Part 1

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Chapter 1: The first night

When Astrid next woke up she found herself staring at an unfamiliar ceiling. She blinked, trying to will the grogginess away and reached up to feel her head which she noted was now bandaged.

"Oye! Ruff! She's awake!" Someone called out causing Astrid to sit up too quickly. There was a brief moment of nausea and Astrid covered her mouth with her hand just in case. She blinked as the room came into view, the blurriness all gone.

"Yo, thank goodness you're alright." A blonde woman with her long hair braided in twin ponytails walked up next to her. "I'm Ruffnut, one of the concierges here."

"Where is here?" Astrid asked with a frown.

"Dante's Resort of course," Ruffnut answered. "The ferry got hit with several rogue waves and you got swept overboard when you reached out to help one of the other passengers. You had a nasty bump on the head but Dr. Queen assured everyone that you would be fine."

Astrid blinked. She could hardly remember the journey here. One minute she was boarding, the next she was washed up on a beach. It was then that she noticed something else. She was wearing different clothes. "Did you change my clothes?"

"Oh, yes," Ruffnut said. "Dr. Queen said it was imperative that you not stay in wet clothes. And you were out for several hours."

"Is everyone else alright?" Astrid then asked.

Ruffnut nodded and then said "They already checked in and should be heading to dinner soon. You may join them after you feel better or just rest here more if you want."

"I think I'll join them," Astrid said as she went to stand up. Ruffnut was hovering nearby in case she fainted again. "Where am I anyway?" She then asked as she looked at the white room which housed a lot of medical equipment.

"This the hotel Infirmary," Ruffnut explained as she led Astrid through several doors. They ended up coming out in the lobby and waiting area. The opulence of the reception room actually took Astrid's breath away. The walls looked to be made of solid oak and the room in its entirety gave off a feeling of the Victorian era. On the walls were paintings of famous people and there were also several busts of marble around the room. Astrid recognized some of them.

"Homer, Plato, Heraclitus," Astrid named some.

"You know your historical figures," Ruffnut let out an impressed whistle as they approached the reception desk.

"She can get to know me too," Astrid turned around to see a somewhat short man behind the reception desk wiggling his eyebrows at her in what was supposed to be a suggestive gesture. It wasn't.

"Snotlout, please check the lady in and don't hit on the guests." Ruffnut admonished. "You know he doesn't like you doing that."

"Who's he?" Astrid asked with a frown.

"The hotel owner," the receptionist answered with air quotes. "Honestly, this isn't a hotel. It's Hell OUCH!" Ruffnut had kicked him in the shin and then started the check-in procedures herself instead.

"Your suitcase is here in the lobby. I'll have our bellboy bring it up to your room." Ruffnut said as she typed away on the computer. "Here you go. Your room is on the 7th floor right next to Mr. and Mrs. Preston."

Astrid nodded. She was still on the job after all. Being close to her employers' room was beneficial. Ruffnut then leaned in a bit as she handed Astrid a red and black keycard and a map of the hotel and grounds. "The owner was extremely sorry for the injuries you sustained on your way here and asked us to upgrade you to our Royal Suite."

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