Untitled Part 20 RYAN

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H ello?" "Ryan, this is Louise, I'd like to see my granddaughter." "And I'd like to live in peace, but it

seems that neither of us are getting our way. You refuse to follow the few rules that I give. I wasn't joking,

Louise, you need help. You are cruel to Callie about someone she looked up to, and when you decide to

throw a tantrum when I call you out on it, you call DCF. So, I really do feel that it's in Callie's best interest

for you and Sonya to no longer be part of her life." "You'll never understand what I'm going through. If you

loved my daughter, then how can you replace her so easily?" "Easily? It's been four years. Had Deirdre

survived, I would have still been happily married to her, but she didn't. You want me to spend the rest of

my life alone? I'm still young enough to have a family, to give Callie siblings. She deserves that . . . I

deserve that. Why won't you just let me live in peace? You could have been part of our lives forever just

like we always planned. But instead my daughter is afraid of you, I can't stand you, and if I can convince

Sadie to give me another chance, then I wouldn't blame her if she never wants you near us again." "I'll

never let that happen. Caroline is all I have left of Deirdre." "Callie is what you could have had. You

played a game and lost. Your mistake is that you went after my daughter, and I won't let you or anyone

else hurt her. If you do anything else, I'll look into getting a restraining order against you." "I refuse to

allow you to forget my daughter or allow that woman to replace my daughter's memory. Someone needs

to keep her alive, since you won't, then I will. and loved being a doctor. I wasn't going to force her to be a

stay-at-home mom just because we had a child or because you thought that was what she should do.

She was an adult." "Of course you wouldn't. That would have required you actually being a man." "That's

it. Do not contact Callie or me again via phone, email . . . anything. You are not permitted to have contact

with any of us until you grow the fuck up." I slammed my phone down and leaned against the counter just

so I wouldn't fall over. Holy shit, holy shit. Why didn't I do that sooner? "Do you feel better?" "Much." I

smiled at Polly. "How much did you hear?" "Not sure, but enough to know that they pushed you too far.

I've never heard you speak to anyone like that." Her words were like a ten-ton weight in my stomach. "Oh,

you took my words wrong. From what I overheard, they deserved it. In fact, there are several people you

should have spoken to like that before now. I'm glad to know it's in you. I'm just saying that whatever they

did had to be heinous to bring out this side of you." "Deirdre's mother has gone crazy." "Ummm, hasn't

she always given you a hard time?" "Yeah, but she used to be tolerable, now she's lost her damn mind."

"Do you know what changed? What made her act out like this?" I pushed out a deep breath. "You know

that wreck we had in front of the hospital?" "The one that was what . . . earlier this month?" "Yeah, that's

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