Chapter Twenty-Seven

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"Lord Stark..."

He doesn't look at me. "Go Nyla. Run."

"He killed Jory!" I yell.

Lord Stark raises his sword. "He will answer for his crimes. Run, find Littlefinger and the City Watch."

Something clicks inside and I drop the sword. What am I doing? Fighting Jamie Lannister could endanger, Lord Stark and his daughters, not only that, but it makes me look terribly suspicious, the King would like any viable excuse to let me rot in a dungeon cell deep beneath Kingslanding. 

I back away slowly and turn to my husband's body. Dragon's Claw is held loosely in his right hand. 

I grab the sword and gently touch his face. "Goodbye Love."

"Someone grab the girl!" The Kingslayer commands. 

Some Lannister men move toward me but I duck in between them and into a nearby alley, I dare one last look at Lord Stark, he is facing Jamie Lannister with Lannister men slowly surrounding him. 

I run as fast as I can down the ally and pray to all the gods that he will be alright. As I run into a market place it is easy to lose the two soldiers chasing me, I duck into a tiny off ally and crouch behind some wooden crates. My breath is labored, and after I'm sure that I am safe I start to sob. How could I leave Lord Stark like that? How could I have just let Jory die there? I hardly did anything to help, and I almost got my self killed, if it hadn't been for Daenerys...

I shake off the thought and decide to keep moving, I need to find Cyndi, she could at least shelter me here in the city until I figure out what to do. Unfortunately, I am hopelessly lost, I have never been this far into the city before, and the long skinny roads and allies look different and the same, until it feels like I have been walking in circles forever. I try to ask passers-by for directions, but they look at my disheveled appearance and walk away. I must look insane, a highborn girl in ladies' clothes, but covered in dirt and some blood from the battle, holding a valerian steel sword with no sheath. 

I lean against a wall and sigh in frustration, I feel exhausted and completely alone and afraid.

"Are you alright m'lady?" I hear a man's voice say.

I look up and see two City watchmen looking at me, they eye my sword suspiciously but still look concerned for my safety.

I clear my throat. "Y-yes. I am just a little lost is all."

They step toward me and I stiffen, I have to be ready to run.

"You've covered in blood and dirt m' lady? What are you doing here in the slums? It's not safe." He steps closer, no doubt to see if I am hurt. 

I straighten up and give my best smile. "Just got separated from my husband while we were out..."

The other man finally speaks. "Who are you m' lady?" he narrows his eyes at me suspiciously.

"I am... Lady Tesha... Catell" 

He nods slowly and points down at the sword in my left hand. "And what are you doing with a sword like that "Lady Catell"?" 

I swallow hard, this guard is no joke. "It was just fixed by a local blacksmith, I just picked it up for my husband and I have gotten terribly lost."

The guard steps closer, uncomfortably close, I can see dark eyes under his helm, they glisten with an emotion I don't recognize. "So you're telling me that a blacksmith fixed your husband's sword, and didn't give a sheath to carry it home?"

"He must have..." He suddenly grabs my arm with the sword in it. I cry out in shock, his fingers dig into my arm and I drop the sword.

"Enough bullshit." he spits. He leans close to my face. "You must have stolen this sword, from some knight or lord. It's Valerian steel!"

The other guard steps forward cautiously. "Billon..."

"Shut it!" he snaps. He turns back toward me. "Now tell me the truth!"

I'm frozen in terror, I can't think of any more lies to tell him.

The other guard puts a hand on Billon's shoulder. "Billon. She looks like a lady to me, she's probably just lost and afraid."

Billon glares at him. "Even the whores walking the streets can look like ladies you dumb bastard. He kicks the sword at his feet, this is a valyrian sword, there isn't a man alive that knows how to fix valyrian steel. She's lying through her teeth!"

Suddenly a thought comes to my head. "Who pays you Billon?"

"What?" he's taken back, no doubt he thinks I should be afraid.

"You are the City Watch, who pays the City Watch?"

"The Crown..." says the other guard, unsure."

I smile. "To be sure. Who is the Master of Coin?"

The other guard starts to answer but Billon interrupts him. "Don't answer this bitch."

"Lord Balish." I give Billon a grin. "Also known as Littlefinger. He pays you, and he pays me."

They exchange looks. "I work at one of Littlefinger's... establishments. I have secured this sword per his instructions, and I have very specific instructions about where to take it." I feel Billon's tight grip loosen. "Now, will you escort me there? Or will I have to tell Lord Balish your name Billon?"

He lets go of me and straightens. "You fucking whores, so entitled."

"Tsk tsk." I shake a finger at him. "That's very rude Billon."

After some more convincing, I describe the area where Cyndi's shop is and they start to escort me on their horses. I decide to ride with the other guard, the one who was kinder to me. 

After he helps me onto his horse, I feel safe enough to release a sigh of relief. 

"Did he hurt you m' lady?" he whispers to me.

I shrug. "I'm not a lady. Billion is tame compared to what I'm used to. What's your name?"

"Clayton. Do you actually work for Lord Balish?"

I wait for a second before answering. It's probably safest to keep the lie going. "Yes. Are you surprised, Clayton?"

He nods. "I really thought you were a lady." I study his face, he looks young maybe the same age as me. Maybe even younger.

"I'm sorry I tried to lie to you. This is a very important and very secretive errand for Lord Balish. Don't meet many whores do you, Clayton?"

He blushes. "No, I only joined the City Watch a week ago. My father is a merchant." He looks back at me. "If you're running an errand for Littlefinger, why are you covered in dirt and blood?"

"It's not safe, and I really did get lost."

Eventually, we reach the fabric and clothing merchants and I hop off of Clayton's horse and give his and Billon a wave. "I will be sure to tell Lord Balish about your kindness."

Billon laughs. "Maybe I will pay you a visit later whore."

I laugh. "You don't have the coin to pay for me dear Billon."

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