•thirty four•

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frowning, i shuffle backwards so i could look at nikki properly. a limo began forming in my throat as i think about what he just said to me
       "don't you think it's too soon?" i as cautiously, i knew if i said the wrong thing it would cause a problem.
examining nikki, i watch as he kicks his feet along the floor his hands placed behind his back. he slowly brings his eyes to mine and shakes his head no,
       "it's been two years lizzie..." he trails off, "i think we're both ready and prepared to be parents." looking at him i go to mention his drug abuse, "minus the drugs."
       "if that's what you really want nikki, but don't feel you have to just because i want them."
both of us stand around the decking and discuss babies, nikki seemed genuinely happy about trying again and both of us wanting them this time.
doc sits there patiently waiting for my return, nikki and i walk in beaming. doc looks us both up and with with suspicion placing his mug back down,
       "do i even want to know what the two of you are smiling about?" nikki and i look at each other,
       "we're going to try for a baby again." nikki says proudly, i nod in agreement.
doc looks at us a bit shocked, confused, "are you sure that's a good idea? especially with everything going on at the minute?"
i frown at doc, "yea, nikki and i both think we're ready to try again." i pause, "we're both going to be more careful from now on, aren't we?" i say, my last words stern, nikki nods a reply.
      "when are you going to begin trying?"
     "soon as possible." nikki says to him, "lizzie might be pregnant for the wedding but she's chill with that, right angel?" nikki looks at me.
i anticipate my answer, but give a slight nod, "yea, i'm sure i can get my dress altered."
doc looks at me, he examines my body language but gives a slight nod at my response,
       "if you're both happy, then go for it."
nikki and i look at each other and smile, nikki leans down and kisses me gently on the lips.
       "let's get down to buisness." nikki smirks.
tutting, i playfully slap his chest and roll my eyes. nikki laughs and squeezes his arms around me tightly making me squeal for air.
doc begins packing his things away and stands up, "i'll leave you to it." he smiles letting himself out. looking at nikki i hug him,
       "you know you're preventing me from my business?" i say laughing,
      "you won't be complaining soon." he smirks, picking me up and running me up the stairs.
nikki lays me on the bed and he towers over me, his breath hot on my skin, intoxicating fumes dance around me. his lips gently graze mine making me whine for more.

      "do you think it worked?" nikki asked panting, he flops his body down next to mine. i laugh and looks at him shaking my head,
      "erm most likely." i say laughing at him, "i mean that's how sex normally works."
nikki lets of a huff, his sweaty chest exhaling loudly, looking at him slightly he looks down,
"it's weird to think we might be parents."
i laugh slightly, "i guess it is."
we both lay in bed, our sweaty bodies sticking to the thin sheets. i begin to grow annoyed with the stickiness so i ran a warm shower. rubbing lavender shower gel over my body, bubbles foam, a bubble slips close to my nose making me sneeze.
sitting on the edge of the bath i heard nikki's footsteps run around the landing, opening the door i peer around the door, his leather jacket in one hand and a boot in the other, he looks up at me frantically looking at me,
"have you seen my other boot?" he asks looking around even more, looking to the corner of the landing i point,
"it's over there."
nikki runs and grabs it, kissing me in a hurry. looking in the back of his pocket i notice a wad of cash rammed in there. my heart drops a little, i knew his dealer was in town but i was hoping he wouldn't want any tonight.
sighing, i walk into our room and scan my wardrobe pulling out a pair of leather trousers, nikki's leopard print shirt and some red heals. quickly curling my hair i do my makeup and run out to a club.

the music blared around me and bounced off of walls, heat swarmed and clung into bodies, i could feel nikki's shirt clinging to my body. i balance a wine glass in my hand as i dance around with people, our bodies touching progressively making us al warmer. feeling a tap on my shoulder i turn around and see a familiar face, frowning i double check that it was them,
       "haley?" i shout over the music.
we pull each other into a hug, looking at her i examine her. haley and i were friends back in england tweedle dumb and tweedle dee my dad used to call us, "what are you doing here?" i shout again,
      "i would ask you the same but everyone knows why you're here." she smiles, "i'm here to find my rockstar boyfriend too, can you hook me up?" she asks laughing, i nod knowing just the right person for her,
"yea, if we leave now he might still be at the bar with the guys."
grabbing her hand i put her out into the warm air of april, i shout for a taxi and we both clamber into it.
"where to ladies?" the driver asks peeping at us in the mirror,
"whiskey a-go-go please." i smile.
pulling up into the club lights we stand outside lighting a fag, haley looks at me blowing smoke into my face
"tell me about him then." she asks excitedly,
"well, he's almost famous." she looks at me, "he might give you slash vibes and he's british." i watch her as she nods taking notes,
"what's his name?" she asks.
"you can ask him yourself."
stepping into the club, i walk over to their booth, haley's hand sweaty with nerves. i give her a squeeze, nikki looks me up and down as we approach them,
"that's my fucking shirt." nikki says,
"suits me better though." i wink at him sitting on his lap and throwing my arm around his shoulders. he gives me a kiss, haley stands there awkwardly, "guys, this is my friend haley, haley this is motley crue and razzle."
glancing at razzle i watch as he licks his lips looking her up and down. both haley and raz were both quirky in their different ways, they had similar hair too. razzle scoots across the booth making room for her, he drapes an arm across her shoulder and begins talking to her immediately.
nikki gently rugs on the collar of his shirt that i was wearing, his finger tips gently tracing my collar bones. nikki's lips meet my neck and his teeth dig into my skin, i gasp slightly. razzle and haley both run off to the toilets, i sit and smirk to myself shaking my head and laughing.
"we might not be able to do that for nine months." i laugh.
nikki frowns at me, pissed off with my comment.

thank you all for 3K views, that's immense, you're all so great thank you!
also hope you all had a great halloween, sorry that there wasn't an update yesterday i was super busy...
thank you :)

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