Part 15

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Y/n's POV
Jungkook was sent home with his parents a few minutes later, and although he would be missing the rest of the school day, his face showed sadness as he said goodbye to me. I hugged him and whispered that everything would be okay.

I knew why he was being like this: he told me he would confess his true feelings to them today. I'm glad that he's finally decided to tell them how he feels and how it's making him hide his true self. The other boys were also over the moon that he had chosen to finally open up to them and solve the problem once and for all.

I continued the rest of my day the best I could, but my mind just wondered to Jungkook. What would he be doing right now? Has he told his parents yet? What exactly is our relation to each other? So many questions clouded my mind, I couldn't focus for even a second in my lessons.

Soon enough, the day was over and I raced home to call Jungkook. Once I reached my house, I ran to my room and called him. But he didn't answer. Maybe he's busy. He may have not told them yet. He's been injured too so he might tell them once he's better. But why isn't he answering? I was worrying so much about him.

Should I go to his house? No I can't do that. I need to give him some space. Suddenly, my phone buzzed and Jungkook's name appeared on the screen. I answered straight away.
"Jungkook. Are you alright? Feeling any better?" I asked.

I heard coughing before Jungkook's tired voice.
"N-no. I'm all by myself. P-please help me. I feel awful." He grumbled. I headed straight to his home. I knocked quickly on the door and the sick boy opened it muh quicker than I expected him to, smirking proudly.

"Are you alright?" I exclaimed once he shut the door. I placed my hand gently on his head and guided him to his bedroom, although I did need his guidance since his gigantic home was like a maze to me.
"I'm fine." He giggled childishly as he hugged me. I was confused.

"But when you called me, you said you weren't." I told him.
"Yeah. Because you weren't here. Now you are so I'm all good." He smirked as he sat on his giant bed. My mouth was open to say something but I couldn't due to his smug attitude. So I just pouted and crossed my arms.

I gasped as he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me down to sit against his chest. He chuckled deeply in my ear, sending chills through me.
"I'm glad you care about me this much." He sighed. I turned my head to meet his.
"Of course I care. You made me worry a lot with that call." I playfully hit his shoulder.

"Where are your parents?" I asked as I recalled how he said he was alone over the phone.
"Oh they went back to the school to speak to my teachers. I've told them everything." He smiled. My eyes widened.
"And...?" I let him continue.
"They actually listened to me. I'm not sure they fully understand just how hurtful they were to me but I can tell they feel bad about being so harsh. They didn't think it affected me at all, since I hid my feelings. They apologised." He finished.

I quickly embraced him as he showed his bunny smile.
"I'm so glad. So... that means you'll finally act the way you really want to instead of trying to rebel against your parents?" I asked. He smiled down at me.
"Yeah. So be ready to put up with me in your art lessons. I'm going to start taking them." This really shocked me, although I had remembered how Tae told me Jungkook did have a passion for drawing.

After that little conversation, we remained silent for a few minutes. I played around with my fingers in my lap as I thought of whether to ask him about our relation to each other or not after everything that's happened. But he seemed to notice my thoughts and gently stroked my palm with his thumb.

"I loved the moment we shared in the nurse's office earlier." He whispered in my ear.
"R-really?" I slowly turned to face him, nervous that he might be joking. He chuckled at my expression and teasingly stroked my bottom lip, licking his own.
"Really. In fact... I want to experience it again." He smirked and gently connected our lips.

Each kiss was small but had a lot of emotion included. I felt Jungkook's hand move under my leg, pulling it over his so I sat on his lap, fully facing him. I could tell he wanted to deepen the kiss but I pulled away, earning a sad pout from him. I never thought he could look so cute.

"Sorry. I just..." I struggled to finish my sentence.
"What's wrong? Tell me." He spoke softly. I took a deep breath.
"What... what exactly is our relationship right now?" I rushed. Jungkook's eyes grew wide for a moment before softening.
"What do you want it to be?" He questioned back, seriously. I was taken aback by that response.

"Oh. I-I don't know. That's why I asked you!" We both giggled at my stutter before we became serious once more.
"Well... what I said in that office today wasn't a lie. I feel so much more with you than I do with anyone else. It confused me at first since I wanted to hate you but... after you insisted on helping me with my problems, I saw how good of a person you are and how much you reminded me of who I really was... a nerd." He laughed as I hit him again.

"But on a serious note, I like you a lot and... I would like to maybe... go watch a movie or something with you sometime, get to know each other even more?" He shyly scratched his neck and tilted his head to look down at his lap. I didn't think he could look much cuter. I gently lift his gaze to meet mine and peck his lips.
"I'd love to." I smiled, hugging him tightly as he sighed and smiled widely, mirroring the excitement of a child.

From that day, Jungkook and I were extremely close to each other and went on a date almost every day. I love him so much, it's impossible to remember how he used to bully me and how we used to hate each other's presence. Never would I imagine the person I dreaded to see every day would turn out to be the person I longed to see every moment.

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