Cuddles and Rants 9/4/19

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It's just a few weeks before tour starts and besides Cal rehearsing with the guys, you two have been spending as much time together as possible. Today was a day that you didn't need or want to go out and decided to have a relaxing day, which consisted of playing with Duke in the back yard, swimming, watching movies, self care, and lots of clinging mixed in. As soon as you both finished dinner, you took your shower and began your self care routine together: Face masks, lip scrubs, and a good facial spray. After, you made your way downstairs and plopped on the couch with Calum, your arms wrapped around his torso and legs over top of his. You looked up at him and smiled, "I'm glad we had an 'us' day." Cal looked down at you and kissed you sweetly, "Me too baby. We have to do this again soon." Soon. Soon for you was considered in a few months till you see him on tour, and that pulled at your heart a little. Your smile faded and you put your head back down to rest on his chest. He took notice and started to run his fingers along your back and caress your thigh, "Noo, baby. Y/n, don't go all sad on me now." You chuckled a little and tilted your head back up to look at him, "Can I rant to you?" He smiles and kisses your hair, "Whenever you need to, of course." You kissed the area between his chest and shoulder for a few minutes, compiling everything you want to say, "Ok, so. Obviously, you'll be on tour and I'll get to see you, but those nights that you won't be here will effect me... Well you, too. Like, the time zones will mess us up, I'll miss you asking how my day was as soon as I walk in the door, or us bidding each other a good day in the morning, or anything really. I'm happy that you're living your dream with your best friends, but I'm still not 100% used to this;" You both sigh as you begin to kiss the same spots again, "but, I get to meet you on tour for two weeks. I get to see you with the fans and play on stage and watch you deal with the guys in such confined spaces and hopefully explore some cities with you. The fans, wow. They love you and got you to where you are now. Their reactions while meeting you and the others is beautiful. You mean the world to them and make their day, or month or however long, and that is one of the most precious things someone can ask for. I mean, having someone you find comfort in no matter where they are. You're my comfort, you're millions of other people's comfort, and I'm so proud of you for that." You kiss the spot again and Calum kisses the top of your head a few times as you feel the smile form on his lips. After ranting for what feels like such a short time for you, it's really been two hours. You figured Cal was sleeping by now, but to your surprise he's wide awake and has a smile across his face. You finally say, "I love you and I'll miss you when you're gone, but fuck, you're doing everything right. You're my squishy baby." He smiles even wider, making his eyes crinkle, and kisses you with all the love in his body, "And you're my precious girl." You smile and nuzzle your nose into his collar bone and take in his scent, musk and amber. Not long after, you're both sound asleep, intertwined with each other. @nvrgnnmkt   -M

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