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Attention: it's a series y'all😆😆🌈🎊🎉 and I know the name does not make any sense, but it will... as soon as y'all keep reading!!!
To be honest, I kinda love this one... You know what, lemme not ruin it for y'all, just keep reading...
And please vote!!!
Love you😘

Nobody's POV

"Mommy, I don't like the way he treats you... He makes me sad, and I get nightmares about you all the time" your seven year old child said to you, as she was strapping herself with the seatbelt.

You were running.
You had no idea where to, but you were leaving that death trap that used to be a home for you and your child.

"Really baby? Nightmares about what?" You asked her, driving out of the garage
"You! You were dead in all of them" she said, as tears started forming in her chocolate brown eyes
"It's gonna be okay baby, nothing is going to happen to mommy, or you okay? It's all gonna be alright" you said to her and wiped her tears

A thousand questions ran in your mind:
"Where are we gonna go?"
"What are we gonna do now?"
"Is he gonna be okay?"
"Nah, he deserves it"

All these questions came rushing through your mind. And all you did was drive.
You pulled up at a gas station to fill up your gas tank.
After filling up the gas, you went inside to buy a few essential.

"That will be $50 ma'am" the cashier said. You opened up your purse and found only a twenty dollar bill,
"Umm, is there any way I can pay these later?" You asked him out of desperation "I'm sorry ma'am, we're not allowed to do that here" he said
"Oh, umm, it's okay, I'll, umm... I'll just put these back" you said to him, trying to avoid being embarrassed any further

"No need to, I got this" a man said and you felt his hand touch yours
"Umm, you don't have to do that sir" you said to him "No no, please, let me" he said.
"Look, I don't need you to feel sorry for me okay? Just, please, don't do anything, I can handle myself" you said to him with anger

You headed out and went to your car
"Hey baby, are you okay?" You said to your daughter
"Mommy, I'm hungry" she whined
"I know baby, mommy is gonna get us food okay, don't worry about it okay? We'll be okay" you said to her and kissed her forehead

"Excuse me, miss, I think you forgot something in the store" the man said to you
"What do you want from me? You asked him
"Look, I'm just trying to be nice, that's it... I'm not asking for anything in return... And I'm pretty sure your child is hungry too. Is that right sweetheart" he said, now looking inside your car
"Yeah" your child said
"Tiana, be quiet" you said to her
"Hey, don't be mean to the sweet lil' princess, she's a good girl... Ain't you sweetie?" He said to her with a smile and she smiled back and nodded in silence.

"Here, have a sandwich" he said giving your daughter the sandwich. She quickly took it, and took a few bites
"Tia, what do you say?" You said to her
"Thank you sir" she said with a smile
"And here's the rest of your stuff" he said to you and handed you the plastic bag full of the things you needed
"I guess, I should also so thank you... And I'm so sorry that I was being rude back there" you said to him
"It's okay, you're a strong woman, and a strong woman doesn't ask for help, or admit that she needs help, but I think a strong woman deserves a chance to let someone be strong for them" he said and he looked into your eyes for a while

"Algee" he said, extending his arm for you to shake it
"Y/n" you said with a smile
"Well Y/n, do y'all need anything else?" He asked you
"No, but thanks" you said
"Well, have a good night... And please Tell your daughter I said goodbye" he said and he started walking away
"Well, actually... There is something I need" you yelled, making him turn back
"Name it" he said
"Do you know any vacancies we can go to, just for tonight?" You asked him
"Well, no, but I can let y'all crash at my place" he said
"No, please, we don't want to be a burden"
"No I insist" he said...
"Okay... Thank again Algee"
"No problem" he said with a smile.

He drove to his house, with you following behind him.

"So this is it, my humble abode" he said as you guys entered in
"Wow!" Tiana said Algee chuckled a little
"Wanna see your room for tonight?" Algee asked Tiana
"Yes please" she said with pure excitement and he lead her to the room and you followed behind them
"WOW!" she said as the entered the room
"It's beautiful mommy" she said
"Yes it is" you said
"And it's all mine for the night?" She asked
"It's all yours baby" he said to her, and she ran onto the bed
"THANK YOU SOOO MUCH!" She said excitedly.

"Alright sweetie, but you know it's bed time right?" You said to her
"Ahh, come on mom! I wanna play with uncle Gee... Please?!" she said
"I'm sorry sweetie, you'll play with uncle Gee tomorrow morning okay? I promise" you said to her
"Okay fine" she said and plopped on the bed
"Can uncle Gee tuck me in then?" She said
"Would you" you asked him
"I don't mind" he said

"Alright princess, let's get you ready to sleep, and when you wake up, there'll be something waiting for you" he said
"What is it?" She asked excitedly
"It wouldn't be a surprise if I told you would it?" he said and her face dropped
"Okay, I'll wait" she said
"There's a good girl... Now go to sleep alright, and dream about more princess just like you okay?" He said tickling her
"Okay, okay" she said giggling
"Goodnight sweetheart" he said and placed a soft kiss on her forehead

You watched this all happen in front of you, and it warmed up your heart to see your daughter this happy

"Alright, she's asleep now" Algee said
"Thank you again Algee... So much... Words can't express how thankful I am" you said to him, and he just looked at you

"What is it?" You asked him
"Is there something on my face?" You asked
"No, you're just, very beautiful... I'm sure you've been told this a lot of times" he said to you and you couldn't help but blush
"Thank you" you said looking him in the eyes.

The forces of attraction started pulling the two of you towards each other. You then kissed.

It was the most passionate kiss you've ever had.
You haven't had a kiss in a while, and this one was making up for all the ones you missed.
You pulled away.
"Umm, I think we need to go to bed" you said
"Uh, yeah.. yeah, you're right." He said to you scratching the back of his head
"Umm.. goodnight" you said
"Good night Y/n" he said and you went your separate ways.
What started out as a horrible night, turned into the most magical.

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