9| Problems Come in Two's

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  The battle started off good. Lloyd whipped out his sword and dove into battle. Cole joined him and the two fought side by side. Kai and Nya went after the mobs of butterfly warriors seeping into the city. Zane blasted ice at the new butterfly ship, seriously what was with these people and insects?

  Reagan had no idea how to steer the dragon though. "How do I work this thing?" she shouted.

  Cole yelled sow thing to Lloyd that she couldn't hear and Lloyd gave him a look that would fry fish before responding,

  "Use the levers!"

  Reagan spotted them and randomly jerked them around. "Wait-" Lloyd started, the dragon did a loop de loop and crashed into a billboard.

  "You have a ninety nine point nine percent of dieing if you continue flying the dragon that way." Zane helpfully told her through the microphone.

Reagan heard Lloyd mutter something through his com. "I'm coming." He sighed. Reagan hardly heard him, she was to busy trying not to kill herself as the dragon zipped around.

All the sudden she saw a shape leaping expertly across the roofs, slashing through enemies like they were nothing but chopped liver.

Then Lloyd leaped. Reagan felt her heart stop as he fell just short. "Zane, Nya, give me a boost!" Lloyd yelled. As he fell. Nya jumped in and blasted water, Zane turned it into ice.

It caught Lloyd, who landed on it like a pro and he flipped onto the dragon me ha s it dove by. Red signs flashed and Reagan could hear a loud blaring noise that obviously wasn't good as it plummeted. She could feel Lloyd presence as he held her steady and was surprisingly calm.

"Okay, I want you to press that button with the booster, and pull up."

"Lloyd I can't-"

"NOW!" He yelled. Reagan slammed her fist on the booster and jerked the lever up so harshly she probably almost broke it. The dragon roared and blasted upwards, shooting through a bunch of small butterfly ships.

  Lloyd placed his hands on Reagan's-who ignored the fluttery feeling in her stomach- and directed them to a nearby building where Reagan hopped off. Kai appeared in his giant mech. Zane rolled in beside him.

  "I don't think Reagan should be battling with us anytime soon." Zane commented as Lloyd pressed buttons to temporarily fix the damage.

  Kai laughed. "You drive worse than Jay does!"

  Reagan huffed. Nya zipped past. "Hey Bro, we got some moths on our tails. Reagan, might want to go find your posse or whatever you call them and get out of here." Reagan could tell Nya didn't like her. She glanced at Lloyd hoping he would send her a glare or a scolding, but he remained silent with a brief motion he sent the Ninja Force to fight and readied the mech for take off.

  "Take the short cut down town and stay out of trouble." Lloyd told her, she was surprised by his tone. Then he flew off.


  Reagan felt upset. Some of her friends had been obviously making fun of Lloyd and she didn't like it. But she couldn't say anything! What would they do if they learned that she actually sort of respected him? What if they found out she lived with him!

Lloyd bore it well, but he also seemed annoyed by his fans too. Reagan had over heard him saying to his parents that they only liked him now because he was the green ninja.

"Reagan!" Her science partner Lexi said. Lexi was nice but obviously not on top of the school social ladder. But the carefree demeanour of her drew Reagan closer. She didn't care that she wasn't popular.

"Yeah?" Reagan shook her head, clearing her thoughts,

"Didn't you hear?" Lexi rolled her eyes but smiled. "We have a new project."

"Oh okay, what is it?"

Lexi pointed to the board. "We're making robots."

"Cool." Reagan studied the instructions and copied them down. Lloyd was good at mechanics.... She thought.

"Hello!" Lexi bumped her. "So yes or no?"

"Wait, what am I agreeing to?" Reagan asked.

Lexi laughed. "We have to get together to work on the robot. My parents are hosting a party tonight so we can't get any work down, I was asking if we could go to your house."


Sorry I haven't updated in awhile!

LuckyBugBooks 🐞

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