Chapter 5

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"So have you decided how you are going to handle your big case?"

"I might have thought of something more appropriate to say after this"

"Don't be so insecure, Hart. Did I complain?" She rolled languidly away, pulling the sheet with her.

"No . . . you didn't . . . but a parade might have been nice." The pillow missed but I still fell off the small bed trying to duck. "Okay, no more love talk." I got up and got my clothes back on, kneeled on the bed and kissed her bare shoulder. "I'm hungry now so would you like anything from the deli?"

"Mmm, one of those turkey wraps and a coffee. Your machine looks like it was used to mix paint."

"It's been in storage. Needs a woman's touch."

"I'll give it that while you're gone."

"No, that's okay. I'll only be a minute." Stairs three at a time is not a really good idea when there is a door at the bottom.

Verna had dressed and done some face decorating and smiled at the turkey wrap. I checked my coffee pot and breathed a sigh of relief - it was safe.

"These are so good; Harry should put them on his menu."

"Why don't you tell him?"

"Harry's menu is stamped in steel, never to be altered."

"Hmm, I love his Thai Shrimp though."

"You never answered my question about your case."

"Okay. I'm going to check back with James Cord to see if he really can still get the insurance to pay out, then I'll-"

"I don't get that. Why would an insurance company pay a crook to buy back what he stole?"

"It's an old scam. Somebody steals a valuable item, in this case the necklace, then holds it for ransom to the insurance company for an amount less than the value of the insurance. If the company refuses to pay, the crook threatens to break the piece up and sell it and the company would have to pay off the full amount to the insured owner."

"But why not sell it for what it's worth?"

"Way too risky and you'd never get full value anyway. This is a safer and usually a successful route. The difference here is the payout is being kept secret from the owner by his own family and lawyer. Makes the game a lot more dangerous. Not only that, this mob of misfits don't have the necklace anymore."

Verna wiped all her fresh lipstick off as she finished the last of the turkey wrap.

"Yum, delish. So that's where you come in now? Getting it back?"

"Yup. If Cord can get the insurance and they get the necklace back themselves then I'll let them pretend it was misplaced and thank Bennett for the work. If they don't get the money then I'll have a chat with Luther and if that doesn't work I'll just make a full report to my client as I am obliged to do."

"That family will be ruined."

"Like I said if they can work it out I won't say boo . . . otherwise . . ."

"What about all the drugs?"

"Not my call."

Verna held up a finger and went into my office, returning with a slip of paper.

"There was a message for you when you went to the deli. I just remembered."

"What! I've seen you take dinner orders for a group without writing anything down! You forgot a phone message in ten minutes?"

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