Chapter 4

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Hearing his name called out, the green ninja jumped up from his bed, gasping a bit. It took Lloyd a minute to realize that he was back in his room in the monastery. But he realized that he was alone. No one tried to wake him up from his sleep.

"Another dream..." he muttered, before letting out a sigh.

The green ninja got up from his bed. As Lloyd stood up, he could see his reflection in in the mirror. His blond hair was messier than usual, and he had bags under his eyes.

"Another dream... another restless night..." he sighed.

Lloyd ended up letting out a yawn. After he did, he heard a knock on his door.

"Lloyd?" a voice said from the other side. "You awake yet?"

"Uh. Y-yeah Jay! I'm awake now!" he said, as loudly as he could, to fake that he was awake and okay.

"Good. Master Wu is expecting us all to get to training today. You better get up. Zane made breakfast!" said Jay's voice.

"I'll be out in a bit!" Lloyd called out.

"Alrighty!" said Jay's voice.

The sound of footsteps followed, becoming quieter and quieter as the seconds past. That meant that Jay walked away. Lloyd let out a sigh, relieved that he was alone for a minute. He needed it before he left his room and went out to see his friends, his uncle, and his mother.

It had been a while since the team had their last adventure. The time when they had to fight the Oni and save everyone who had been petrified. A lot happened in the span of dealing with the Oni and trying to save Ninjago.

On a positive note, Jay had finally asked Nya to be his yang, and now the two were engaged, for Nya happily accepted. When the mess with the Oni ended, the two were actually beginning to make plans for their wedding. In addition, Ray and Maya came for a short visit a couple weeks ago, in which Jay and Nya shared the news.

But not everything was peachy because of the Oni situation. For starters, the group nearly lost Cole, who was lucky to have survived his fall from the Destiny's Bounty. Everyone had felt horrible about it, especially Nya, but it was a huge relief to see Cole come back alive. Another part was that the group came super close to losing Lloyd. Lloyd had actually died during the final battle, and even went to the Departed Realm, where he met his grandfather, the First Spinjitzu Master. But once he was told that he could go back to the living world, Lloyd took the chance. He didn't want to leave his friends, and when he woke up, he was welcomed with open arms by all of his friends.

The biggest thing was the fact that the group had to let Lord Garmadon out of the Kryptarium Prison. Since Garmadon seemed to know about the Oni, the group agreed to let him join them in the hopes that he could help them. In the end, Garmadon was help, but Lloyd was still troubled by everything connected to his father.

The Garmadon that helped them was still not the man who was really his father. And it was all because of the Sons of Garmadon. Lord Garmadon may be back in the living world, but he wasn't really Lloyd's father, and that was because he didn't understand love anymore.

Currently, Garmadon was off somewhere else, for he left after the mess with the Oni was over. But even though he was gone, that didn't mean that Lloyd wasn't bothered by Garmadon's presence still. And it was all through his dreams.

Lloyd thought he could shake it off, but it had been weeks now, and he knew that sooner or later, his friends would get suspicious. They have all been keeping a bit of a closer eye on Lloyd ever since he nearly died, so the green ninja knew that he couldn't keep secrets to himself for long.

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