Part 8

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Jungkook's POV
Did she just call me what I think she did? Where the hell did she learn that from?! I felt my anger slowly rise at her mocking tone. I should've never asked her what was wrong in the first place. Why did I anyway? It's not like I care about her... right?

If I do at all, it's only because I wish to use her to get my grades up just enough to save my band membership. That's all. Looking down at her now, I could tell she was intimidated by me. Maybe if I scare her enough, she'll finally learn she can't mess with me.

"Go on. Repeat what you just said to me." I continued to whisper. I managed to hear her gulp quietly.
"What? Kookie's a cute nickname. Although I wonder how someone like you could ever be called something like that." She tried to speak confidently but the slight shake in her voice betrayed her.

"Who told you about that?" I decided to get to the point.
"I'm friends with all the others. For some reason they feel the need to do your begging for you. They don't want to risk me giving up on helping you so they fill me in on small details to soften me up." She explained.

"It's worked so far. But you need to put some effort into these lessons too." She stared at me seriously. I scoffed at her.
"Isn't that what I've been doing? Why would I invite you here and spend 1 hour of my life looking over notes if I didn't put any effort into your lessons?" I questioned her, my voice raising slightly.

"Can you tell me what you've learned during that hour?" She raise her voice too. Oh god. What did I learn? I don't want her to be right... but I think she has a point. I moved away from her, pouting.
"That you're super boring and I hate you?" I ended up saying. It's true so...

"Yeah. Maybe I should just leave-" she started but I cut her off.
"Fine! Let's start again and this time I'll pay attention and learn something, alright?" I rolled my eyes at her, annoyed. I can't let her go. Not because I need her but because she'll complain to the headteacher about me.
"Alright. Let's start again. Come on." She made her way back to my room but turned back to me.

I smirked at her as I realised the house was too big for her to know where my room was. She stuck her tongue at me as I walked proudly past her, leading the way back. Aren't I the luckiest person to ever exist(?)

Time skip
Y/n's POV
After another hour of studying, I decided to test him but the results were the complete opposite of what I thought. He got almost every question I asked him correct! I had to look over the answers three times before coming to terms with reality. I made sure he had none of the revision materials around him. There's no way he cheated.

What's going on? To add more confusion, when I told Jungkook about his answers, he didn't seem suprised at all! My mind was going crazy. How is he failing in school? I even gave him some ridiculously hard questions to throw him off and test him further but he got some of them correct too. What's his deal?

"Jungkook... this doesn't suprise you, even slightly?" I queried. He shrugged but when he looked at me, he changed his attitude.
"Uhh... yeah. Of course it does I mean yeah I did good I'm not gonna fail woo hoo(!)" He rushed. I gave him a confused look. I can tell he was faking this. Why is he pretending? I have to find out.

"I don't believe you." I stated bluntly. He shot me a dark look.
"Do I care if you believe me or not? No. So drop it." He got up from the bed and walked to his giant tv. I followed him.
"Why are you pretending to be suprised when you're clearly not? You're actually quite smart with those questions." I actually complimented him.

I was suprised with myself but Jungkook showed anger as he turned to glare at me.
"Don't call me smart." He growled. I blinked twice at him.
"Why? I didn't even know the answers to some of the questions you answered right. You can't be doing badly at least in maths at school. Maybe the teachers are mistaken?" I questioned. Jungkook suddenly stood in front of me, his gaze darkened again.

"There's no mistake! I. Am. Not. Smart... now get out." He snapped. I stepped back at his sudden mood change, although he closed the gap straight away.
"Wh-what?" I hesitated. I didn't understand what was wrong. He then grabbed my wrist, my things and pulled me to the front door.
"Just leave!" He shouted.

I was about to shout back at him but the door handle moved. It opened to reveal a man, who I presumed was his family's driver by his hat. Jungkook remained completely silent as the driver held the door wide open as two adults walked into the house. I recognised them to be Jungkook's parents immediately.

They stopped in the doorway as they saw me and Jungkook. I stared directly at them while Jungkook stared at everything except them. I felt his body freeze as his dad began to speak.
"Well... what a surprise to come home and find you trying to get rid of your 'guests' before we return home(!)" He seemed angry and extremely cold as he spoke.

So that's why he wanted me to leave so suddenly. He didn't want his parents to see me. But why? Surely he doesn't care if they believed I was one of his many 'girlfriends' so why wouldn't he want them to see me?

He was about to carry on when Jungkook's mum interrupted.
"Wait a minute dear. I don't think she's one of his... you know." She cleared her throat but I knew what she meant anyway.

"She is the smart one we saw at that school assembly we attended, remember?" She smiled at me. I smiled back at her compliment and Jungkook gave me the deadliest glare I've ever been given. I silently gulped.

"Oh yes. I'm sorry my dear... miss y/n is it?" Mr Jeon asked me. I nodded as he shook my hand.
"Well in that case, you certainly weren't here for... that. What was your purpose here with my son?" I explained to them about the tutoring but I tried to avoid telling them that Jungkook was failing his studies (or pretending to as I've recently discovered).

"Oh I must apologise for our son's negligence to studying. If only he could be a student up to our expectations like you, y/n." She smiled sweetly at me as Mr Jeon agreed but I could tell her words were bitter towards Jungkook, who only grumbled at her, like he'd heard negative things like that too many times to be suprised at her thoughts.

"Um it was a pleasure meeting you but I have to home now." I said to end the awkward silence that took over. His parents nodded and made their way in the house as I walked out the door. I hesitantly looked back to Jungkook but he still had that glare on his face as he shut the door harshly on me. I just sighed.

As I made my way home, I thought over Jungkook's behavior towards me and his parents. He's usually so confident and egoistic in how he talks but the while time his parents were with us, he remained completely quiet, like he was afraid to say anything.

I also thought about the questions he answered correctly. How could he get most of those right and be failing at the subject? Now that I've thought about it, he is in the same class as me, which is quite a high one. That must mean he is smart to some extent, right?

So... does that mean he's failing in school... on purpose?

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