A boy taken in and abused by the Rose family (except Ruby, she special), now suffers both a fiery temper and massive trust issues. What happens next, read and find out.
Play the music, skip to the 3:10 mark of it to make the scene work better.
3rd POV The Indominus Rex looked at the beaten team RWBY as JNPR ran into the complex, running past all of the unconscious guards. Ruby: Y/N.....please. Ruby held her leg, the bite wound was deep, but didn't reach the bone, but any closer and she would've had to have been put in a splint. Tears filled her eyes as the Indominus Rex continued looking at them all. POB: Good.... The Indominus Rex looked at its claws, then looked over at Yang. It walked over to her, however the blonde was too weak to move away if it attacked. The Indominus gave what appeared to be a smile as it brought the claw to its eye and above it. It then brought the claw down its face as blood dripped. Yang looked at the mentally shattered creature as it then stopped just some inches under its eye and took the claw out of its skin. Ruby looked at the Indominus as it then turned to look at the Paladin. POB: you have done well. The sound of a rifle round went off, hitting the Indominus in the side. It looked over at the other side of the area, Pyrrha's gun was smoking. The Indominus Rex growled as it looked at team JNPR. POB: they are unneeded. He pulled out a remote and pressed a button, all of the cells opened, Grimm piled out and growled. POB: let us go. The Paladin jumped and landed next to the Indominus, both of them went into the cell, leading into the facility. Ruby: Y/N! The Grimm walked over to JNPR, all of their weapons unsheathed. Ruby stood up, the blood was pouring front her wound. Her aura slowly grew back as her eyes began to glow. Ruby: NOOOO!
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A massive flash of light shot though the arena, all of the Grimm disappeared as Ruby stood with a silver aura in her eyes, her aura healing her wound. The others' aura healed up and they stood up weakly. Silver tears came from her eyes as she limped towards the open cell. Yang: Ruby! Meanwhile at Beacon. Ozpin sat in the office with TaiYang and Qrow. Qrow: where are they? Ozpin: an island....their aura is slowly regenerating.....but.... TaiYang: My daughters are on an island! Not only that, but on the island with that boy! You know for a god damn fact that he is unstable. Qrow: he's killed before! Ozpin: will you both shut the fuck up! They're there, they are in trouble, I'm bringing them back by bullhead! Taking them to a hospital! I know you're upset, but I thought you would worry more about your children's well being than what Y/N did in the past. Glynda walked in. Glynda: sir, I have information, Y/N's aura. Ozpin: what is it? Glynda: it's black. Ozpin's eyes widened. Qrow: what does that mean? Ozpin: it explains the reason their aura fell so quickly..... get them back here. Glynda: Bullheads are flying towards the island, they should be there in five minutes. TaiYang: what does that mean? What is Black Aura? Ozpin: it's when Aura is no longer fueling, its fear and a shattered mind. He's been tortured. He has been for weeks and we never bother to check his Aura. It's not his fault that the girls are hurt. Only one man has the power to do this to someone. Though..... Qrow: wait....you don't mean the same guy Summer was kidnapped by on our first mission? Ozpin: the Paladin of Blood......he's alive.