Untitled Part 12 ryan

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" W ill you stop?" I jerked at my mother's shout and then followed her gaze. "Sorry." I had Sadie's card inmy hand and was running it through my fingers as I tapped the corner on the solid oak table. "Why don'tyou go call her? Callie's watching television, and I'm finishing up dinner anyway." "Okay, I think that I will."I was nervous as I sat on the corner of my bed and stared at her number. Here goes nothing. I dialed hernumber and waited. God, what if she didn't answer? Jesus, what was I? Four? "Lazar." "Sadie? This isRyan Montgomery, am I catching you at a bad time?" There was a lot of background noise and music. Fora moment, I wondered if I had interrupted her out on a date. "You're fine. I'm sitting at Sixes with a fewfriends." "You're sitting where?" "Sixes. It's a bar. A former deputy's wife owns it. A lot of LEOs hang outhere." "I've never heard of it." "If you aren't doing anything, you're welcome to come join us. That is, if youdon't mind hanging out with some of my friends. We haven't eaten yet." I thought about it for a second.This was definitely out of my comfort zone, but something about Sadie made me want to step out of thatbubble I'd put myself in. was describing. "Okay. I should be there in about fifteen minutes." "See yousoon." Sadie hung up. I stood and ran my hands down my face. Holy shit, I had a date. Was this a date?Well, not really a date, but it was a start. I changed and freshened up before heading out to talk to mymom. "Mom, are you okay watching Callie if I go join someone for dinner?" "Of course I am. Don't hurryhome." The woman winked at me like she knew what I was up to. "I won't be late. It is just dinner, she'salready there with some friends. I'm just joining them." "I don't care, enjoy yourself." "Who's with friends?"I turned to see Callie standing behind me. Why was it that kid never heard me when I called her name,but when I was talking privately to my mom, she heard everything? "Callie girl, Daddy is going to go havedinner with someone, but I shouldn't be out late." "Who?" "Umm, well . . ." I glanced over to my mom forsupport but she wasn't offering any, she just had a huge shit-eating grin on her face. "Sadie." "Can I go?""Not tonight, but maybe we can ask Sadie out for pizza, how does that sound?" "Okay." Just like that,Callie was grinning and running back to the living room. "Go," my mom said. "Get out of here. Callie and Ican have girl bonding time." I wasn't sure whether I was happy or sad that it took less than fifteen minutesfor me to get to Sixes. Happy because I got to see Sadie sooner but nervous because I was not ready.Hell, I wasn't sure whether or not I still had my moves. I glanced in my mirror for a quick second. Back inhigh school, I knew what to do, what to say, fuck . . . I

knew how to unsnap a bra before the girl knew it was unsnapped. And knowing which girl wore whatbrand of panties had been my favorite subject to study. Now, I was out of my league, I had no clue whatto do or if I'd even remember how to transition from talking to kissing. Deciding that it was now or never, Igot out of the car. Sixes was one of those places that, if you didn't know what it was, you probablywouldn't stop. Several marked police cruisers were in the lot, and if I had to guess, there were alsoseveral unmarked ones as well. There were also several vehicles with fireman shield stickers on the rearwindows. I wasn't sure quite how to describe it, it was . . . unassuming. I pulled on the solid wood door,and music and the smell of greasy food immediately hit me. I found her in the corner, but she wascompletely immersed in a conversation and hadn't noticed me yet. She was beautiful, and her entire facewas aglow as she punctuated each word. Her eyes were big and expressive, this deep, dark coffee color.When she glanced my way, I faltered a small step, but I kept walking as if I hadn't just done that. Onceagain, I felt like a teenager. Though, this time a horny one as she smiled and bit her lower lip. Down, boy,no need to have her think you're only after sex. Okay, I was after sex, but maybe something more, too.Sadie intrigued me and had this easy presence about her. She made me want to be near her eventhough I didn't know anything about her. "Ryan, hey." Sadie stood and leaned in to give me a quick hug."Wow, I don't think that I've ever seen you not in uniform." The woman had a rockin' body. She was injeans and a tight T-shirt that proved just how unflattering deputy uniforms really were. "Yeah, they don't letme out very often, but when they do this"—Sadie waved her hands over her outfit—"is what the worldgets." "When they let me out, you know what the world gets?" a woman with long black hair said to theman next to her as she trailed one finger down his cheek. "Will you two shut up? Sadie, go ahead andarrest me now because I'm going to kill the two of them," Bridget said. Taking a seat next to Sadie, Iasked, "Obviously the two of them are a couple?" "No, they aren't." I raised a questioning eyebrow."That's just Harley and Aiden, other squirm." Sadie leaned in closer, and her warm breath against myneck was making me squirm. "But Harley isn't joking, she has the hots for Aiden, he's just too blind torealize that she isn't playing." I grinned and was about to say something but then the waitress pulled myattention. "Hi. Welcome to Sixes. Can I get you started with something to drink?" "A beer is fine, whateverdark you have on tap." "Got it. Anything to eat?" "What are you having?" I asked Sadie. "We just orderappetizers for the table and then throw in money at the end of the night." "Sounds good, can you add twomore appetizers, whatever is fine with me." "You got it, I'm Mikki if you need anything else." She walkedaway, and I turned my attention back to the table. "Let me introduce you to everyone. Ryan, that's Harleyand Aiden, I'm sure you won't forget them." Harley grinned and Aiden shot her an annoyed look. "Youhave already met Bridget." She gave me a small wave. "And that's Kat and Piper, Piper is on motors withme, but Kat is interviewing for one of the open positions. Next to her is Max. He's also on motors.Everyone, this is Doctor Ryan Montgomery." "So, what do we call you? Doc?" Kat asked. "Ryan is fine,unless you want me to call you Dep?" "Touché." "How's Callie doing?" Piper asked, and I was impressedthat she knew my daughter's name. "Certain calls make bigger impacts, and a missing child is one ofthose. Since it was Sadie who found her . . ." As Piper said that, I reached over and grabbed Sadie'shand. Just hearing about Callie missing made my heart speed up. Then the thought of this woman findingher and keeping her safe . . . I couldn't explain what it did to me. "Callie's fine, better in fact. She had along talk with her grandmother about clothes, and I promised I'd take her shopping. I haven't had time toyet, but she is definitely not wearing dresses anymore." "It would be so fun to take her shopping. Kind oflike having a life-sized doll,Kat said as she clapped her hands together. "Oh my god, I've wanted to shop in Justice so badly but I'mabout twenty years too old. They always have the cutest, most hip outfits." "Who are you?" Sadie asked,and everyone laughed. "How the hell do you even know about this store?" "Do you know how manycousins we have? Not to mention, the Christakos family is super close to my family, and they are allbreeding. We are buying gifts for kids non-stop." "Thanks, I'll make a note to find some place calledJustice," I assured her. Mikki came by to drop off my beer along with our food and some plates. I took asip and watched as everyone went into action moving stuff around, passing appetizers, and I realized thathaving friends was one of the things I'd missed out on over the last four years. "Is this what you do afterwork?" I turned my attention to Sadie, wanting to know more about her. "We usually come here once aweek, but there's no telling who'll show up. Other than that, I'm home. Just me and Wasabi." "Who'sWasabi?" "My dog. He's sort of a rebel." "He's super badass," Harley interjected. "I would strap that littlefucker onto the front of my bike, get him a leather jacket, and throw on some Doggles. He's that badass.""What makes him so tough?" "You'll have to see him sometime." I liked the thought of that. "It's hard toexplain, but I think that Callie would love him, I know that he would love Callie." "Maybe next time you canbring him to my house so she can see him." I left that hanging in the air so she could decide if this was aone-time thing or if I would get to hang out with her again. "So, Ryan, what type of doctor are you?" Piperasked. "A proctologist." All faces turned to me and stared. "Just kidding, I'm an ER doctor, I'm not that bigof an asshole." "Ha ha, I see what you did there." Piper pointed to her eyes. "Proctologist—asshole. mydaughter. She seems to be going through something lately, and I think she's having a hard timeadjusting." "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that." I nodded, not knowing what else to say, and Sadie leaned closer tome. "She must be so excited," she whispered. "She doesn't know yet, I just found out this afternoon. So,just you two"—I pointed to Piper and Sadie—"are motorcycle deputies?" "And us." Max and Aiden held upa hand. "I'm hoping to get the open spot," Kat said. "Interview process is a little rigorous, so Piper hasbeen working with me." "I want to, but I have six more months before I can interview," Harley stated. Sheobviously saw my confused look. "You have to be with the Orange County Sheriff's Office for two yearsbefore you can apply for motors. I was with Seminole County before." "Sadie, do you still need a ridehome?" Bridget asked and then cast her eyes toward me. "I can take you if you'd like." "You sure that youdon't mind? I don't live too far." "No problem at all," I assured her. "Thanks, Bridg, I got it." I threw enoughmoney to cover Sadie and myself onto the table. "That's too much." "It's for both of us." "You didn't haveto do that, I asked you here." "I know that I didn't have to; I wanted to." I cupped her cheek in one hand,and if her friends weren't all watching us and we weren't in the middle of a crowded bar, I would haveclosed the distance between us and kissed her. "You ready to go?" She nodded, and I glanced toeveryone still seated at the table. "It was nice meeting you all. Hopefully we can do this again." "Nicemeeting you, too, Ryan, maybe next time we can meet Callie," Kat, the shopping fanatic, said."She would love that. A group full of kickass women, she would be in heaven." We headed out and Imade sure to open the passenger door of my SUV for Sadie. Once she was in, I made my way to thedriver's side "Where to?" Orlando was spread out, and on most days, twenty miles could take an hourand a half, depending on traffic. I would not turn down being stuck in a car with her for that long. Too badit took about ten minutes to get to her house, and far too soon, I was pulling into the split driveway of anewer duplex. I didn't want to come across as a snob and definitely not as a father, but I wasn't sure that Iliked her neighborhood. "How long have you lived here?" "I grew up in this area." Crap, glad I didn't sayanything. "My folks live about two blocks away, which is convenient since they can come by and walkWasabi for me." She paused for a second. "You want to come in and meet him?" "I would love that." Assoon as she slid in the key, all hell broke loose. Barking filled the night air. "Holy shit, what type of dog ishe?" She twisted the knob, and I jumped back, expecting something much larger than a rat to comebarreling out. "What is it?" "It's a Wasabi." She picked him up, and he moved frantically in her arms,excited that she was home. "Chill," she commanded, and he calmed a bit. Although, his body was stillshaking with excitement. "He's almost three pounds, but to answer your question, he's a poodle." "I'venever seen a poodle that looked like that." Sadie laughed as we moved into her tiny house, and shelocked the door behind us. "Yeah, my dad was pissed when I got a male poodle because he thinks thatpoodles should be girls. I tried to explain to him that it would be impossible for them to breed, but hewasn't having any of it. Then when I got him fixed—or, as my dad likes to call it, broken, since dogs areborn fixed and I'm breaking him from his God-given, natural way—he demanded that I toughen him up.Hence the Mohawk and beard." "Yeah, Callie would love this dog, but she can't ever see him." "Why?""Because then I'll end up having to get her a dog. She's too little to take care of a dog." "Oh, no, she isn't."Sadie put Wasabi down and headed into the kitchen. "Want a me one. "Can I ask you something?" "Sure,anything." I leaned back against her counter and watched her take a sip of water. "How old are you?You're a doctor, and I know that is a lot of schooling, but you don't look a day over thirty. I'm twenty-eight,by the way." "Thirty-four, is that old?" "We're six years apart, so it isn't like cradle-robbing. Am I tooyoung?" "No . . . you're perfect." I set my water down and then leaned forward. Rubbing the back of myfingers across her smooth cheek. "Can I kiss you?" She bit her lower lip and nodded slowly, her eyeslocked on my mouth. I tugged her a bit closer and then bent to touch my lips to hers. I was out of mydepth with this young, beautiful woman who was so alive and vivacious compared to my barely breathingself. She pressed closer, tugging at my bottom lip with her teeth before kissing me deeper. Our tonguestangling, and the taste of her made me forget about being nervous. Sadie let out a small mewling sound,and it was fuel that set me on fire. Her hands were cool as she dragged her fingers along my arms andthen she was holding on to my face as if she were afraid I was going to break our contact. She didn'trealize that I couldn't if I'd wanted to. "Oh, god, Sadie." I dove back in, tasting her and wanting to drink herdown. "You taste so fucking good." I sank my hands into her hair and tilted her head back, exposing herslender neck, the pulse, the life that beat there. My attention wholly focused on kissing the delicate skinas I worked my mouth behind her ear and then down her neck to the collar of her shirt. "Keep going," shepanted. "Come over here." I pulled her over to her couch and with one arm stretched along the back of it,I cradled her against me. She complied and I rewarded her with kisses, but this time I dropped themacross her cheek, down her neck, and along her shoulder. "Ryan, keep going, god, please, keep going."I did as requested and kept going, sliding one hand up under her shirt. I cupped one breast, and thatsingle touch sent shivers over her body. I kneaded her breast, enjoying the feel of the firmness,squeezing her nipple, and when she groaned it only fueled me on, intensified my desire. I lifted her shirtand slid the edge of her bra down, then lowered my mouth to her breast and sucked while moving onehand to her jeans. My fingers wrapped through her belt loops and I tugged, my brain was shouting for meto hurry the hell up but at the same time, I didn't want to break this trance. When I finally moved, I slid myfingers along the top of her waistband and then slipped in a finger. To my immense pleasure, I discoveredthat her panties were already soaked. My lips found hers again, my tongue sliding into her mouth as myfingers emulated the movement. She was on the edge, the muscles in her stomach were tightening as Ichanged my rhythm. I pressed my index finger upward and my thumb pressed on her clit. She buckedupward. I wasn't sure whether it was to give me better access or if it was her non-verbal way of asking formore. I was going with both. I wanted to smile because I could tell that she was slightly flustered. Shekept moving her hands, not sure where to put them. The couch was only so wide, and she was wild, asshe tried to hold on to her last grip of sanity. Finally, she wrapped her fingers around my forearm like Iwas her safety rope. That single gesture made me feel stronger and more powerful. It gave meconfidence. "Sadie, you're so beautiful." She tilted her head back and locked her eyes on me as her bodyreleased in waves. Pulsing, tightening against my fingers that were still inside her, she gasped for air asshe fought to regain control from the crashing orgasm. "Was it good?" I winked. "Yes, but what about . . ."I placed a kiss on her lips. "Next time." I literally had to rip those words from my throat because my mindwas saying now-now-now . "Next time?" "Yes. We have plenty of time."I cringed when I pressed the garage door opener because the thing was louder than I remember it being.Why was it that, when you were trying to be quiet, it seemed as if everything was ten times louder? Tryingnot to make a sound, I wound through the kitchen and into the living room. The second my foot hit thecarpet, the reading lamp popped on. "Shit." I jerked in reflex. "My, my, doesn't this bring back thememories? Me staying up, you sneaking in, me catching you." My mother had a smirk on her face. I rolledmy eyes. "Did you have a good evening?" "Yes. You do know that I'm thirty-four and you don't need towait up for me, right?" "You do know that you'll always be my baby, right? I love you, Ryan." "Love you,too, Mom. Thanks for watching Callie. You can go home now." "I'm so glad that you went out. You lookhappy." "Me, too. Love you. I'll turn the lights on and watch you until you get to your door." I moved to theback door and opened it. Okay, I was being totally rude and throwing my mom out of my house, but Iwasn't ready to analyze what was going here. You could bring Wasabi if you would like. Sadie: I thoughtyou said Callie could never meet him. Me: I changed my mind. Sadie: Okay. What time? Me: Now? Sadie:Ha ha, really? Me: Any time. We can pick you up on our way to the mall if you want to tag along or youcan meet us here. If that's too much, you can come over later. Sadie: . . . I worried for a second thatmaybe I'd come across as too needy because the three dots blinked for a long time. Me: You still there?Sadie: Yes. Me: If you're busy, I understand. I don't want to push you into anything. I understand that aman with a child is a lot. Sadie: No, that isn't it. Me: Okay, then is there something that I can help youwith? You got quiet there for a second.Sadie: I was trying to figure out what was best for Wasabi if I was going to bring him over to your house. Ifyou picked me up, then he would need to stay here so we could go shopping. Me: What if we pick you upand swing back by your place and get him after shopping? Then I'll take you back home later. Sadie:Sounds good. Just text me when you're on your way. Me: Will do. Good night. Sadie: Night. "Pick outsome pretty clothes, Callie." "You aren't coming, Nana?" "Nope, you and Daddy are having a fun day. Ithink that he has a surprise for you." "He does?" Callie turned to me, her eyes wide. "What?" "The quickeryou get in the car, the faster you'll find out." "Wow, I don't think I've ever seen her run so fast." My momlaughed. "Don't worry about cooking dinner, we are going to pick up Chinese on the way home. I will bringyou some Moo Goo Gai Pan." I headed out and checked to make sure that Callie was in her booster seat.Callie sang "Welcome to the Jungle" as I drove. Maybe it made me a horrid father for letting her listen toit, but nothing beat classic rock. Come on, Guns N' Roses was epic. "Where are we going, Daddy? Nanadoesn't shop here." Callie turned to look out the window as I turned onto a side street that headed toSadie's. "We're picking up a friend to go shopping with us." "Who?" "You'll have to wait and see, it's asurprise." I'd already let Sadie know that we were on our way. God forbid Callie see Wasabi. If she did,we'd never get out of there. When I pulled into Sadie's driveway, the curtain moved, and I smiled. She'dseen us. Her front door opened and she walked out, looking sexy as fuck in jean shorts, work boots, anda sheriff's department T-shirt. I kissed her quickly. "Good morning." "Hi to you, too." She slid in and turnedalmost completely around so she could talk to my daughter. "So, I've thought about this, Callie." "What didyou think about?" "Are you wanting clothes that are hip and cool like all the cool girls wear or do you wantclothes that are Callie, like tough?" "I want Callie clothes." Callie was so different around Sadie, and it hada grin stretching wide across my lips. Sadie was good for us. "Okay, where to?" Sadie leaned over andentered an address into my GPS. "We are going to tourist central, but we are going to make Callie feellike herself," Sadie said, settling into her seat. "Can I get boots like yours?" "I was hoping you would saythat, that's why I wore them. I also have them in black, so they look like biker boots." "Daddy, I want bikerboots." "Tell me where we're going." I smiled and winked at Sadie. Seeing Callie like this, I'd do anything.Thirty minutes later, the three of us were walking into Al's Army Supply. Something about it felt veryfamiliar, but I'd never been in this store, so there was no reason for it to. Callie was walking between us,one hand in mine and one in Sadie's. It was full of tactical gear, hunting, and, well . . . just abouteverything for a militia. "Sadie, what brings you in today?" a young man who looked like he belonged onDuck Dynasty said from his spot behind a gun counter. "Hey, Biff." Biff? I imagined someone named Biffwould live in the Hamptons and wear shorts with whales. "This is Callie, she needs some cool clothesand shoes." "Like Sadie's." "Ahh, I know just what you're looking for." Biff came out from behind the  counter and escorted us over to a wall of shoes. "Here are the kids' sizes. If you can't find what you need,I may have some more in back. You know what size you wear?" "Twelve," Callie answered, saving mefrom looking like an inattentive father. I made a mental promise to start paying more attention. "How aboutthese?" Sadie held up a pair of brown boots. "I'm not sure." "These?" Biff asked. Callie shook her head. Ijoined in and rummaged through boots and found a black pair. "These?" "I have that exact same pair,"Sadie said. "I want those." Callie reached for them. I locked eyes with Sadie and winked. "I think theseare the closest you're going to get to my brown boots. What do you think?" "Okay." Callie tried them on,and we ended up buying a size thirteen to be safe before heading over to the clothes. "We can get a fewthings here, but then we should move to the mall. Remember, you don't want to be me or anyone else.So mix and match, we'll go to a few stores," Sadie informed her while I stood back and snapped photos,sending the best ones to my mom. While Callie tried on clothes, Sadie went over and spoke to Biff, andwhen she returned, she had a big smile on her face. "What are you so happy about?" "Al's has a contractwith Orange County, so they have our logo. He's making her two T-shirts with our logo on them, one indark green and one in white, which is the motors color. Anyone can buy them, they just never make kidsizes." I cupped her face. "Thank you, you are making such a difference for Callie." I leaned in and kissedher. "And me." The dressing room door opened, and Callie stood there in pink camouflage cargo pants."You look awesome. What do you think?" Sadie knelt in front of Callie. "I like them. Can I get these?" Sheglanced up at me, and I nodded. "Why don't we also get them in plain black?" "Are two pairs of pantsenough?" I asked. "We will do pants and then a few pair of shorts from here and then head over toanother store." was trying to change in the car. "Can I put my sheriff shirt on now, like Sadie is wearing?"Sadie waited for me to answer. "Yes." My heart stopped when Sadie unfastened her seat belt and thenclimbed into the back. I glanced up in the rearview mirror, saw that no one was behind me, and pressedhard on the brakes, not quite slamming them, then turned into the first parking lot I found and pulled to astop. "Please get your seat belt on, now." Yes, that was panic in my voice. "I am, I just wanted to get backhere and help her." "We could have done that once we were parked." Each word was accentuated. "I'mfine, Ryan. But I promise not to do it again." I couldn't answer her, so I just nodded, letting her know that Iheard. I regained my composure and then pulled back onto the street once Sadie was fastened. "Whereto now?" "Tanger Outlets." "Where?" I asked again, having no clue where she was talking about. "Theoutlets on International Drive." "Oh, hell no. Can't I just pay full price and avoid that mayhem?" "Nope,there are stores there that we can't find anywhere else. Sorry, buddy." "Yeah. Sorry, Daddy, we have to goto the . . ." I laughed when I heard Sadie whisper, "Outlets." "Outlets." "Two beautiful women against oneman, not fair." Callie giggled. I locked eyes with Sadie in the rearview mirror. She mouthed, I'm sorry . Butshe didn't get it, there was nothing to be sorry about. As much as I pretended to hate the mayhem—okaythat wasn't pretend, I really did hate it—I would venture out in it ten times to see Callie like this and seeher respond and interact with someone like she was. When Sadie led us to the next store, I almostthought it was a joke. "Bass Pro, are you serious?" "Trust me." Sadie patted my arm. Callie giggled  Leaning close, I whispered, "Sorry about freaking out in the car, but I get nervous when people aren'tsecure in vehicles. I'll explain later." "I'm a deputy, I understand and truthfully, I know better. I was justexcited for Callie, you weren't going fast and no one was around us. Don't worry, I won't do anything likethat again." "It's more than that, it's . . ." I squeezed her hand as I said it. "Callie's mom?" "Yeah." "There,now I know. We don't have to discuss more unless you want to." Sadie squeezed my hand in return. God,she made this easy. Bass Pro ended up having a lot for Callie, and we picked up a full stock of jeans,denim shorts, and basic shirts. Sadie took Callie over to a rack where bandanas and belts hung. "We aregoing to get a few accessories, okay?" I smiled as Callie took in every word as if it were gospel. By thetime we made it over and through Justice, Callie had an entire new wardrobe and I was exhausted. Whenwe turned on Sadie's road, Callie freaked. "No, Sadie, don't go. Not yet." "Callie, I'm just running inside toget something real quick." "You promise?" My daughter's tantrum ended as swiftly as it started, and sheblinked wide eyes at Sadie. "I promise. I'm coming right back out and then I'm coming over to your housefor a while." "What are you getting?" "A surprise, you'll like it." "Okay, but hurry. I'll count." Once I stopped,Sadie got out and ran in. "Callie girl, you like having Sadie hang out with us, don't you?" Callie nodded,not stopping her counting. Thankfully, Sadie must have packed a bag for Wasabi earlier, because shecame out carrying two bags: one was plastic and the other a pet carrier. Since she had full hands, I slidfrom the car and opened the back door for her. "Where do you want him?" "This bag buckles in to a seatbelt, but let me get him out so Callie can see him before we strap him in." She unzipped the carrier, andWasabi lunged for her. play today, is that okay?" Sadie handed him to Callie, and the dog began washingher face as she giggled like a madwoman. "Oh, Sadie, I love him. He's so little, he's a baby." "He isn't ababy. In fact, he's older than you are." "He is?" "Yep, he's just tiny." "Can I hold him until we get home?""No, he has to get into the seat belt just like you. We want him safe, don't we?

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