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The woman was patient. She had waited many years for her destiny and the destiny she had shaped for others. She knew it was close, felt it deep in her bones, but no matter; she could still wait longer.

She sat in an obscure room, deep underground, beneath the Forest of Sin. She had dismissed everyone and now enjoyed some peaceful solitude before she was expected to go out among them again. The room was sparse, with only the round table in the middle surrounded by a dozen chairs, including the one she was currently occupying. The table was completely devoid of anything but a small, clear bowl with a single drop of a dark red liquid in its center. Blood.

Not her blood, of course. Or any of the other dozen that were usually arrayed around this table. But the blood of someone she knew, once. Someone she hoped to know again one day. One day soon.

She continued leafing through her book, not really paying attention to what she was reading, merely forcing herself not to stare at that little drop. She was patient, yes, but also eager.

Upon reaching the last page of her book, she sighed and decided to leave. There was no point dwelling on the inevitable; it wouldn't hasten its approach. As she got up and pushed her chair in, she could have sworn she saw a tiny ripple in the blood. She dismissed her overeager imagination and turned to leave.

That was when she heard a hiss. Slowly, she turned around and stared at the sight she had longed for since she could remember. The blood was lit; a single flame stood in the middle, like on the wick of a candle, bright and burning and beautiful. That single, flickering flame reflected in her eyes and, with a grin that betrayed the true madness within, she whispered,

"It is time."


There you have it! The first installment is officially complete! I don't really have a name for this series yet, so I'll just call this Book 1. I really hope you enjoyed it, and if you did don't forget to vote, comment and share it! Thank youuuu

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