12| The Bitter Truth

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"A mall fight?" Koko exclaimed incredulously.

  I hung in the shadows behind her, feeling guilty. She was in the police station and talking with one of the police women. I glanced around, hoping no one would see me.

The police women nodded. "It only involved kids from Ninjago High." She assured her. "And as far as I know there were no weapons. But the ninja were involved." She shook her head. Apparently she wasn't aware of who she was talking to. "I'm worried about what sort of impact they are trying to make on Ninjago City."

Koko blanched. "Yes, well, I believe that everyone makes mistakes and perhaps it's a good thing to show that people can bounce back."

  The police women shrugged and typed on the computer. "Anyway, who are you here for?"

  "Lloyd Garmadon." Koko held a really good poker face, she brushed some ginger hair from her eyes as the policewomen gaped, turning a little red.

  "Right..." The women pressed her lips together and clicked a few times on the keyboard. "Do you know who's coming for the rest of his friends?"

  "Where are they?" An accented voice demanded. I turned to see an old man in a long white robe, wearing a large hat and wielding a bamboo staff dangerously.

  He had a long white beard like a wizard and his eyes-which were narrowed in anger-were full of wisdom. But at the time they were mostly full of pure fury.

  The police women shrunk away as he marched up to the desk and slammed his staff into the counter. "The ninja? Where are they? I have come to get them!"

  She pointed a shaky hand at the door that opened, policemen escorted the sheepish looking ninja out. They visibly paled when they saw the old man.

  "Hey Sensei..." Cole said nervously. "Wassup?

  "Don't Wassup me?" Sensei stomped over to them and whacked them smartly over the head with his staff.

  "What sort of image are you trying portray? Getting arrested, starting a fight?"  He demanded.

  "What?" Kai sputtered.

  "Our actions would be viewed as a encouragement of bad behaviour." Zane's robotic voice said helpfully.

  "Thanks Zane." Jay sighed sarcastically.

"I was wondering if you all had a few more minutes." A policeman asked. "We would like to discuss the events that happened."

  Sensei nodded. "I agree, I'd like to take part in this discussion."

  As he followed the policeman he sent them all a look. "I am very disappointed in all of  you!"

  "Uncle Wu..." Lloyd started but he had rounded the corner.

  "Come on ninja," another police officer grunted. "Let's get this over with."

  As they started Koko ran after, I hovered back wondering if I should join. I watched them enter the room and Lloyd threw me a glance over my shoulder. His emerald eyes held so much emotion in them I froze.

  "Excuse me." A dark haired officer spoke. "Did you witness the events in the mall?"

  "Uh...yes." He motioned for me to go.

"Then we'd like you to be apart of the discussion, if you have any input you can out it in privately if you'd prefer." He guided me inside.

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