Chapter 111

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I lay in bed that night thinking about the invasion. Daenerys lays beside me, undoubtedly trying to sleep if she isnt already.

I sit up suddenly.

"What about Eurons fleet?" I look down at her.

Her eyes blink open, she looks up at me sleepily. "What...?"

"Theon and Yara said Euron is building the biggest fleet ever seen. Our own fleet has to sail past Kingslanding to get to Dorne. They're completely exposed to the fleet."

She sits up. "You think he's allied with Cersei?"

I nod. "He wanted to make a pact with you, but Yara beat him to it. There is only one other person who he could ally with that stands a chance against you."

She gets out of bed. "How could I have been so stupid?"

I slide out of bed and start to get dressed. "If we do send them south, send me and Rhaegal with them. I'll protect our fleet."

She looks at me for a moment. "Alright."

I blink in surprise. "I thought you would protest."

She steps closer to me. "I trust you. You'll be safe. You're the best fighter in the world."

I scoff. "In the world? I doubt that."

She kisses me. "You'll have Rhaegal. You will be able to contact me through your dreams if anything happens."

I tie the last clasps on my shirt. "They leave tomorrow. I have to let Yara and Ellaria know."

She sighs. "I suppose I will have to meet Jon Snow without you."

I smile sadly. "Yes... just be kind to him my love... please. Remember he will ask for the North's independence, and of course, help for the army of the dead."

She nods. "The sooner we deal with Cersei the sooner we can help him."

I hug her close. "I have to go. The fleet will be leaving in hours. I'll send someone to fetch my armour and other things."

She turns and hands me Dragons Claw. "I love you Nyla Firebearer."

I take the sword from her. "I love you Daenerys Targaryen. I'll be back sooner than you know. Wait for me." I turn towards the door but turn back to kiss her fully. "Don't fall in love with Jon Snow while I'm gone."

She chuckles. "Never. No one but you. Don't fall in love with Yara while you're gone."

I wink. "Never. No one but you."

I run from the room. I find a servant and tell him to prepare my armour and other effects and take it to Yara's ship.

I go to the port and board Yara's ship. The sun is just peeking out from the horizon. Various Greyjoy and Martell crew members are busy reading the ship. Yara is overlooking her crew and shouting orders. Theon and Ellaria Sand stand beside her. Ellaria's daughter and the other Sand Snakes train on the deck below.

Yara looks surprised to see me. "Ser Nyla, have you come to see us off?"

I shake my head. "There's been a change of plans. I'm coming with you. Me and Rhaegal. We can fly ahead of the fleet and look out for Euron or any other enemy ships."

She smiles and claps me on the back. "That's smart."

Ellaria nods. "I'm glad to have the Dragon Tamer with us."

"I'm having some of my effects brought on board. I have to get Rhaegal." I start to leave. "Don't leave without me!"

I climb back up to the cliffs and give out a high pitched whistle. All three of the Dragons circle above me. "Rhaegal!"

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