Izuku Midoriya: childhood (4y/o)

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"That's mean Kacchan.", Izuku said to the ash blonde girl.

"Why are you picking on her." Standing between her and another girl, one with pink hair, yellow eyes and horns. "Run away, she won't be distracted for long." he wisperd to the girl crying on the ground behind him, the one he didn't know, the same one katsuko was bullying.

Katsuko looked at Izuku stuned. Her two flunkies behind her snickering.

"But, then you'll get beaten up instead." the girl said.

Izuku smiled at her and said, "I'm use to it by now."

Katsuko yelled, "You want to play hero, even though you're quirkless. Stupid Deku, you can't do anything." she said igniting small explosions in her palms.

Izuku looked at the pink haired girl and said, "Go."

This time she listened.

Katsuko charged at Izuku. Izuku braced for the worst and . . . nothing? He opened his eyes to see a girl with orange hair tied into a ponytail on her left side, wearing a yellow shirt, white shorts with red stripes down the sides, brown shoes, and black suspenders. She had bounced back Katsuko with her giant hands.

"You can be a hero, if you really wanna be." the girl said.

(One week later, Katsuko)

'Damn handsy bitch.', Katsuko thought to herself.

Izuku had stoped following Katsuko everywhere and was now friends with this orange haired girl Itsuka. He had been going to play with his new friend everyday for a week, and NOW he would be learning marshal arts at HER familys dojo?

Katsuko new why though, if she was honest with herself. Looking back at how she acted, of course he would go find a new friend to replace her.

'But Deku is mine, and I WILL NOT give him up without a FIGHT!' Katsuko raged silently, as she hunted for her target.

But Katsuko knew, violence alone won't get her Deku back. She needed a new tactic if she was going to get her beloved to come back to where he belongs.

(One hour later, Izuku)

It had been a good day. Izuku had went to Itsuka's house to play that morning, he did some exercises and basic drills after lunch at her house, Mr. Kendo had been so impressed that he did so well his first time, that he decided to give the boy a discount on his lessons (after he learned how his daughter had met Izuku). Everything was going right that day until now.

Katsuko had found him and pushed him down, but this time there were NO explosions. That, for some unknown reason, set off alarm bells in Izukus head. She was currently sitting on him, legs around his waist, red eyes glaring into his green ones, a devious smile on her face.

"Hay, Deku." Katsuko said, attempting to sound seductive and cute.

It only made Izuku more scared. Luckily Itsuka had noticed that Izuku forgot his notebook at her house.

 She had asked him about it and he told her it was his hero analysis notes. He had explained that he was quirkless, that he decided to become a hero anyway, that a few old comicbook characters from before quirks had given him ideas on how to compete in the quirk dominant profession, and that he had decided to keep notes on different heroes, villains and peoples quirks.

 He had mentioned a few by name (Batman, Green Arrow, Ironman, Hawkeye, and Nick Furry) and how they all used tools and knowledge to overcome villains and sometimes other heroes.

Itsuka got there just in time to see Izuku get pushed down.

No sooner than Katsuko had spoken, Itsuka had pushed her off of him screaming, "LEAVE HIM ALONE BAKUHOE!!!"

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