Chapter 19

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Everyone watched in horror as Fawful teleported away. The magician had Lloyd hostage, and the only one who managed to grab onto him before he and Lloyd vanished was Kate, meaning that she got teleported away with them.

Through Fawful's teleportation spell, the three shot up at the sky, vanishing from sight and going to an unknown location.

"Lloyd! Kate! No, bring them back!" cried Garmadon.

There was no response from Fawful. Even if the magician had heard Garmadon's cries, he would've ignored it. Fawful was gone, and he took Lloyd and Kate along with him.

"No! Lloyd..." Kai said.

The fire ninja got down on his knees, shaking a bit. He was starting to tear up. "I-I failed him. I couldn't protect h-him..." he sobbed.

"Kai, it wasn't your fault. Fawful outsmarted all of us," said Nya.

"Kate managed to grab onto them. She'll put up a fight for sure," said Sonic sadly.

Kai heard him speak. He got up and faced the blue hedgehog. "Where did he take them?!" he said.

"What? I-I don't kno-"

"He's your enemy! You should know him! Where would he take Lloyd and what does he want with him?!" cried Kai.

"W-We don't know what he's planning or where he took Lloyd!" said Sonic.

"We have to get him back! We have to save Lloyd!" cried Kai.

"Kai, calm down! Shouting isn't going to help us save him!" said Nya.

"How can I calm down!? That crazy madman has Lloyd! Who knows what horrible things he'll be doing to him?!" cried Kai.

"Will you just calm down?!" Nya scolded him.

"We may have someone who knows more than any of us," said Master Wu.

He stepped forward, and along with him, Morro walked up as well.

"Morro!? Is that really you?!" said Jay.

"Yes. It's really me," said Morro.

"You really have come back from the Departed Realm, and you're human again!" said Zane.

"So it's true. What Kate said about you coming back to life and becoming human again. Even though she explained that she's from another universe, I still couldn't believe the facts about you, until now," said PIXAL.

"Forget about that! Tell us what you know, Morro!" said Cole.

"Hey, don't be hard on him!" Skylor snapped at him. She stepped up, standing in between Morro and the rest of the ninja. "Fawful kidnapped him and had him trapped in the mines outside of Stiix for who knows how long? He could've died from starvation or dehydration if Ronin and I hadn't gone there and found him, in addition to your master and everyone else here!"

Morro blushed a little as Skylor defended him. "Skylor..." he whispered.

"We didn't even get the full story as we were rushing over here. Morro, what happened to you? What do you know about Fawful's plans?" asked Mario.

"What about Lloyd?! And need I remind you that your friend has been captured as well?!" said Kai.

"Kai, calm down! Panicking won't get us anywhere!" said Misako.

"Kate's a tough fighter. She'll do whatever it takes to get Lloyd and herself out of Fawful's grasp. So while we wait and see if we need to rescue them or not, we can hear Morro out," said Sonic.

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