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"Oh look he decided to show up. I was beginning to think that you ran." Ray said

'fuck you bitch' I thought

"I ran into an issue on the way back. I dealt with him though." I said, casually

Oh screw this mind control shit

"I thought we told you to stop trying to resist." ray said into my ear.

When did he get there?

"says Kronos' little boy toy to the one you put under mind control." I snapped my eyes turning back to their natural violet color.

Ray's eyes flashed and he stepped in front of me and slapped me. I yelped and fell to the ground, holding the side of my face.

"Aw did that hurt you little bitch?" He asked grabbing my neck.

"Ray. Drop him. Now." A voice snapped from behind him.

He stiffened and let me go, letting me fall to the ground harshly. I was hacking and coughing as my throat recovered. A sword was pointed under my chin and I sucked in a breath as the time lord lifted my head up.

"Did you succeed in what I asked you to do?" He asked tapping my temples to temporarily remove the mind control

"You mean what you forced to do." I corrected

He nodded to ray and he walked behind me, grabbing my shoulders to keep me in place. Kronos pressed the blade of the sword against my shoulder and dragged it down my chest.

"Answer the question." He snapped

"Yes. I did what you told me." I mumbled through the pain.

This is exactly what I deserve for what I did to that poor boy. I really hope I didn't kill him. I don't think I could live with that guilt.

"I'm sorry what was that? I couldn't quite hear you." Kronos said pressing the blade farther into my skin

"Yes I did what you told me to do... master" I snapped

"That's better." Kronos said as he pulled the sword out of my skin

He then turned to Ray and said

"Heal him and then bring him to me. He left that little slut of yours alive instead of killing him like ordered."

"Yes sir." He said grabbing my arms and dragging me up and out of the room

Ray forced some ambrosia down my throat and waited a moment for my wounds to heal Before pulling me up.

"What did you do to Aaron?" He asked

"I... I. Heh. I'm talking like I was in control of my actions. My mind controlled self decided to cut him up and hoped he bled to death. You did worst to him I'm sure." I responded

"I should take tips from you then" He said dragging me away.

I thrashed around as Ray dragged me to Kronos' torture chamber.

*Time skip to after the torture*

I dragged myself out of the room and fell back on my bed, almost passing out. Let me tell you that torture mixed with fatigue are not good things. I don't care that Kronos will kill me. Aaron. That's a cute name. Anyway he's alive and asleep meaning I can get into his dreams. I can warn him. I slowly let myself drift off into a deep sleep.

I stretched out my consciousness as far as I could until I found his mind. Aw the poor kids having a nightmare. About Ray. Why am I not surprised. Let's help him out a bit. I waved my hand and the whole scene faded away. Everything was just a back pit and I aged him back to 14. He looked a bit panicked and that got worse when I spoke.

"Are you ok?" I asked

"Y-you! What the hell are you doing here?" He stuttered.

"I'm the son of Somnus what did you expect?" I asked

"You... sound different.... and your eyes changed." He pointed out.

"It's called mind control babe its a bitch." I responded

"Oh well your still a flirt." He said sighing

"Yeah but I'm not a sicko. I hate blood and I am so sorry for what I did to you."

"What do you want?" He asked

"Unless you wake your friends up they'll die within the week. There's a potion hidden in camp Jupiter. That's near San Francisco. Go to Reyna, Jason, Frank, or Hazel and say that Kronos has retuned and Caleb, Stella, Serena, and Lilly are in danger. Tell them it's the death sleep and they will give it to you." I told him

He shakily nodded and everything got brighter.

"What's happening?" He asked panicking

"I'm waking up. Calm down. I'll see you on the other side." I said as everything went away

"Oh Kronos is so gonna kill you now."

Avengers Second Generation/ Percy Jackson crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now