18| Clarity

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True to his word Lloyd dropped off all Reagan's stuff. Everything intact nothing destroyed. He only sent her one text asking where Tania's house was before completely ignoring any other reply.

He didn't show his face only ringing the doorbell and leaving the items there before taking off.

Tania was sympathetic since she too hadn't said a word but Lexi, who had actually been in the library that lunch was livid.

"I don't know what you what me to say Reagan!" She exclaimed angrily.The preparation for the dance started out with her scolding Reagan.

  Reagan buried her head in her hands. Tania sighed.

  "It's all how you wanted it now," Lexi continued. "You out of Lloyd's life and now you're with Brock, perfect dream come true!"

  Reagan wiped her eyes. "That was before I knew what Lloyd was like." She sniffled.

  "And why are you even with that stupid idiot Brock anyway?" Lexi ranted, pacing around. "He's a total pain in the butt! I've tried having normal conversations with him but he's such an arrogant jerk!"

  Reagan didn't say  anything, only staring at her hands.

  Lexi finally calmed and sat beside her. "Look Reagan, I'm still your friend and all but that wasn't your best life choice."

  "Do you think he'll ever forgive me?" Reagan asked lip quivering.

  Lexi bit her lip. "I'm going to be perfectly honest with you here, okay?"

Reagan nodded. "I think if he's smart he'll stay away." Tania sucked in a breath. "It wouldn't be a healthy friendship Reagan, you shouldn't be friends with some home who'll just stand by and let someone insult everything about you."

  "What about you?" Reagan whispered. "Aren't you still friends with me?"

  "Yeah, well, I have a weak conscience." Lexi rolled her eyes. "But seriously, you need to get your relationship priorities straight."

Tania sighed. "Maybe we should start getting ready for the dance."

Reagan nodded and halfheartedly pulled out her dress. Tania frowned.

"I'm sorry but that things ugly." Lexi spoke for both of them.

Reagan shrugged. "It's all I have."

"What about my green one shouldered one?" Tania asked.

"Ooh! I have a this month green scarf!" Lexi added.

Reagan shook her head with a smile. "Alright, let's have some fun."


The gymnasium was dark with the flashy disco lights dancing around the dimly lit room. Reagan stepped in. Beside her were her friends. Lexi had pulled her hair in a low twisted bun with her beautiful light blue dress and white denim jacket. Tania was wearing a black floral dress with pink and purple flowers and her hair was down.

Reagan had kept her hair more casual only curling it a lightly at the ends and letting it fall over her shoulder with a silver clip over her ear. Everyone was dancing and enjoying themselves. Reagan automatically searched the floor for Lloyd but she didn't see him.

"Reagan!" She turned to see Brock stroll over to her. He was wearing a crisp white button down dress shirt and his posse of followers was trailing after him.

"Hi." Reagan wasn't sure how to act around him but settled for a friendly enough smile.

"Come on, I love this song!" Brock took her hand and dragged her to the dance floor.

Reagan danced along to the beat and glanced around, a familiar face wafted through the crowd. It wasn't Lloyd but it was Cole.

He was doing some really good dancing. It was slightly exaggerated though as he swung Siena around, who laughed as she twirled. His eyes met with Reagan's and he visibly frowned. Cole didn't start anything though and just moved smoothly to the other end of the dance floor.

Reagan was tired and sweating when the sing ended and made her way to the refreshment stand to get herself some punch.

Brock had disappeared with his friends and she tried not to look dejected as she sipped her drink.

She became aware of Kai beside her as he quietly got himself a plate and two cups of punch.

"Where's Lloyd?" Reagan burst out.

Kai glanced at her, raising an eyebrow. "He's here." Was all he said before the boy went to eat his cookies and gave the punch to Jay and Nya.

Reagan swallowed down her frustration and drained her cup before tossing it carelessly in the trash. As it flew a hand reached out and snatched it easily from the air.

"That's recycling." Lloyd said simply, making a very nice throw into the blue bin.

Reagan pressed her lips together, feeling awkward as he reached around her for a grape from the fruit tray.

"Lloyd..." Reagan said finally, he turned to her. "I'm so-"

The alarm sounded and everyone screamed, panicking.

Lloyd's face steeled as he pulled out his phone and checked the news.

"The new villains General Unity have returned and are heading towards what looks to be the yoga studio for some reason. Wait...we have just received news that their large praying mantis mech has pulled out a screaming Lord Garmadon from the studio." The reporter announced in her accent.

Lloyd's eyes widened and he quickly shoved the phone away before running through the thrall.

"Lloyd! Wait, let me go too!" Reagan found herself saying, she kicked off her flats and started after him but someone grabbed her arm.

She spun to glare at Brock.

"Brock, you better let me go right this instant." She hissed.

"Why do you care about Lloyd and his evil demonic dad?" Brock demanded.

"He is my friend." Reagan said truthfully and tried to pull away. "Now if you excuse me..."

"Reagan! This could ruin your reputation!" Brock growled.

Reagan paused and stared at him. "You're right..." She sighed. "This would ruin my reputation." Then she punched him full in the face.

Shaking her bloody knuckles as he fell to the ground with a yell she turned away. "Reputation saved."

Lexi cheered.

"I can't believe you did that!" Brock snapped, he moved to lunge at her but she was already moving away.

"Careful Brock, short temper is a sign of a demon." Reagan smirked before going after Lloyd.

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