Part 4

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I woke up early this morning, reay to see my friends again. I got ready, had breakfast, said goodbye to my mum and walked to school happily. However, my good mood came to an end as I stepped into the school corridor and bumped into Jungkook, who pushed me roughly aside.

The very sight of him replaced my happiness with anger as memories of yesterday ran through my head. I guess I couldn't pretend it was all a nightmare forever. Jungkook showed his arrogant smirk.

"You just can't keep away from me, can you?" He said as he closed the gap between us he'd made a second ago.
"Don't worry. We'll have plenty of time to spend together when you tutor me." He winked, before barging past me to go to his friends. I stuck my tongue at him but he completely ignored me. I really hate him.

I went to my first lesson of the day, history. Luckily, I had Luke to keep me company for this, which I was extremely happy about. Our first lessons back after a holiday were always quite laid back, so most of the time we could talk amongst ourselves. This gives me the chance to finally catch up with Luke.

I walked into the room and was suprised to see Luke was sat in one of the middle rows, talking to Namjoon! I stood in the doorway, staring in disbelief for what felt like an hour until I moved to sit next to him as other students moved past me. He greeted me immediately like everything was normal.

"Hey, y/n." Namjoon greeted too. I smiled and turned straight back to Luke.
"What's going on? Last time I checked, you couldn't stand Namjoon." This was true. Last year, Luke and Namjoon had always argued over which one of them was the smartest in the class and because of their constant rivalry, they never got along. In my opinion, they're both the smartest people I've ever met. I can't choose.

Luke chuckled "Yeah, well I decided to listen to your advice and made up with Namjoon... in the end." He smiled and high fived Namjoon. I smiled at them both. At least this year has started with something good for my friends. Can't say the same thing about me.

"Oh wait. Take this." Namjoon handed me a piece of paper with an address written on it.
"It's Seokjin's home address. Taehyung told me he spoke to you yesterday about tutoring Jungkook tonight so we'll meet there." He asked. My mood sank once again at the idea of having to tutor Jungkook Jeon.

"Y-yeah. That's alright. I have to tutor him at some point." I smiled and glanced at Luke, who was dying to laugh at my obvious opposition to tutoring the school's number 1 jerk. Namjoon laughed, noticing too.

"Don't be so down about it. I'm sure Tae's already told you this but we'll all be there for you. We won't let Jungkook mess you around, Okay?" He reassured me.

"Alright. I'll be there. What time?" I asked him. He smiled at me, relieved that I agreed.
"Jimin will pick you up at... 6 ish?" He debated. I agreed.

Him and Tae are so nice and I believe them when they say the others are too, except Jungkook. I just can't seem to get my head around why Jungkook doesn't like me, but I don't really care because I don't like him either.

Time skip
The end of the school day, finally. Normally I'd be so happy to go home and relax but instead, I have to go to Seokjin's house to tutor Jungkook. Great. I said goodbye to Luke, Jessica and Mia, who each encouraged me to try my best to survive the rest of the day. It'll be a miracle if I do.

I informed my mum once I got home and she surprisingly accepted quite easily. I had just over 3 hours to prepare myself for tutoring. I should spend that time sorting out notes for certain subjects. I wasn't aware of every subject he was doing, nor the ones he needed to focus more on. That was very helpful for me.

It made me wonder why we were going to Jin's house instead of Jungkook's, where he would have all the revision materials he needed. I decided to forget that and dress more casually in black leggings and a purple jumper. I need to be really comfortable with what I wear at least, since I'm not going to be comfortable in that house with Jungkook waiting to pounce at any moment.

Before I knew it, it was 6 o'clock and I immediately heard a knock at the door. I grabbed my bag and went downstairs to see Jimin stood in the doorway, greeted by my mum. I said goodbye and got into Jimin's car, which looked extremely nice and expensive. The car ride was extremely quiet until Jimin spoke up.

"You alright? You're very quiet. You can talk to me, you know." I turned and looked at him. He gave me a side glance and had a soft smile on his face.

"Th-thank you for the ride." I chose to start with positivity. Jimin chuckled.
"No problem. You're going to help Jungkook so it's the least I can do." I was suprised at what he said and how confident he sounded with me.

"Wait. S-slow down a second. I haven't even started to tutor him yet. I might not be able to help him improve so you don't need to do anything." I quickly said. I didn't want him or any of the boys to think I'll be the answer to Jungkook's problems when there's a chance I won't improve anything for him.

"Oh don't say that. You're so smart and kind. Even if Jungkook is resilient, you can still help him out in some way. Just agreeing to help him has done something." He stopped as he turned his attention to the road. My face heated slightly from his words but was replaced with confusion. Agreeing to tutor him has done something? What has it done?

"Um, thanks for the compliments but-" I cut myself off as Jimin stopped the car in front of a massive house. It wasn't quite a mansion but it looked really close.
"Jin's house is incredible!" I exclaimed, mainly to myself. Jimin laughed at me.

"Yeah, I know. Jin's house is the biggest out of all of ours. Jk's is quite similar though. His is just round the corner so it makes sense they both live in the same area with these posh houses." Jimin added.

"You guys all come from quite wealthy families, right?" I asked. Jimin nodded.
"So... why do you all rely on the school to pay for your band equipment?" I finished. Jimin smiled and started to explain.

'We may come from wealthy families, but we all wish to earn a living for ourselves. We don't want help from our families to get us there anymore. It's the same with our school studies. It's up to us to succeed. Besides, we won't have our families to rely on forever, right?" He answered. I just nodded in agreement.

"Come on now." Jimin called as he walked to the big entrance. I slowly walked too, replaying what he just said over again in my mind. They all believe that. So Jungkook does too. Yet he's failing in school and doesn't seem to care? I am so confused...

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