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Here's another imagine of all the guys combined... I'm talking 'bout Algee, Keith, Luke, Elijah, Brysher and Woody.
Hope you enjoy it😁


Day 1

"And this is the room where you'll be sleeping sweetheart" Algee told you, looking at you with a smile, as he showed you the room, with all the guys behind y'all.
The room was huge, but needed remodeling, but you'll get to it later.

"Alright, thank you, I really appreciate all of this guys, but, Imma need y'all to please tell me your names again" you said to the guys.
"Alright, role call fella's" Algee said.

"My name is Algee, baby girl" he said, taking your hand and placing a soft kiss on it, and he looked deeply into your eyes. You looked away blushing.
Brysher pushed him to the side.
"Nigga?! What the fu-..."
"I'm Brysher sweetheart, you can also call me Yazz, don't get too shy around me, I promise I don't bite... Unless if you're into that kind of thing" he said with a smirk, and you arched your eyebrow with a slight grin.

"Nigga! She doesn't wanna hear shit like that..." Elijah said
"I'm Elijah, and have they told you how beautiful you are?" He said smiling
"Well, thank you... I'm charmed" you said with a smirk, and he smirked back.
"I'm Luke... How are you ma' lady?" He said to you, pulling you in for a hug, and this took you by suprise, but you got lost in his scent.
"Im- I'm great, thanks for asking" you said to him, and a smile crept on your face. You felt yourself hug him a little bit tighter
"Woah, baby girl, wait until we get our own privacy" Luke said after chuckling a bit. You felt a bit embarrassed, and let him go.

"Nigga, move!" Woody said, pushing Luke aside.
"Hey sexy, my name's Woody... Woody because, "my guy" be just like Pinocchio's nose when he lie, when I see someone as attractive as you" he said with a smirk, and he wiggled his eyebrows
"Damn nigga!" The guys said in unison, with disgusted looks on their faces "We told you not to use that line no more, gosh!" Algee said with a frown.
"Yeah, especially not in front of someone as attractive as her" Keith said to him
"Go say that to one of your hoes" Luke added on
"Y'all better step off of me" he said to them all

"I'm sorry about our friend, he's just a bit of a pervert..." Keith said to you
"Nigga, you're ruining my image! Keep it up, and I'll bust your face" He said to Keith
"Oh, blah, blah, blah, nigga, you all talk and no show" Elijah said. Woody almost jumped him, but Algee and Brysher held him back. Elijah chuckled
"Baby, nevermind all of them... I'm Keith by the way, and I know you heard it already, but you're really beautiful" Keith said, making you blush.

"Thanks.... Nice to meet you all, and thanks for letting me crash with y'all" you said
"It wasn't that hard to let you in, baby, I can tell we're gonna have a great time" Algee said, and he stared at you, and you stared at him. Y'all we're looking at each other for a while, sharing a few smiles. The guys saw what was going on
"Nuh uh Gee, she's mine!" Brysher said and he came over to you and placed his arm around you.
"Ain't that right princess?" He asked you
"I'm flattered, but I don't belong to anyone..." you said, and slowly took Brysher's arm off of you.

"But I am kinda hungry" you said, and this triggered the guys

Keith- I'll order us a pizza! *Waves his phone in the air*

Woody- Nah, my baby look like she wants some Chinese! *Quickly takes out his phone from his pocket*

Luke- Y'all are all wrong, she wants McDonald's

Algee- I'll cook for you! *He runs to the kitchen*

"Guys! Stop!" You said and you giggled
"It's okay, I'll cook" you said.
"No baby, you're the queen of this house, you ain't gotta do that" Brysher said.
"Please? I insist" you said, and looked at him with puppy dog eyes.
"Alright, but I wanna help" Brysher said.
"No, I'll help you" Elijah said
"Guys!, I don't want non of y'all to help me, I'll be fine" you said and headed to the kitchen

"This is all your fault" you heard Brysher say to Elijah, and he walked into the living room, joining the rest of the guys
"What I do?" Elijah said to him, following behind him

You got to the kitchen, and you remembered, you had no idea where the pots were
"Hey, can any of yall-"
"Here you go sweetheart" Algee said, opening the cupboard of pots and pans.
"Thanks Algee" you said flashing him a smile.
"Anytime... You sure you don't need any help?" he asked you
"Well, actually, I do need a little assistance, just to figure out where everything is in this kitchen.
"Alright, I'll be of assistance" Algee said flashing a smile back to you


You laughed while in the kitchen with Algee
"Eyy, how come Algee can help you?!" Brysher yelled from the living room
"I found him in here" you responded back to him.
"Algee, you better keep your hands off of my girl!" Woody yelled
"What you talking 'bout, she's mine, y'all seen how she was hugging me" Luke said.
"Y'all are all trippin' y'all know damn well that she's mine" Keith said
You and Algee laughed while in the kitchen.
"Like I said before, I don't belong to non of y'all" you said and chuckled
"For now" Algee mumbled.
"What was that?" You asked him and you looked at him
"Oh, nothing" he said to you.

These guys are about to be a handful...

To be continued...

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