1| The Green Ninja

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     Reagan heard the loud sound of whispers and squeals of excitement and instantly knew who was coming down the hall. After the groups leader, Brock nudged her she took out her earbuds to look at the boy walking self-consciously down the hall.  He wore a green hoodie and his eyes were glued to the tile floor. But he looked up and she was blinded by his dazzling green eyes.

  Lloyd Garmadon. The most hated kid in school. Or at lest he used to be. He didn't look like a kid teenagers would pick on. He wasn't short or nerdy. He had blonde hair and he was good looking. But it was his father. Lord Garmadon. The evil warlord that used threatened to takeover Ninjago every waking moment. If it weren't for the Ninja who fought Ninjago they would be under the wraith of his dad. But recently everyone found out he was the green ninja. Hero of Ninjago. His dad had turned good and a giant cat had been tamed. Now no one really knew what to think. A lot of people loved him now, but some like Brock's group despised him.

  Reagan scoffed and sent him a glare. She noticed her friends Tania and Josh copying as well. The rest of the group followed as Brock went up by him and gave him a shove. Lloyd sidestepped with surprising ease and his face lit up when they landed on a small group on the side of the hall.

  "Look, he's spotted his evil minions." A girl named Eve said loudly. The kids in the group around her snickered. Lloyd and his group ignored them though. Reagan noticed Kai Smith, one of the most popular kids (the girls go crazy for him) clapping him hard over the shoulder. All the sudden the loud sound of an engine roared through the halls and Reagan leaped back to avoid getting run over by the shining motorcycle.

Nya, Kai's sister was perched on top. She flipped her glossy black hair and sent a smirk at Brock and their group before skidding to halt in front of Jay.

"Hey guys." She nodded to them. Jay gave a squeak. Brock rolled his eyes, with a simple jerk of the head he had the whole group following him at his heels. Tania tapped Reagan quickly, sighing Reagan followed.


  Reagan let out a huff when she realized that stupid Chris Evans had taken her usual seat in English. She scanned the room for an empty seat but her heart plummeted when she realized where it was. Right beside Lloyd Garmadon.

  "Sit down Miss Williams." Mr. Frank told her as he began his lesson. The kids have her sympathetic looks as she slowly inched to the desk. Lloyd didn't look up from his desk.

  He was focused on the sheet in front of him. Only when Reagan's bag plunked loudly on the ground did he notice her. He visibly looked like he didn't want to see her there.

  Reagan met his gaze, holding her chin house before turning to her notebook.

  Halfway through the lesson a loud crashing sound boomed and the sounds of evil laughing erupted in the air. Everyone looked confused and questions filled the air, "is it Garmadon?" "What's going on?" "Didn't Garmadon turn good?"

  "Remember everyone! Duck and cover!" Mr. Frank reminded them as they all screamed and dived under their desks.

  Reagan was in the middle of shoving herself under her own when Lloyd some of the other members of his group jumped up.

  "Hey...um we're just gonna go do....ninja stuff. Okay bye." Jay said. Mr. Frank looked at them like they were crazy as they ran out the door.

  All the sudden a huge mech crashed through their classroom. It was a mix between a spider and a dinosaur. People in spider outfits climbed out and began pouring in.

  Reagan spotted Tania hanging off the edge with a scream. "Tania!" She shouted. She reached to grab her but Brock had already hauled her up and they were escaping through the door.

  Reagan found herself surrounded by attackers. She grabbed her book bag and held it defensively as they drew closer. Then she heard a loud roar as a giant green dragon swooped in.

  The green ninja whipped out his sword and skillfully battled the spider warriors. He was just driving his sword in one of their machined spider mechs when Reagan was pushed off the edge of the gaping hole in the wall.

  She screamed as she flailed for something to grab. Would Lloyd even want to save her after all she'd done to him?

  "Hold on!" Lloyd yelled even though she obviously was falling  and couldn't hold on to anything. He grabbed a broomstick and slammed it into the remaining attackers before leaping after her.

  Reagan felt his strong arm wrap around her waist as they both plummeted.

  "Come on..." He muttered as they fell faster. Reagan clung on tight as the wind raced around them. Then just as they were about to hit the ground the green dragon mech caught them.

  "Are you at the mech yet?" Came a voice as Reagan gripped the Lloyd's shoulders while he steered the mech. She recognized it as Kai's.

  "Not yet. There's been some...complications at the school." He answered. He gave Reagan a side ways glance and she scowled at him.

   They swooped over downtown, Reagan could see the fire and earth ninja battling down there.

"Well you better hurry up. They're tearing down everything in sight." Jay screeched through the intercom.

"Let's see what we're dealing with." Lloyd muttered.

"Uh hello? Aren't you gonna drop me off?" Reagan tapped on his shoulder and gave him a look of annoyance. Lloyd rolled his eyes.

He sighed and surveyed the ground. It was covered in spider men. "No safe place to drop you off." He replied. "Just stay on the mech, stay safe, and stay out of trouble."

Then he jumped off. Reagan watched in amazement as he battled. Zane came and joined him, shooting ice around. Reagan gripped the mech as it swooped in and out with a mind of its own, firing green blaze everywhere. Then in the middle of the chaos the spider-dinosaur mech opened, a loud voice booming throughout...

Hey guys! LuckyBugBooks here!
Just a quick disclaimer: I do not own the Lego Ninjago Movie or its characters. Just some OC's and stuff.

As well as this is based on the movie not the series. Don't get me wrong I'm in love with the series but I hate when people try to mix them together.

LuckyBugBooks 🐞

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