The Primordial Power

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I do not own DxD, Luna, Kate, or Gin.

-Kaizen Pov-

As my claws met with Masamune and Yamato i smiled at Gin. Grabbing his swords i slam my head into his causing Gin to stumble. I spin and kick his chest sending him back. A quick flash indicates he teleported, rolling to my left i dodge five fireballs. Turning I'm hit back with a huge jet of water. I hear the crackling of electricity and smirk. Using Grey's speed mixed with a little of my own we move behind Gin. "Damn!" Gin says as he tries to react. He turns only to receive my leg in his stomach. He slides back and rolls to his feet. "I never forget a fight Gin." I tell him and he smiles. "Guess i can't hold back anymore." He says and i smile. We raise our fists ready for hand to hand. We jump at high speeds and our fists collide causing the earth to crack. He swung his fist making me redirect it and push my palm on his chest. I spin and kick at his head, he catches it and throws me over his shoulder. I flip and land on my feet, summoning a wall of wind to block his lightning. I can see him gathering his elements in his hand. "You will explain yourself!" He yells angrily and i smirk. "Alright." I say and he stops in shock. "What?" He asks confused as I smile.

"You wish to know why i chose Grey?" I ask him and he nods. I deform my armor as he sheaths his swords. I smile at him and walk beside him. I open my mouth to speak but was immediately interrupted. "Grey!" We turn and my face was shoved into some extremely soft breasts. "I was so worried! They wouldn't let me come help!" She sobs. "Mother!" I hear two voices shout and i realize it was Venelana and the two kids. I escape her grasp and smile at her. "Lady Gremory i assure you Grey's body is unharmed." I tell her and she steps back and stares into my amber eyes. "My name is Kaizen. I am the main reason Grey has lived through the years." I explain and she smiles at me. "Now why did you pick my student?" Gin asks and i laugh loudly. "As you know Gin i can see a little into the future of my possible hosts. You would think after years of abuse and finding out he was abandoned would break him. But he never faltered in his belief. But without my help he would have died in Garrista. Someone like him shouldn't die so young. I also know that you would be hesitant to kill your favorite student. Now you know why i pick my hosts." I explain and Gin sighs. "He's a good kid...after you break him out of his shell." Gin says with a laugh.


I met Gin on the balcony. "Grey?" He asks and i shake my head. "It's me Gin." I say and he nods. "What is it Kaizen?" He asks me and i sigh. "The other Primordial's...they are starting a free-for-all with our hosts. So Grey and i are target's. He is strong but not enough. I'm going to pump my power through his body until it collapses. Then once this whole thing with the Chaos Brigade is squashed. I will need you and Luna to help him. You two are the only one's i can trust with our lives." I tell him as Luna walks from around the corner. "Thank you for trusting me." She says and i laugh. "No nervousness?" I ask and she smiles. "You're in Grey's body so i just imagine I'm talking to him." She says and i nod before a black aura surrounded Grey. "This is going to hurt alot." I say forcing my power through Grey's veins. Soon three tails burst from his back as i gasp in pain. "D-Damn." I say in pain as the twelve tails sway lightly. "Goodluck." I say before blacking out.

-Gin pov-

I quickly catch Grey and sigh. "Just like before." I say and Luna laughs softly. "He was so innocent." She says and i smile. "Yes he was. Now it is time to train him for this war." I tell her and she summons her Naginata. "The four of us will be unstoppable." I hear my wife say as she snakes her arms around me. "I'll take him." Luna says and runs off with Grey. "You always were so protective of him." She says and i smile.

-Sirzechs pov-

I was escorting Mother and Rias to their rooms as we see Luna. Mother quickly walks over. "What happened to him?" She asks as i see the blood dripping from Grey's tails. "Kaizen forced some power into him." She explains as the they walk off. Mother turns to us with an angry glare. "You two aren't even concerned about your future Father's life?!" She asks angrily shocking us. "You two are grounded!" She says and walks into Grey's room. "W-What?" Rias asks and i shake my head confused.

-sorry it was a shorty. This was kinda a filler to explain something's. I will also be working on a new book. Also next chapter the baby girl will be born.-

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