A Mother's Sacrifice

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I do not own DxD, pictures, or Luna.

-Grey Pov-

I lean on the outside of an abandoned factory. "Where the hell is she?" I asked myself looking to the setting sun. I heard footsteps approaching from the booth to my left, looking to it I see my mother walking with her 9 tails out. "Mother..." I say and she looks to me. "Son..." she says quietly. "I see you came by yourself like I asked." She said and I looked at her. "And I see you did as well." I say and she nodded. "Now what do you want?" I asked with a bit of attitude. "To talk...walk with me." She says walking into the building with me right beside her. "So how have you been?" She asked and I looked at her like she grew a second head. "I've been....uh....well I guess." I say and she nods. "Eating healthy? What about hygiene? Not causing any fights are you?" She asked in a motherly tone which scared me a little. "Yeah Asia cooks all the time, I keep myself clean whenever I need to or can, I try not to. Are you okay? I thought the entire family wanted me dead?" I asked and she looked down at the floor. "Yes we did. But not because of you, but what your parents did." She said and I looked away. "You won't tell me will you?" I asked and she put a hand on my shoulder. "No I cannot. It's better if you didn't know little pup." She said and I shrugged off her hand. "I went back to Garrista." I tell her. "I know...your spirits told me." She said and I scoffed. "They are not MY spirits let alone friends." I say angrily and she sighs. "You will have to forgive them at some point son." She says and I growl. "I'll forgive them when they are dead at my feet." I say and she sighs again. "What was the point of you calling me here?" I ask a little bit calmer. "To let you know that I am sorry for being the worst caregiver ever." She said to my surprise. "After you ran off and killed your sister I was pissed at you...wanted you dead. The first year we hunted you I was blinded by rage, but then I slowly began to see it was all my fault. I was scared of your parents and mad at your mother for what she did...i took all of that out on you, and it changed my family to a dark path. You were put through so much torture due to my fear. So I sent Satriana, Freya, and Salem to look after you. But when they came to me recently they saw your brother eavesdropping and lied about your power. I just want you to know that I'm sorry and I don't expect forgiveness right away but I will work my way towards it." She said and I smile. "Don't worry I'm sure my life could have been worse." I say and she smiles at me. We then hear clapping and a dickheadish laughing. "Well isn't this just too cute? A horrible mother reconnecting with her wayward son. Let's see if you two can put up a decent fight." The man said. "Be careful son this is Kokabiel. A general in the Fallen's ranks." Mom said and I growl. I see her send a small flame out the window and dropped into her personal stance. "Grey. We have to be 100% in this fight ok." She said and I nodded. He summoned some light spears and shot them our way. I sprinted forward as mother began throwing wind blades. As I grew closer the dickhead summoned one the size of a semitruck, he then threw it directly at me, I backflip away only for the force of impact to launch me back. Mom caught me in her tails and we retreated outside. "Damn bastard. I'll RIP his fucking wings off one by one!" I say through gritted teeth. He comes out laughing and my blood boils. "I'm going to tear your tongue out and feed it to you!" I yell summoning fire in my right hand. "Oh? Please come and try." He said with a sly smile. I run as fast as I can and punched him in the jaw, his head turned, he grabbed me by the throat, and he looked me dead in the eyes. "That was some serious power in there. But that temper caused you to lose focus." He said throwing me back and summoned a spear. I landed with a grunt, he shot the spear at me, I closed my eyes waiting for the pain. When it didn't come I opened my eyes to see my mother. "No one hurts my baby." She said as the spear disappeared. I caught her as she fell. "Now you die together!" He yelled before being struck by lightning. "Back off you disgusting crow!" I heard Freya scream as the three of them jumped in front of us. "What?" I asked confused about their sudden appearance. "Your mother requested back up. Just hang back and relax." Salem said. I stand with my mother's arm over my shoulder. As I looked down at her I see her pooling her blood in her hand, I heard her chanting softly. "Mother?" I asked before she looked me in the eyes. "I'll give you my power, so you will always know I'm with you." She said and before I could respond, she forced me to drink her blood. "Girls! Stay with him and don't leave his side again!" She yelled and the three of them grabbed me and dragged me away.

-Terra pov-

I turned back to Kokabiel who was now wearing a serious face. "That was so cute it's sickening." He said. I looked back to where Grey and the girls were. "I have given you my powers son. Now I will use what little I have left to protect you my pup." I say looking back at the old crow. "Do they really think they'll get away?" He asked and I turn and throw basketball sized fireball at him. He moves and looks down to me. "I see you still have some fight in you." He said before I let him grab my throat, he lifts me in the air and smiles. "Oh well. It seems our play time is over." He said and I smile. "Yes...yes it is." I tell him before I used my claws to stab into his arm, he screamed in pain but I quickly moved to his back. "Goodbye Grey. Find your real mother...and find out the truth." I say as the bastard kept trying to throw me off. I gathered the elemental energy around me and turned myself into a bomb. "And while your at it....end my bloodline please." I said before the energy reached it's limits.

-Grey pov-

I looked back at the factory one last time before I broke free from the girls, I ran as fast as I could at the moment back to help mom. Only when it came into full view did it explode. "No!" I yell as the force of the explosion threw me back on my ass. "Grey...we are so sorry." Freya said as she put her hand on my shoulder. "...let's go home girls..." I say sadly and we walk away.

-Terra POV-

I grunt and groan as I start to stand. 'How am I alive?' I thought as I saw the old crow start to shift, I quickly hide under some rubble. "That dumb bitch took my arm." He growled out before laughing. "That means her son will be more of a challenge." He said before flying off. 'I'll lay low for a while. When I regain my strength I will rejoin the fight.' I thought before slipping away. 'I hope you enjoy two extra tails my son and I'm sorry for the pain.'I thought before summoning a circle home.

-Grey POV-

We had just teleported to the ORC lobby. "Grey!" I hear Koko yell and I couldn't respond due to the immense pain in my back. I soon blacked out from the pain.

-Koneko pov-

"Master Grey!" I hear Karlamine yell as we rushed to his side. We could see his back muscles spasm before two brand new tails burst from his back. "What happened?" I heard miss Akazima ask looking at the three girls. They looked down before Satriana stepped forward. She soon explained how everything went from when they showed up to now. Grey is the only one who can fill us in now.

-Grey pov 3 days later-

I awoke to see Aurora in the chair by my bed. I slowly sit up and shake her awake, she woke up and glared at me. "Do you know how much you worried-" I didn't let her finish as I hugged her and cried into her shoulder. "She died for me." I sobbed out and she wrapped her arms around me. "I know Grey they told us." She said and I hug her closely. "Can you lay with me?" I asked her as she smiled and crawled into bed with me. "I'll keep you safe. Just stay behind me." She says as I drift back off to sleep."

-Luna POV-

I sit against Yasaka totally exhausted and sweaty. Yasaka leaned against me her breasts all on my back. "I love a woman who takes getting stronger seriously." She said and I blush. "W-what are you talking about?" I stutter and she snakes her arms around me. "Y-Yasaka!" I say a bit startled at her advance. Just then an image of Grey fighting his mother. "Grey!" I yell and Yasaka had a serious face. "Is he okay?" She asked. "I dunno..." I say in thought at the vision. "I'm sure he's fine." She said kissing my neck. "What are y-you doing?" I ask "I'm going to relieve your stress. Now lay back." She said pushing me down on my stomach and pressing into my back muscles. "Oh that's good." I say as she gives me a massage.

-Alright after this chapter we will be getting back on track with some story. Luna will rejoin the group within 2 or 3 chapters. Later friends-

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