Chapter 8

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A new day had arrived in Ninjago. Though as the sun rose up in the sky, it took a while for the light to shine bright over the city, for the tall skyscrapers made it hard for the sun's light to shine down on the streets. But none of the less, a new day began in Ninjago, and everyone began to go off about their days like normal.

All except for one person. Resting up on the roof of one of the tallest buildings, Sonic was fast asleep. After getting separated from Kate, he found himself on the roofs. He found it safer to stay out of sight, and it was a lucky break that he heard no helicopters. He found a spot to hide on a roof, and when night arrived, the hedgehog took the chance to get some sleep.

The sun's warm light eventually hit Sonic in the face, waking up the blue hedgehog. Sonic let out a loud yawn and sat up, stretching a bit.

"Urgh! Morning already?" he groaned.

The blue hedgehog rubbed his eyes, and when he was done, he found that he was still in Ninjago.

"That's right, I'm in another universe and I got separated from Kate. I'm surprised I slept like a baby up here..." he whispered to himself.

Sonic stood up. He walked over to the edge of the building and looked down. People were casually walking around or driving in their cars to go to work or any shops. However, he did see some people dressed in police uniforms walking around.

'Damnit! The police are still looking for me and Kate. Well, hopefully the fact that they're still looking means they haven't spotted Kate yet..." Sonic thought.

The blue hedgehog heard his stomach growled. He let out a sigh.

"Great. Now I'm hungry. Well, I'm not going to steal. Just because I'm an alien to these guys that doesn't mean I'm going to act like one. I'm not going to take anything from these people. Besides, stealing will only make me look worse because I know I'm bound to get caught. This isn't like one of Eggman's bases..." he muttered to himself.

Suddenly, Sonic could hear the sound of a helicopter echoing through the sky. He looked up, seeing that in the distance, there was a chopper. Luckily, it wasn't a police chopper, and it wasn't heading towards him. It was just passing by.

Eventually, the helicopter was gone, but Sonic didn't feel fully reassured.

'I'm a sitting duck as long as I stay here. I need to find Kate, and I need to figure out how I can show these people that I'm not the threat and I'm trying to track it down...' he thought.

Sonic stepped away from the edge and walked over to where he crashed for the night. He had found an old hoodie lying around, so he had used that as a pillow for his head on the hard surface of the roof when he was ready to rest.

The blue hedgehog picked up the hoodie and pulled it over his head.

"Bleach! This thing smells like garbage! Probably where it was before I picked it up..." Sonic muttered.

He finished putting on the hoodie. Sonic was able to cover up his quills and cover most of his face.

"At least it'll be harder for people to see a blue object jumping from roof to roof," he muttered to himself. I'll be easy to spot in this dull city, even if I stay up above instead of on the ground..."

Sonic turned around. No sign of any other helicopters. He let out a sigh, and then broke into a run. He reached the edge of the roof and jumped, soaring until he reached the top of the next building. The blue hedgehog continued to run through the area.

A few minutes passed, and Sonic continued to move along the roofs. But even though he stayed above ground, that didn't mean that he wasn't spotted.

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