Chapter 10

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Bennett was his usual lovable self. He looked at my bruised jaw and the new mark by my eye like it was something he stepped in.

"Are you sure you can handle this?"

"Nope, but I'll give it my best shot. You can count on me." I smiled confidently, unaware of how it looked, and proceeded to get my information and instructions.

"You say he gave you his name? Not very professional for a kidnapper."

"The intention was meant to cow me, I'm sure"

"So what is it?'

"Nelson DiGregorio."

I coughed and gaped at him. "And you weren't cowed?"

"Should I be?"

"Nelly Dig is a local mobster with fingers in every crime you could imagine. How the hell did your future son-in-law know him?" Five thou was looking pretty paltry all of a sudden.

Bennett frowned and made a nasty sound. "I have no idea. He said he was an acquaintance. Does it matter?"

"Jesus, Bennett, the guy's a killer surrounded by thugs . . . also killers."

"So you won't-"

"No! Bloody right." I massaged my sore eye. "And if you're smart you'll call the cops and forget your damn company."


Did everyone have a key to my office? The two dangerous looking suits that lounged in my only chairs just watched me as I arrived.

"That's my chair if you don't mind," I said to the one sitting behind my desk. Surprisingly he stood and let me squeeze past him. "So how can I help you gentlemen?"

"We're here to help you, Mr. Hart."

Polite, nice start. "And how would that be?"

"By notifying your next of kin if your nose stays in Mr. DiGregorio's business."

Less polite and more authoritative. "Where does it say I have my nose in his business?"

"Your association with Smythe-Frye, which by the way just ended." The talker, the one still seated, emphasised his edict by banging staples through my tiny pile of business cards.

"Then uh, you'll be very happy to know I already did that . . . end my association with Smyth-Frye."

"Right. We're just making the rounds to make sure it stays that way."

I stayed sitting as they left, pondering that final shot and feeling the sick lump building in my gut.


"They broke his arm, Richard."

"Aw, geez. Verna I'm so sorry. Is he okay?"

"They broke his arm."

"Right, right. What about you?"

"I wasn't there. I came in a few minutes later. This is not a joke any more, Richard. Harry called the police."

"He what, oh shit. Verna where are you now?"


"Keep your door locked, I'm on my way over."

"Why, do you think-?"

"Just lock your door."

My office was only a ten minute drive to Verna's apartment. I made it in nine, parked as close as I could and ran the rest of the way. I rang the bell repeatedly, getting no answer so I buzzed the super and smiled up at the camera.

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