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Adam's pov
As soon as I see him I cant help but to think he looks cute. I- I mean..fuck. yea cute. My clothes are so baggy on him and his wet hair, omfg.
He crawls into bed as I go to get blankets and some snacks.
"Do you want to watch a movie?" I ask, coming back with the stuff.
"Sure." He says as I lay the blankets on top of him.
"What type do you like?" I say shuffling through the large stack.
"Comedies are fun!" He says happily.
I grab a Medea movie and put it in the CD tray.
"Hope this is okay." I say grabbing the remote and getting under the covers. His leg brushes against mine. I don't mention it. "Oh uh sorry.." he says moving his leg.
"Its okay." I say pressing start on the movie.
"Oh my God I love this movie!" He whispers.
"Me too!" I say as it begins.
Our couch isnt that big so there is not a lot of space between us.

A funny part of the movie comes on and Josh and I burst out laughing.
"How did he even do that?" Josh chuckles.
"Hahaha I dont know!" I reply.
This is the first time we truly enjoy each others company.
"You know.. I used to hate you. I dont even know why. I guess you just distracted me a lot." He says to me in a more serious tone.
"Oh really?" I ask teasingly.
He starts to blush a little.
"I'm realizing that sounds a little weird..." he says quietly.
"Well, you distract me too." I say half kidding.
"Oh?" He says not taking it as a joke.
"Well. Uh. Yeah I guess sometimes." I say, feeling my face heat up.
"I dont know why your distracting me. It's like everything you do I cant help but notice. It sounds weird but its true." He admits.
We both go silent.
"Uh..Uh..never mind it's probably nothing..goodnight." He says as he rolls over to face away from me on the outstretched couch.
"...okay" I say, smiling wildly. God I'm a mess.
I stay up later but I eventually get tired.
I slowly fall asleep but quickly wake up when Josh rolls over to face me. His leg brushes against me, but doesnt move. His leg is practically on top of mine now. How do I move him?? He starts squirming around. Oh shit. He's having a nightmare isnt he? I sit up and try to gently wake him up.
"Josh!" I frantically say
He doesnt wake up so I start shaking him a little. He still is having the nightmare so I do the only thing I can think of, I hug him. It's about all I can do. Then I feel him jolt awake.
He immediately starts clinging to me, shaking and crying.
"I'm here. I'm here. Don't worry its okay . Ba-" I cut myself off
"..w-were you gonna call me baby?" He says still sobbing.
"Sorry...um. it's a h-habi-" he doesnt let me finish.
"Its okay. You can call me that." He says wrapping his arms tighter around me.


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