The Guilty Mind

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It was during my time in Aincrad that my personality shifted and began to question myself and those around me, for my time trapped in that virtual world was a life changing experience for not only me but thousands of others. Like this game I too had started off as something sweet and innocent as seen by the naked eye, but as the months of survival dragged on I went through an evolution within myself that rotted me to my very core and altered my perception of the world around me. My name is Takeshi, and this story is about the time I killed another player.

It happened during the December of the first year while trapped inside Aincrad, the time of year when men and women would lay down their weapons and embrace each other with a sense of holiday spirit, that didn't happen to me. I was making my way down a dirt road on the far side of the 35th floor, or at least I think it was dirt, the snow was thick and falling fast in an attempt to blanket the road entirely and cause travellers to lose their way. On my person I was wearing a large cloak with a hood that shielded my eyes from the cold, and across my shoulders was the pelt of a creature I had killed earlier this year and had fashioned into something to keep me warm, but in this weather it felt as though the difference was naught. I was keeping my arms close to my chest to keep myself warm and my legs were slowly trudging through the snow trying to cover some ground. As I continued on what was starting to look like a lost cause, I was delighted to see in the distance the warm flicker of lights that shone brightly through the winter's darkness and with hope now in my eyes I briskly stated to walk towards the golden glow. When I came face the face with the source of the light, I discovered that it was in fact the interior lighting of a small tavern that was escaping through the windows and into the night. Thankfully I was able to find the entrance with the help of a lantern that was hung above the door and gently swinging as the wind blew past it, the door itself was large and made of a thick dark oak that was perfect for keeping out the cold, and in the centre of the door was a large door knocker that had been fashioned into the head of a boar with opals for its dark eyes that stared at me as approached the door. With eagerness I pushed the door inwards expecting to see happy faces huddled around an open fire, accompanied by good food and something warm to drink. But to my surprise I was greeted by a different sight.

As I closed the door behind me I took in sight of the room that I was now in, I removed my cloak and placed it carefully on a hook to my right, revealing myself to those who now had their gazes fixed upon me. I was what I thought was an average height, but my build was far stronger than anyone who I had met in that world or in the real one. With large arms that resembled trees I was able to easily wield the greatsword I wore on my back with grace and fluidity, but I also wore a small dagger on my hip for quicker combat needs. I wore tanned leather armour on my torso, shoulder pads made of steel and a pair of vambraces to match, black leggings and leather boots, all of my gear looked beaten and aged, but still able to protect me none the less. The final features of my armour were several straps made of black leather that were used to hold the weapons I used to hunt and defend myself. With thick stubble that defined the rest of my face, I had a broad brow and a nose that was almost flat against my face and a pair of thick eyebrows that sat above my amber eyes. The hair that capped the top of my head was jet black, with a length that fell down the base of my neck and a fringe that stopped when my eyes began. With my cloak in its place I started to walk further into the room and glance at the other players, the room had a series of booths that had a round table and seat that could hold about six people with segregations between every booth for added privacy and an added sense of security. In total there were eight booths that started in one corner and followed the wall around to the back of the room. In the centre of the room was a large open hearth that was burning bright enough the fill the room with enough light to see everyone who was in front of me. Opposite to the booths was a bar that was being worked by a young girl who was frantically trying to make herself look busy, there was also a man sat at the bar but her was slumped over in a deep sleep, his hand still clasped around an empty glass. Making my way through the room I saw various other players who were sitting quietly to themselves, not fuelling any of the atmosphere I would have expected to find in a tavern late at night. But as I continued t walk I noticed that all of them were quickly turning their heads to uncomfortably glance towards the back of the back of the room, and as I approached the hearth I saw what they were all looking with scared looks on their faces. In the booth that was placed in the corner of the room sat an unruly group of "Red Players", those who kill others for sport and the stuff of nightmares for the rest of us. From the looks of it there were four of them, all of them dressed in dark clothing and rusted armour which looked beyond threatening. As I made my way towards them I was able to get a decent enough glance at the shadowy group to see what they were doing.

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