Sonder | Jilix

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Sonder | Jilix

Member : Han Jisung, Lee Felix
AU :
Word Count : 2,540 words

I just wanted to publish this imagine in dedication to those who seems to be lost at the moment. I hope you all enjoy it :)


The realization
that everyone is
living their own
vivid life.



The sun was about to set in the horizon, clouds turning into gold above in the orange sky. A silhouette of a flock could be seen, on their journey to south. Mirgrating into a more warmer place for winter is near. The bright star of the day seems to be drowning in the ocean. The water reflecting everything above. All of it looks so ethereal. Too beautiful to be true.

In the middle of the scenery stood a brunette male. His chest leaned onto the balcony's railings and arms crossed. Eyes boring at the aesthetic scenery before him. Too much deep in thought. " Changbin-hyung's gonna be a tattooist, just like how he wanna be. Seungmin's been into travelling and always out of the country. Chan-hyung and Jeongin are gonna debut soon under JYPEntertainment... " he trailed off as he continued to think about his friends's successes.

" Hyunjin-hyung's now a interior designer, which fits him well. Woojin-hyung's now a great chef. Minho-hyung is great at performing arts and soon will be known.. " he sighed afterwards. Getting himself more gloomy.

The sun is soon gone as the sky slowly turns blue to black. The clouds seem to vanish from the sky, only to be replaced with white sparkling dots. One by one the stars started to appear and decorate the night sky. The moon starts to rise behind the male's home and him, which he doesn't feel like looking at it for now.

As soon as the darkness has enveloped his surroundings, he sighed and mumbled.
" Why am I not in a vivid path? "


The brunette male hit the streets, on his way to buy his favorite snack at his favorite bakery. He dressed warmly for the weather is too cold. Everything outside is covered in snow, since there was kind of a storm last night. Luckily, he wasn't much snowed in. Every step he took on the snow covered sidewalk, his boots sink onto it. Even though it was kind of hard to lift it off and take another step, like a baby making its first ever steps, he was willing to do anything to take a bite of the delicious snack he always crave of everyday.

Once he arrived to his destination, he was greeted by the fresh, delicious and warm aroma of newly baked bread and cakes. The smell lingering around the room. The brunette couldn't help but let his mind daze off at the hipnotizing smell.

" Jisung-ah! You came right in time! " a man around his late 40's called out the brunette's name. He got out of his daydreams and smiled at the man as he approached him who was behind the counter. The man smiled back before he turned around to get more supply and bread.

" The usual? " he asked as his back was facing Jisung, who replied with a joyful hum. " Definitely, Mr. Beomseok. "

With only a few seconds, Beomseok came back to him with his order wrapped in a paper bag. He handed it to him and in exchange, Jisung handed him the exact payment. As he was about to exit through the door, he was stopped when Beomseok called out for him one more time. " So soon? It's freezing outside. "

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