Chapter Six: End of First Mission

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The drive back to the alley was interesting. Skye had sat in the passenger seat quietly for the first part of it. It had gotten dark since they had left the plane. After the first couple of minutes of very subtle glances her way, Skye finally says frustrated "If you have something to say just say it." She was usually rather patient but the migraine that she had was getting worse from being around May.

May glance over and says "You are an unknown variable. For all we know you could be sabotaging us."

"I know the risk that powered people like Mike have to deal with. It is not a pretty reality. Do you realize the risk I am taking by just letting SHIELD know what Centipede is? I am not just a stupid hacker. You do not know my story. So stop acting like you do." Skye said angrily. She rubbed her temple as the migraine grew. She began to limit her power except for the empathetic ability. She was not going to let that edge go.

May just gave her a look before turning her full attention on the road. Skye could feel the irritation as well as curiosity coming off of May. Skye hoped that she had not given too much of herself away from her rant. She really did need learn to keep her mouth shut when she had these headaches.

The rest of the drive was rather silent. Thankfully May has parked her in the exact spot she needed to be in before exiting the car at the same time Skye did. Skye opened the side door and began to mess with all of her equipment. She pulled out her phone and called the number she knew was Fitz.

She quickly got the files together just as Fitz picked up the phone.

"This is Fitz." He said casually.

Skye sighed and says "It's Skye. I am just decrypting the files know. Give me a few minutes and they should be ready to sent."

"Ok let me give you the receiving destination information for you," Fitz said absentmindedly.

Skye was tempted to just hack her way into their server to give the information but didn't since she could feel Agent May watching her very carefully. Once she inputted the info Fitz gave her she smiled. "Audio files should be coming through. It's not compressed so it might take a minute." She said before listening to Fitz's nervous but excited babbling.

Skye hung up her phone before turning back to her computer. She began to encrypt her files in a different way so the information she gave them was obsolete.

When May looked away to check the surroundings she moved the notepads near her computer to reveal some SD cards. She picked up a couple knowing exactly what was on them. It was her info on herself using the code name that the people had called her that she had found, as well as some backups of the programs she had written to help her dig up more on herself. She tucked them into a hidden little pocket she had made in her bra.

"That should do it," Skye said as she closed her laptop. She made her voice cheerful as she made it seem that all she needed was time at her computer to make her be in a better mood.

"Let's head back," May said gently.

"All right, let me just..." Skye began as she turned towards May. Just then Mike dropped down and attacked May. Skye tense in preparation to defend herself as he knocked out May by throwing her into a wall.

"Mike! What are you doing?" Skye asked incredulously.

"I need your help. You are going to help save us." Mike said. He seemed to be paranoid about something.

"Us?" Skye asked. She could already sense his son before he pulled him into view. Skye looked at the scared little boy and knew that she had to somehow get Coulson and his team to her location. She climbed into the driver's seat as she listened to Mike talks to his son. He then ordered her to drive. She could almost touch the anger, and tension that Mike was giving off.

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