Chapter Five: First Mission Debrief

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Skye smiled as she walked out of the cage that held a sleeping Ward. She had looked up the drug and knew that it was real but it was not too potent. She also could tell that Ward had not given her any information that was above Level 1. Even after spending an hour of time alone with Ward. She still felt something off about him and came to the conclusion to keep an eye on him.

She looked around the area as she made her way towards Coulson. She sighed and hoped that she could stay. She would be constantly on the move with this team. It would help her remain hidden from those looking for her.

She found Coulson in the command center. He turned towards her. She noticed the camera of the cage being played on the main screen.

"Did Ward give you anything?" Coulson asked as he noticed her walk in.

"He told me he's been to Paris, but he's never really seen it. And that he wishes you had stayed in Tahiti." Skye said simply. She looked at Coulson curiously. She has trying to get a good read on him.

"It's a magical place." He said instantly after she had mentioned Tahiti.

Skye looked at him curiously. That response seemed a little too automatic to her. It was almost like he didn't know why he was saying that.

"Ward doesn't like your style. Kind of think I do." Skye said while looking around the plane. She was actually accessing the area in the quick look around it.

"What about his?" Coulson asked with a bit of a sad tone to the voice.

Skye looked at the screen and instantly began to look mentally through the plane's system. She looked at the video and then says "This is wrong. This is not ... the guy I met. He was... He just needs a break."

"Then give him one. What have you got?" Coulson said while looking at her seriously.

Skye mentally sighed as she realized that she played right into his hands with this one. She reached into her pocket and pulled out the driver's license she had pickpocketed from Mike.

Coulson smiled at her and says "Thank you, Skye."

"What are you going to do to him?" Skye asked tentatively. She wanted to know how Coulson would handle her if he ever found out about her powers. She hid her nervousness behind her mask. She only was allowing him to see what she wanted him too.

"We are going to try and help him. If he really just needs a break then we will do everything we can do." Coulson said as he looked at her curiously. He seemed to almost be able to read her even though she is not letting much through her mask. She could feel his curiosity about her growing. She just hoped he wouldn't dig too far yet.

"So what am I supposed to do now? I mean I can't get back to my van. You have all of my equipment as well. Is there any place I can relax here on the plane?" Skye asked in an almost bored tone as she put the license onto the command center smart table.

"You can go sit over there until my team gets back from the scene," Coulson said as he pointed to the couch near the kitchen.

Skye nods and walked over to the couch. She saw the kitchen and wondered into it curiously. She had not been a full kitchen like this since she was staying at Miles' place. She looked at each of the appliances. She had to push down the urge to cook something.

She finally went back to the couch after walking through the kitchen. She laid down on it after taking off her shoes. She closed her eyes and if anyone looked at her it would seem like she was asleep. Really she was mentally looking into each of Coulson's team members. She was hyper aware of her surroundings since she had her eyes closed. She could feel the vibrations around her as well as the emotions of those around her.

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