Part 1

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Today is the first day back after the summer break and even though I'm glad to be back to see my friends, I'm not at the same time and that reason can be summed up in one word: Jungkook.

Jeon Jungkook is basically the playboy/badboy of my year and is known by every single student as the most popular guy amongst the most popular boy group, BTS. This of course meant that almost every girl, including my friends, were dying to be with him or his friends. His friends were alright but I honestly couldn't stand Jungkook and he couldn't stand the fact that I didn't give him the same attention everyone else did, which led to us having arguments whenever we were near each other and soon enough, being bullied by him every time I came into his line of vision.

I passed swiftly through the hall to my seat for a short assembly to welcome us back and was greeted by my friends in the process.
(I'm not good with coming up with names so I'm just going to use random ones I'm familiar with lol).

"Y/N omg it's so good to see you!" Jessica squeezed me tightly as she rocked us backs and forth. I really missed her.
"Its so good to see you too Jess. Where are the others?" I asked as I scanned the hall for my friends.
"They're all running late. They decided to have a sleepover at Luke's house last night of all nights so it wouldn't suprise me if they got no sleep and were late coming in today. And before you ask, no. I didn't go to the sleepover." Jess explained.

I was about to continue our chat when a certain group walked in the hall, earning cheers from the surrounding students. You guessed it: BTS. They made their way slowly to their seats near the back of the hall and slouched in them lazily as if they were at home. They annoy me so much but one in particular seems to like getting on my nerves.

My eyes glare at Jungkook, who's eyes also mirror my own as he stares me down and smirks. He's trying to intimidate me but it doesn't work. I just sigh and sit down with Jessica as the teacher enters the room, her heels echoed through the now silent hall.

I walked out after the assembly was over. Jungkook along with a few others were kept back by the head teacher but I didn't show any curiosity, unlike some others who basically stared at Jungkook until the walls prevented them. Why are people like this?

I soon left for my first lesson and parted from Jessica. I stopped in the corridor and got my things out of my locker when suddenly, I was pushed roughly against it, dropping my books to the ground. My eyes widened and looked up only to meet Jungkook's dark orbs. He had the same smirk plastered on his face from earlier in the hall.

"Well if it isn't my favourite nerd I love to bully oh so much. How was your break away from me? A lot of girls have been dying to see me and my hyungs. What about you?" He whispered, his face edging closer to mine every time a word left his annoying mouth. I just lowered my gaze and started to pick my books up from the floor. I can't give him the attention he wants.

He doesn't take my quietness lightly and chuckles before grabbing my hair and pulling me back up to meet his height. My body was trapped between his body and my locker, his hand still tangled in my short hair which hurt a lot.His tongue was pressed against the inside of his cheek, something he did whenever he was annoyed about something or someone.

"You must have missed this, am I right? I might just have to improve the amount of time we spend together this year then, what do you say?" His voice raised slightly. I can't stand his teasing and his ego so I harshly push him away from me, taking him by suprise as his eyes widen and he stumbles back. I hug my books tightly to my chest in a protective way.

"I'd rather spend time with a pile of trash than you. Grow up and get over yourself already!" I shout, earning a narrow glare from him that did scare me slightly.
"You little-!" He growls as he steps towards me quickly but is stopped by a small hand being placed on his tensed shoulder. We both turned and saw a tired looking Park Jimin step next to Jungkook, who was even more agitated than 2 seconds ago.

"Come on, Jungkook. We haven't even been back for an hour and you're already picking on Y/N! Lay off her this year, will you? Let's go, we have a lesson to attend." Jimin sighed and looked from Jungkook to me. I gave him a grateful smile and walked away. Grinning, I turned around and stuck my tongue out at Jungkook and he almost lunged for me but Jimin held him back again as I headed to my first lesson.

Time skip: break time
Luckily, my first lesson went smoothly. My mood had lowered slightly as I realised that Taehyung and Namjoom were in the same lesson as me but they were actually really kind and even helped me to understand the new course. I had expected all the group members to be mean to me under the influence of Jungkook but I guess that wasn't the case at all!

I now headed to the food hall, looking for a snack to have during the break. Once I found something, I scanned the room and found Jessica with Luke and Mia. So they finally decided to show up. I hope they didn't get into trouble on the first day back. I quickly walked to their table.

"Aw honey, it's good to see you." Mia hugged me weakly. She looked extremely tired.
"Same here." Luke slumped against the wall and gave me a small wave.
"I take from your lack of enthusiasm that you didn't get any sleep last night?" I smirk at them both as Luke and Mia's eyes widen and they straighten up.
"Its not what you think!" Luke exclaimed immediately. "We both realised last night at about 11 ish that we had a project to complete for our literature teacher." He rushed. I giggled as my gaze moved from Luke to Mia's flustered face. Jessica laughed too.

However, our amusement was cut short when Jungkook entered the room. His eyes locked on me and I averted mine back to Luke, who managed to distract me for a second by mimicking Jungkook; he gave me a 'threatening' look and moved his thumb across his neck. I giggled again. Jessica then moved next to me.

"Ignore him. He'll never change his ways." Jessica reassured me. I then realised my art book was still in my locker and I needed it for next lesson.
"I'm going to my locker for a second." I said before leaving quickly to get my things. As I walked down the corridor, I heard footsteps behind me and I knew straight away who it was. What does he want to say this time?

Jeon Jungkook: BulliedWhere stories live. Discover now