chapter 26

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Applejack POV.

today is fluttershy's birthday. right now we are preparing for the surprise, "Butterscotch!, did you prepare the gifts?" I asked "yep" he replied cutely, awee, it would be really nice if pinkie and rainbow are here, they would be a big help, but its ok bubble berry and blitz are here anyway, "yo blitz please help me here!" bubble berry yelled, ohh they remind me so much of dash and pinkie, I hope pinkie will wake up soon, and that dash will finally show up

"Hi AJ!" applejake said "how's your farm?" He asked and I frowned "whats wrong?" he asked "I dont live there anymore, and I am not updated on whats going on" "ohh..why not?" "Long story, any way lets get back to work, fluttershy will arrive later"  I said and we both head back to work

Its nice to see everyone working and helping eachother, although we arent complete yet, atleast its better than nothing. I went Inside and write some letter, Its been my habit now, writing letters to dash.

Dear Dash

what cha doin?, today we are celebrating fluttershy's birthday, you coming?, hahahaha, I miss you, were preparing a surprise for her, everyone is working and helping each other, Its nice to see everyone, but it would be much better or even the best if you and pinkie are here, about pinkie, shes still not awake, but we never lose hope, dashie I also wont lose hope on you, I know youll comeback, where ever you are dash, take care of yourself, I love you

From AJ

I finished my 8,250th letter, I write her letter/s everyday, I love writing letters to her, I love her so much, I miss her, but Ill stay strong for her

Rainbow Blitz POV.

"Blitz go get fluttershy now!" twilight yelled "Ok!!" I respond and went to get my car, I turned the engine on and started driving, I wish dash was here... I miss her, maybe Ill accidentally bump on her today, but that would be so surprising, dash I hope youre fine where ever you are, Ill keep looking for clues.

I arrived at the hospital, no fluttershy is not sick or anything, shes justhere in the hospital to visit pinkie. I entered pinkie's room and saw fluttershy holding pinkie's hand while crying "Pinkie... Its almost a year... wake up pinkie... the doctor said if you wint wake up befor 15 months they'll have to announce you're dead" fluttershy said and that made me tear up, no.. pinkie's not gonna die... I still have hope, she still have 5 months before shell be announced dead... Pinkie is strong... I know shell wake up, "fluttershy..." I called her with a soft voice "yes?" she answered while wiping her tears away "lets go somewhere" I said and held my hand out for her to grab but she only looked away "sorry blitz... I wanna be with pinkie today" she said looking at pinkie and holding her hand "Come on fluttershy... what about me... I just wanna hang out with you" I said with a sad tone "blitz... I- ok fine Ill hang out with you" she said and she stood up "bye pinkie, Ill be back ok" she said as she lets go of pinkies hand "lets go" I said and she followed me

the car ride was just silent, fluttershy is just looking outside spacing out, maybe theres alot going on in her head right now... poor fluttershy, Shes sad on her birthday and I cant help but get hurt at the sight that my friends are not ok... I dont like seeing them sad... It hurts me, and I cant do anything to make them happy... All my friends changed ever since dash ran away and pinkie is in a coma, their smiles are different, we all changed... even me... but Im trying to bring back my happiness cause I know pinkie and dash wouldnt want to see me sad or any of us sad so- "WATCH OUT BLITZ!!" fluttershy yelled and made me out of my thoughts and Im now back to reality, that was close... I almosed drove me and fluttershy to a store... wow I was lost in my thoughts... "sorry fluttershy... I was lost in my thoughts.." I apologise what happened next broke my heart, fluttershy cried, she cried so hard, she was sobbing uncontrollably, she's so fragile... I stopped the car and hugged her "sorry fluttershy... please... breathe fluttershy..." I said "p-ple-ase be c-are-ful... I- d-on-nt wa-an-na l-lose a f-rie-nd aga-in..." she said between her sobs and it probably hurt her so much... she couldnt even speak without cracking... she's having a hard time breathing... she looks so scared... dash.. pinkie... come back... I dont know how to fix this...

"fluttershy Im so sorry... come here and breathe" I said and held her in my arms as she inhales and exhales, after a minute later she's finally calm, I went back to driving but this time I made sure to focus on the road

we arrived at the party, fluttershy was surprised and everyything else went well

Fluttershy POV.

Im so touched that they made this for me... I even forgot it was my birthday today... Im so happy to have a friend like them or wait... Im so happy they are my friends, how lucky I am to have this much friends... I value every single one of them... "Hi.. fluttershy" butterscotch said "Hi" I smiled then hugged him, I miss my boyfriend... he's always here for me "thank you butterscotch" I said "for what?" he asked "For being my sweet kind and loving boyfriend who is always here for me" I hugged him and kissed him on the cheeks and we both blushed

"OK OK FLUTTERSHY ITS TIME TO BLOW YOUR CANDLE!!!" bubble berry announced, I approached the cake "make a wish love" Butterscotch said and that made me blushed. I closed my eyes as I hold my hands together and wished ' I wish everything will be fine... I wish dash would return and pinkie will finally wake up and for us to be complete' I opened my eyes and blew the candle hoping that my wishes will come true

Its kinda a bit long chapter only a little bit, hope you guys like it!!!, Stay cool and awesome, luv youu

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