Chapter 9

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I arrived back at Camelot a few days later. The sun was setting when I entered the gates to the castle and I heard voices from somewhere in the courtyard. I dismounted and led Gringolet in the direction the sounds came from.

It was the court and my fellow knights, dressed in black. They were standing around what seemed to be a funeral pyre.

For me.

I was surprised that they would do such a thing for me. I was just another knight. What had I done to deserve such a service?
I was about a hundred yards away when they seemed to notice the sound of my approach. They looked in my direction, and even from this distance, I could tell they were astonished at my arrival.


I was soon engulfed in a hug.


"You came back. You came back!" she said into my shirt. She was clutching at my clothes, as though if she let go, I would disappear.

"Of course. I could never leave you," I mumbled into her hair.

The two of us sank to our knees, her dress and my cloak pooling around us, as she sobbed with what I knew was happiness. Tears also flew down my cheeks, relief at finally being home flooding through me.

When the two of us ran out of tears, we looked at each other and smiled. I wiped away her tears, then mine, and we stood.

I looked at Arthur. From here, I could see his joy at my return. "I see we have a lot to talk about," he said.

I could only nod.

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