E I G H T|| Encounter

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I think this may be our first and last Encounter

As the car starts its engine Jihun's word flashes through my mind. What will they do if they'll knew? Will they be disgusted on me? Will they be ashamed being my son?

I guess not, they are not like that. I try so hard to erase that thoughts in my mind.

The whole ride went short for me, even though it is a long ride but for me it went short cause all i did was look through the window admiring the view not noticing the time is passing fast. While sleping is the only thing the kids do the whole ride.

As the car parked, i woke the kids up and Tidy the car up. The kids now are finally awaked "Kids! Pleasee behave we will be meeting your grandpa, as you go inside greet him a good evening and Kiss him in the cheeks okay?" They nodded and went down running towards the front door.

I followed them with my Gucci bag on my hands. As the body guards take cares of our luggage. I must say that Dad is back here in Daegu after being away from Korea for so long.

The front door opens and it showed a woman on her 40's. I plastered a confused look and i look at my kids and they had the same expression on their faces as i had in my face.

Due to total confusion i don't have words to say but i still manage to greet the woman a "good evening".
"Good evening may i know who are they?" She laughed and looked at me from head to toe.

"Are you the Daughter of Jungkyun? You didn't look bad at all though." She continue to laugh after she said those words. It hurts my pride though, wasn't she expecting that i would be here in front of her face? Wasn't she informed that i'm the daughter of his "So-Called H-U-S-B-A-N-D"?

"Yes i am? And are you the mistress of my beloved father? The woman who wore around my father's house?" There it goes I'm satisfied now. As i said those words her face went shocked, for maybe she didn't now i can fight back more like talk back.

"Hey is that what you're mother thought you? To disrespect older people?" I laughed at her statement.

"First of all my mom thought me not to disrespect older people, but as for what i have see you don't need respect for you yourself didn't also respect other people. Lastly don't ever drag my mom in our conversation or else i can be your enemy wether you like it or not." I rolled my eyes at her and looked at my sons and i told them to go inside, But that woman stops them from getting in.

"Who says that they can come in? This is my house and they need my permission in order for me to allow them to come inside." Gosh this WOMAN is getting on my nerves.

"Ohhh is it? I don't see your names written in the wall of my DAD's house. For your information you're just his second wife, I don't acknowledge you as his wife though, cause you don't deserve to be called Mrs. Song. Know your place, and let the sons of his DAUGHTER in." I emphasised the word DAD and DAUGHTER. I leave her there speechless while me and my sons went inside and look for my Dad.

As i was looking around i heard footsteps from the staircase and saw my dad coming down the stairs. I smiled and waited for him to fully come down. I told my children to greet dad a good evening. They run and embraces him, Dad look so happy and he looks at me with are-they-my-grandsons look. I nodded and he embraces them as well. As they finished i embraces my dad too and greet him.

After such an embrace Minhu whines at me telling me he wants to lay down in bed while Taemin is Showing signs that he's tired. I chuckled and asked my dad to let my children rest for they have been in such a long trip.

Dad asked the maids to take the kids in a guest room so that they can take their rest and i asked my dad if he is doing okay.

"Long time no see Dad, how have you been? Are you feeling okay? Are you doing fine?" I looked at his Woman as I question him. Suspecting that he wasn't doing well due to my predictions and expectations on his Woman.

"I'm doing fine and i am feeling totally okay Hyujin-ah. I'm glad you came and you brought your sons." I smiled in satisfaction that he is feeling okay.

"No problem Dad i missed you it has been 5 years since we last met each other, i'm sorry for that Dad. I wish i've been right by your side to Take care of you." I sighed and hugged him tightly.

"It's okay No need to worry about me and besides, Yeejin is here to take care of me. Hyujin I want you met my wife Lee Yeejin." My dad introduces his so called W-I-F-E.

That woman is such a fake, she smiles and greeted me good evening. "Annyeong Hyujin-ah, my pleasure to finally meeting you i am Lee Yeejin." What a nice show Woman. I rolled my eyes at her and also introduces myself at her.

"Annyeong, it's not bad meeting you. I'm Song Hyujin the daughter of Song Jungkyun." I faked my smile and look at my Dad "Dad i want to introduce you to your Grandsons" he smiles and i asked the maid to call the two boys.

Not long after Minhu showed up with his favorite Blue Pajamas while Taemin is in his Bunny onesies. My dad laughed at their cuteness. "Dad this is Taemin the first born and this is Minhu the second born-" i fished my phone in my pocket to show him a picture of Jihun. "And this is the last born Jihun."

Dad smiles and look at the two and Jihun at the phone. "Hmmmm i can see some of your feature in Taemin and your dimple in Minhu and a little features of you in Jihun. I must say that they are all handsome and i'm sorry to say this Honey but i think your sons got their looks from their dad, especially Minhu he's so handsome. But all of them are handsome."

I expected to here it though, "Haha don't ever mention it dad i know it already that they all got their look from their Dad-" In the middle of our conversation someone interrupted us.

"Sorry to interrupt you hun, but i need to introduce Soyun my daughter towards Hyujin." Dad just let her introduces her Daughter.

"Is it okay Hyujin?" She asks me and i just shrugged. "Okay Song Hyujin i want you to meet Hwang Soyun my Daughter." I smiled at Soyun. Well not a real smile as usual, i faked my smile at her.

"Annyeong Hyujin-ah i heard a lot about you from Dad, and i listen to your songs when you're still promoting. I'm currently engaged at one of the Top CEO in Korea and i'm 21 years old turning 22 this upcoming week."

She smiles and i can tell that it's a fake smile and she's not sincere from what she had just said. By the way who is she calling Dad? My Dad? Huhhhh she has the guts though, and who's interested if she's engage with the top CEO in Korea? As if I'm interested, she's just showing off. I just rolled my eyes in my thoughts.

"Hi i'm Song Hyujin, former member of The Girl Group LD'sZ which you stated that you were listening to our songs. I'm currently working at one of the Top Building in Korea and i'm currently 22." I introduce and again faked smile. "Not bad meeting you." I added.

After such a long introduction We finally had our dinner and me and my kids went to our room which is previously my room and is now the Guest Room. I entered and reminisces the memories we built in here, the memories i had and built in my room.

I can say that Dad didn't let anyone touches and remove some of the things stored in my room for it has a sentimental value and i can tell that Dad prepared my room for our Visit. I miss sleeping here, and staying here.

My thoughts and moments cuts off when Taemin Yawned besides me, signaling me he is sleeppy. "Taemin-ah go to sleep now, and mommy will go to sleep too after you go to sleep." He nodded and Put himself into sleep beside a snoring Minhu.

To Be Continue

The CEO's Sequestered Lady A Kim Taehyung FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now