11| Mall Brawl

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  Reagan had hobbled into the front step with her crutches, waiting for Lexi to come. She hadn't commented on anything just agreeing to go to the address.

  A car rolled up and Lexi came out. She ducked her head in, her dark black hair was like a curtain as she spoke softly to whoever was in the drivers seat before they drive away. She smiled hesitantly. A soft glow visible on her pale face.

  "Hey." She said softly.

  "Hi." Reagan spoke back.

  "I have a few hours," Lexi glanced at her ankle. "But my stepfather says eleven at the latest."

  "Okay." Reagan heaved herself up slowly. Lexi wordlessly handed her the crutches. Reagan was surprised at her soft aid. It wasn't showy, or awkward. She just simply placed her hand on Reagan's back if a tipped backwards or would hold the door.

  "Are you a nurse?" Reagan  joked as they made their way down the hall.

  She shook her head. "My mom is, and my brother is handicapped so I'm used to offering a little help every now and then."

  Reagan blinked. "Oh we're here." Her voice sounded distant. She fumbled with the key but someone must've heard her struggle because the door opened.

Since Lloyd was asleep the person was Garmadon. His red eyes flicked to Lexi who boldly looked back. She kept her face neutral gave a small smile. "Hello, I'm Lexi. I'm working with Reagan on a project."

He grunted and opened the door wider. Lexi walked in. Reagan followed, swinging the crutches carefully. Koko was making some tea before bed and saw them come in.

"Hello." She said in surprise.

"Is it okay if we work on a project here?" Reagan asked.

She nodded. "Of course, if you need anything to eat just help yourselves. And...try to keep it down. Lloyd's resting."

Reagan turned and saw him on the couch. Slumbering soundly. He looked peaceful. His arm thrown over his face, covered by a blue blanket. His blonde hair was mussed giving him a more youthful innocence.

Frowning Reagan wondered why he was there. She moved slowly to the bedroom where she noticed he had moved his mattress.

He had wanted to give me space for my crutches.

She realized. Lexi padded in. She studied the room. "Engineering hmm." She commented as she studied the titles over his bed. She pulled out another book. "Mechanics, no wonder he had those cool mechs."

"Want to get started?" Reagan asked, sitting down on the bed. They began by listing materials and throwing ideas when suddenly Lexi spurted out a question.

"Why do you hide that you're staying at Lloyd's?" She asked.

Regan blinked. This was how Lexi was, she couldn't hold her tongue, she would burst out her rising thoughts, a small quirk that Reagan has surprisingly came to like.

"I don't hide it!" Reagan protested.

  She gave her a disbelieving look.

Reagan sighed finally. "I don't know."

She but her lip. "Maybe..." She said tentatively. "It was for your reputation?"

Reagan didn't meet her gaze. "Why do you care so much about what your friends think?"

She pressed on. "Why are you so quick to view Lloyd as something evil?"

"I don't know. It was who he was, the son of Garmadon. The son of a villain." Reagan spoke sharply.

"He chose who he was." Lexi shook her head. "It's your choices that make you who you are, not the events around you."

She was silent.

"Let's....just continue on our project." Lexi murmured tiredly.


  Reagan was at the mall with her friends when She saw him. Lloyd. He was walking with the ninjas, laughing and trying to push each other over.

  The group sneered and began to mutter.

Reagan shifted uncomfortably as Brock moved to confront them, Reagan balanced carefully on one foot so she could reach out a hand to stop him.

"What?" He looked confused.

"It's...not worth it." Reagan said. "Let's just go."

Tania raised her eyebrows.

  "Why?" Eve asked. "We came here first."

"Reagan's probably worried I'll get hurt if we start a fight." Brock smirked. "Don't worry, they may be ninja but I'm an amazing fighter." He then strode away, stepping right in Lloyd's path.

  Everyone moved closer and Reagan sighed as she was forced to follow.

  "Hey Garmadork!" Brock sneered. "What are you doing here? Trying to stop people from taking candy from babies?"

  Lloyd raised an eyebrow. His gaze traveled to where Reagan nervously watched from the background. His green gaze seemed to harden as he turned away.

  "Chill Brock." He said. "We'll go."

  Brock frowned. Not liking how easy this was. "Look at him! Running like the little coward he is! And this is the green ninja! Isn't he trained by an old man? Oh! And of course his ugly father!" He taunted. "And how about your mom? Bet she's off looking for another villain to marry!"

  Lloyd stopped. "Stop it Brock." He growled.

  "And all your misfit friends? How about them? Are they rejects too?"

  Suddenly Lloyd's fist was in Brock's face. He howled and clutched his face. Brock's friends yelled and tackled him. Lloyd kicked one in the groin and kneed the other in the stomach, shaking them off like ants. Another kid tracked to garb his arms. Suddenly the ninjas were all involved. Reagan watched in horror as the brawl unfolded. Lloyd flipped the guy holding him on the ground and twisted his arm behind his back.

  Reagan vaguely heard the sound of the security coming and Reagan jolted back into the present. She ducked behind a magazine stand as the security ran into the fight.


Hello, I wish everyone good health. Covid-19 is affecting everyone and it's good to just get some writing in to give you all something to do. Remember to social distance that way we can keep everyone healthy.

Fun fact about the last chapter. Kai's fake name as Reagan's cousin was Dante which is actually one of the names the makers of Lego Ninjago almost gave Kai. Along with Ash. But Kai seems to fit him more don't you think?

Tell me what you think in the comments!

LuckyBugBooks 🐞

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