Untitled Part 1

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 Prologue- Sadie                                                                                                                                                                      The bond that ties us is angels... Twenty-four years again 

" H i, Daddy." I yawned androlled onto my back. Daddy was sitting on the edge of my big-girl bed, and he was crying. Daddy cried alot. 

"Sadie, do you know what an angel is?" I nodded because I was a big girl, I knew what angels were.Daddy was so silly.

 "Yes, Daddy, we put an angel on the Christmas tree. She's beautiful."                                                                                                                                                                             

"That is onetype of angel. But people can be angels too."                                                                     

 '' you, God needs her to take care of some of the other little children in Heavin  don't have a mommy or a daddy. But I can still talk to her whenever I want. She'll always be near andbe listening."                   

 "That's right, and even though you might not be able to see her, if you close your eyes, you'llbe able to feel her."                                                                                                                                          

"Okay, Daddy." I didn't know why Daddy was talking about this, Mommy had alreadytold me about being able to talk to her. She was even getting ready for her halo. God had to make herhair fall out so when she put on her halo it wouldn't slip. The lady who came to our house every day tocheck on Mommy said that the tubes were to help her breathe, because the air in Heaven was differentand Mommy had to get used to it.

"Sadie . . ." "What, Daddy? Why are you crying?"

 "Mommy is here '' 

                                                      Prologue- Ryan                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

Death was what we had in common... Four years ago   

" M ulti-car wreck, female, thirtyyears old, heart stopped on the way here," Logan called out as he and his partner pushed the stretcherinto the ER. 

"Follow me," Polly said, rounding the corner of the nurses' station and falling into sync withthe paramedics' rushed steps as she directed them toward the operating room. I slid my hands intogloves and moved into the room just as they were transferring the patient to the table. 

"Let's get X-rays.Whoever is available from surgery, get them in here and prepped. Let's get the IV started. Has anyonegotten a blood type yet?" I continued to call out standard protocols based on what little information I hadas I moved around the room. That was when a team of nurses closed in to prep the victim and removethe scarlet-stained bandages from her head and limbs. Polly whimpered, but I ignored her as the heartand blood pressure monitors started blaring alarms. I turned, my eyes jumping to the long, flat line on thescreen, I was ready to lurch forward and begin chest compressions on the woman who had gone intocardiac arrest. That's when my whole world dropped out from beneath me. My breath stalled, and myheart beat furiously, as if it could beat for two people, unfortunately not for the woman lying on the table

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