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Log 5:


Gavin Borne...

August 11, 2413...

"There were a few more suicides on the facility. This time, there was also a murder." Gavin took a sip of his coffee. "Couldn't prosecute him, though. Killed himself, along with the others. I've sent the plasma pick and gun that Jacob requested, along with the bodies. It's been a long week. ... Heh, look at that. It's only a Tuesday. Either way, the Monolith is getting ever so closer to being dug out of the sand." He took another sip, his coffee being his stress reliever. "It seems the Jericho has quite a demented crew. Some of my crew..." Gavin turned to take an annoyed glare at Jacobs, still holding the record button down, "Believe that it would be better to just take the Monolith clear out of the planet's crust. However, that's illegal to do without a planet mining permit from Earth Alliance Headquarters, and I will not allow the Monolith's discovery be an illegitimate one!" he shouted to the officers on the bridge.

He sat down into a chair. "However, some good has happened. My brother actually showed up today!" Gavin continued as he turned to look at his smiling brother, sitting across from him. This earned a confused look from Jacobs. "He was on Io Station when Stone began his attack. You're lucky you got off when you did!"

Derek Borne smiled and nodded. "Yeah, something just told me that that day was not a good one." Jason just kept turning to look at Gavin, and then to the chair in which Derek was sitting. "I was out in space for so long, I thought I would die. But, I got lucky, and my ship landed here!"

"Ah, you're right. You know they have your name in the obituary, right?" Gavin chuckled at the shocked face of his brother. "It's true. I'll see what I can do about that once we're back on Earth."

"Um... sir? Who are you talking to?" Jason finally asked, desperately confused at the conversation.

Gavin sighed, sipped his coffee once more, and explained, "My brother. You know, the person who came into the bridge earlier and sat down right there? He's still there, for future reference." He rolled his eyes and explained to his brother, "Sorry. Some people here just aren't very smart, can't make connections in their heads."

"Of course. That's completely understandable. You know the two of us look so different." Derek said, pulling out a cigarette and his signature lighter. "You don't mind if I smoke here, do you?"

"After what you've been through? 'Course not." Gavin chuckled.

Jacobs, still looking very confused, interrupted, "Sir... There's no one there."

"Jacobs, are you blind or something? My brother is sitting right there." Gavin scolded, annoyed at the First Mate's interruptions. "Do you need your eyes checked or something? Can someone else please explain to this man the meaning of hospitality? Pretending Derek isn't there doesn't make him any less real."

Jacobs opened his mouth to object, but sighed in annoyance, giving up. Maybe the Captain needed to be checked out by a psychologist.


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