


My cheeks burned from the shame. "I'm so sorry. I should have told you where the kisses came from and given you the girdle. I should have been more honest."

He laughed and waved aside my concern. "Anyone would have done the same in your position. We're all human, and thus make mistakes. But you're trying, that's what counts."

If possible, I think I turned a deeper shade of red. "T-thank you, Lord Bertilak."

"Of course."

I went to remove the girdle, but he said, "Keep it. And may it always remind you of this adventure."

"I will."

"I hope to see you again, Sir Gawain," Lord Bertilak said, before turning to leave.

"As do I, Lord Bertilak."

As I was walking back to where I had left Gringolet, Itook the belt from my waist and tied it so it hung from my shoulder and endedat my hip. I resolved that I would wear it whenever I could, as I reminder.

Sir Gawain and the Green KnightWhere stories live. Discover now