Chapter VI - An Elusive Terror

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During Adilah's little exciting adventure into town, Jonathan was in his bed chamber burning a hole in the floor. His mind was chaos. Twisting, turning, jumping, churning out an endless thoughts. Although in front of his servants he'd appeared nonchalant concerning the war, it was taking its toll on him.

Four years of endless fighting. He still couldn't believe it had been so long. His people were dying, one by one, and he knew that if it didn't end soon, the people would riot. For so long they'd been kept at bay by the fear they had of him and his power, but he knew that couldn't last long. Hunger, desperation and grief were stronger than fear.

He should know.

The last time Eddie had went to town he'd reported that there was a significant lack of energy. Of soul. Of magic. With every able-bodied mage, and anyone else who had some semblance of power in the army, the place was slowly losing its magic. Only weak, maybe even magic-less children would be born. The extinction of magic was almost here.

The mortals would like that, wouldn't they, my dear reader?

But Jonathan had more on his mind than what might happen to magic in another few years time. He needed this war to be over so he could have free reign of the West side of Ryev. He needed access to every nook and cranny. He needed to find his destiny.

But before that, the Elixir of Invulnerability. Even though it had been a shot in the dark that that sniveling weakling, Rikkard, would have obtained it, the recipe was still good enough. With it, he could demand a private duel with the others, something the Mistress had been begging for, and the Master wouldn't be able to refuse. All it would take was one sip, and he'd watch as their eyes deflated witnessing how their magic bounced off him harmlessly. Oh, how he ached to see their faces as they groveled at his feet after he assumed supreme command of the West.

Jonathan knew that being the ruler wasn't his destiny. He'd been told what it was a long time ago. The legendary beast he'd find, the greatness that would infuse him once he'd slain it, the magic, the strength, the power - that's what his destiny held.

Ah, destiny. You fickle creatures think so highly of your ability to control it.

Still, humiliating those other two who dared to cross him would be extremely rewarding, and something he has been oh, so craving.

The grovelling and humiliating would have to wait though, as the Elixir was posing to be a problem. Acquiring the second ingredient wouldn't be as simple as a stroll to the market. He dug out the parchment he'd written the translation on and stared at the second riddle, although he'd already memorized it word for word.

'This next beast that must be found,

Its venom is what you seek.

A snake of terror, bold and crowned

That resides where the rivers meet.'

Jonathan knew exactly what the creature was, and more annoyingly, the person who possessed it.

The Mistress of Shadows, the very one who's at war with the lord.

What was that word you humans used for these situations? Ah, yes, irony; such a ridiculously funny thing.

Everyone knew that she'd tamed the last of these creatures when she settled onto that land. How was he expected to sneak into her territory at such a time? It was absolutely impossible.

But he wasn't going to give up yet. Joah still hadn't returned. Maybe he'd have some thoughts on what to do. Jonathan quickly pushed that blasted bastard out of his mind. If he started thinking about him, he'll begin to worry about his whereabouts, his safety, whether or not he was alive, and he simply didn't have time for that.

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