Part 2

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I stopped at my locker and spun round to meet Jungkook, who was inches from me. I was suprised at how close he was and I stumbled back but he trapped me against my locker, again.

"Where do you think you're going, hmm?" He teased. His hand moved above my head to rest on my locker as he posed in a way that made him look attractive and threatening at the same time. I tried to avoid the eye contact he was demanding from me.

"What's your problem?! Why are you so obsessed with harassing me?! You honestly need to get a life and stop thinking you rule over everyone because you don't! You're just an annoying rich boy who thinks he can get what he wants when he wants it, whether that be something or someone. Well guess what? I won't fall into your trap, alright?!" I yelled in his face. I was on tip-toe, barely reaching his height in order to be intimidating too. His eyes widened slightly but his face showed amusement.

"Ha! Like I'd ever be obsessed with someone as nerdy and boring as you. I can get any girl I want!" He laughed, trying to insult me but I'm fully aware and proud of who I am, which is a high grading student who isn't head over heels for any of the BTS members.
"I'd rather be nerdy and boring than spoilt, egoistic and pathetic like you!" I insulted back, smiling at his slightly flushed face. My words actually got to him and it made me feel pleased but also slightly guilty. I always felt terrible saying anything bad to anyone, no matter how they treated me.

He was about to argue back but we were stopped by our headteacher. She cleared her throat, standing behind Jungkook.
"What are you both arguing about already? I could hear you from all the way down the corridor!" She sighed and continued.
"Anyway, I'm glad I heard you. Come to my office at once, both of you." Was all she instructed before leaving. Me and Jungkook looked at each other before reluctantly following her.

Jungkook POV
What does she want now? Honestly, I was looking forward to continuing mine and y/n's fun conversation. It's only the start of the year and I haven't done anything necessarily bad to y/n or anyone else yet. My mind raced until we reached the head's office and sat on the chairs in front of her massive desk.

"Now. You aren't in any trouble or major trouble." She emphasised the last part as she looked at me. Great. Must be a new record for how fast it took me to get into trouble this time. "I've called you both here to discuss your grades from last year. Of course, miss y/n's grades are on the right track being mostly A's. However, mister Jeon. Yours have seemed to show no improvement and that is a problem." She looked expectantly at me and I was about to answer the same way I always did, shrugging it off and asking for more time to improve but she interrupted me.

"I know what your going to do but you may want to change your attitude when I say this: if your grades fail to improve in 3 weeks, you may be forced to step out of your little band group." She declared slowly. What!? They're going to kick me out of my band with the others if my grades don't improve? Since when was that a thing?! God I'm screwed.

"Please miss! You-you can't kick me out of the band! Th-they need me. We need each other to work properly. Please-there has to be something I can do to avoid this!" I pleaded I love my hyungs and we promised each other we would stay together no matter what happened. We can only start our music careers through this school as it helps us with earning money in order to buy instruments and equipment for our work which none of us can afford on our own yet. No, being kicked out over bad grades is not an option.

The headteacher moved to focus on y/n next to me.
"Well that is why miss y/n is also here." She started to explain. I looked at y/n who had the same confused expression as I did.
"What could I do miss?" She asked. The teacher smiled at her.
"I figured that since you are such a  brilliant and helpful student, you could maybe... tutor Jungkook with his subjects." She finally stated her point.

My eyes rounded and I turned from the teacher to y/n and back.
"No way!" We both exclaimed simultaneously. The teacher chuckled slightly.

"Jungkook seeing how much being in that band with your friends means to you, I would've expected you to accept any possibility I offered you. And this is all I can offer. As for you, y/n, this can benefit not just Jungkook but you also. You have incredible skills and knowledge and are very responsible but one of the things you lack is confidence in tutoring. Helping your friends is easy but when it comes to others, you are quiet and struggle to help them exactly with what they require.

Therefore, by tutoring Jungkook, you can improve that skill for your own benefit and Jungkook's chances of staying in his band. But you both need to actually get along! Treat it like a... challenge. So, do you both agree with this?" She explained.

I glanced at y/n and back to the teacher. The band means so much to me. If staying in it means improving my skills with y/n's help, I just have to go with it, even if I hate the idea immensely. "Fine." I whispered harshly.
Y/n remained quiet. I looked at her again. If I want her to accept, it would be best if I don't give her a threatening look. I want her to know the band means something to me but not as much as it actually does; She could take advantage of that.

Y/n sighed and looked at the teacher defeated. "Alright."
"Lovely. That is all I wanted to discuss. You can both leave now, before you're late to your next lesson." She finished and rose from her desk and exited the office, leaving me and y/n sitting in silence. I sighed and turned to her, planning to annoy her but she immediately got up and left the room.

When I left the room, I caught y/n getting her art book out of her locker. When she noticed me, she slammed it harshly and rushed to her lesson. I chuckled at her fast movement. Well, this challenge may be a little fun after all.

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