Chapter 12

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"Harry made it special and we got the okay from the nurses." Verna plumped my pillow and opened the container of Thai Shrimp on the bed table.

"Oh, he shouldn't have."

"You don't mean that."

"No, I don't. Pull up a chair and have some."

Her hand gripped mine. "Hart, I really thought-"

"Hey, I told you I was invincible. By the way, what all is wrong with me anyway?"

"You have a concussion that requires plenty of rest and that means no work, no prolonged TV or computer screens. You'll need plenty of protein and very limited activity."

"You mean . . .?"

"I mean. Also, there are about fourteen stitches under that bandage on your arm from the window glass and the brace on your leg is to protect a cracked shin when you so heroically dove across the desk."

"How did you-?"

"That strange, walking Rorschach image with the high voice told me all about what happened."

"Tattoo. Yeah, he's something else. But what about the police and Nelly and Felicia?"

Verna perched close on the bed, took my fork and helped herself to a hunk of my shrimp.

"With Bennett's statement about you and the blackmail, Nelly and his lot were arrested for kidnapping and uttering death threats, as well, a considerable amount of drugs were found in the house and that just added to the charges."

"But the mayhem and the Druids?"

"Two of the bikers stayed behind and gave statements saying they had followed you because you were suspicious of trouble and had arrived in time to help."

"And they bought that? Why would the the police believe something like that?"

"It seems one of the bikers is actually an undercover narc working on finding out the Druids main supplier so yes, they bought it."

"You are pulling my leg."

"Absolutely not. No activity, remember?"

What next was there to make this the dizziest case I had ever worked? I tried to get my fork back and failed. "So they get off scot-free too?"

"What do you mean, too?"

"Me! I'm free."

"Not really, Hart." She ate another shrimp. "A Garth Meadows, sergeant of detectives I think he said, wants to question you about your confusing association with the Druids and someone named Desmond."

"Oh crap . . ."

"But your friend Tattoo mentioned that in exchange for you staying mum, he would let you lead Meadows to a substantial drug stash that you could claim you discovered while working the Smythe-Frye case."

"What, he's giving up his supply? This is just nuts"

"No, actually, he said they confiscated that and plenty more from DiGregorio's place before they took off. They left enough for the police to find."

So that was why Tattoo was so eager to get into Nelly's place . . . the drugs. I drooped back into my pillow and stared at her magnificent eyes. You couldn't write this stuff it was just too bizarre.


"Rick, my boy! I worried about you. How did the case go? Did you need the gun? You're limping! Was it trouble you had?"

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