Chapter Four: SHIELD

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(AN: the baby grows slower when alpha and omega aren't together. So Daisy maybe 4 months pregnant but only looks 2 months pregnant.)

The next day Daisy woke up early as always. She kept a mental eye out on her computer and the systems around her when she went for her morning run. She was trying to keep herself in shape while pregnant. She had figured out that she knew how to fight when a drunk guy had followed her from a laundry mat once. She had hacked a gym nearby for a membership so she had a place to do more than just running.

It was nearly lunch time when she made it back to her Van. She quickly changed into some casual clothes and went to sit on the bench that she knew the hooded hero would pass in a little over an hour. It gave her time to come up with a cover story for when SHIELD would finally came and got her.

Just as she finished going over the story she had come up with for the 3rd time the guy walked past her. She slowly and indiscreetly followed him to the diner that her van was parked next too. She waited a bit before making her way into the diner and approaching him.

Skye had thought of how to approach him earlier. She didn't want to scare him or shock him when she approached him. She had decided it was better if she didn't seem too professional but instead of trying to get him to go to SHIELD. She would have use reverse physiology.

Daisy sat down in the booth across from the man. She tried to talk to him about being a hero but all her efforts seem to just slide past him. When he tried to move away she followed and quickly picked his pocket for his ID. She let him go after that. She knew that he probably was not going to SHIELD with the way he was acting.

She sighed and looked at the driver's license. A small pang of sadness went through her as she realized that she would never have a real legit one of of these. She pushed the thought away as she made her way back to her van. She had planned to leave another breadcrumb today for SHIELD to find.

Daisy began to put together another video. She hated this part. She really did not agree with what the Rising Tide was mainly about. She had used a voice-altering program for her recorded voice. She just felt very paranoid about putting her real voice out on the net but she had no clue why.

She was in the middle of recording when she suddenly felt a couple of people approach her van. She could feel their surprise when they came upon it. Daisy smirked and quietly snuck out of her van. She got behind them as they opened her van door.

"Oh no it is empty," Daisy says sarcastically as she stood behind them leaning against the wall.
Skye dodged the punch from the younger agent as they turned around. She made no move to attack them. She sighed and stood still.

"Why are you two wearing suits? Going to something formal?" She asked. The pair of agents did not respond to her question. The younger agent quickly moved forward to put a black bag over her head.

She had to stop herself from attacking the younger agent when he quickly put the black bag over her. Her instincts put her on high alert as they began to transport her to their base.

She counted the amounts of turn and knew exactly how far away they had traveled from her van. She reached out with her mind once they arrived at the airport. She smirked under the bag as she read each of their files. Really she only read the basics to know what she was dealing with. She would go more in depth later.

They brought her to the room she had mentally found out was called the cage. She was forced into a chair and the black bag was ripped off. She looked around curiously and says "You guys are making a big mistake."

Ward looked at her with a blank face and says "You don't look that big."

Daisy fixed her hair and just sighed as she instantly knew that she was not going to get along very well with Agent Grant Ward.

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