Untitled Part 15 SADIE

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" H ello? Hello?" I disconnected and slid my phone back into my pocket as Harley handed me the papercup of Wawa coffee. I stared at my phone. That was my fourth call since yesterday. "You look happy,Ryan must be doing something right. Is he good?" "I don't know." "What do you mean, you don't know?"She looked more appalled than anything. "I mean—" I held up one finger, thankfully saving me fromtalking about sex and not allowing her to continue to rant, so I could answer my phone. "Hello? This isDeputy Lazar, who is this?" Someone was on the other line, I could hear them, but they weren't saying aword, so I disconnected. "What's going on?" "No clue, these started yesterday afternoon, the number isblocked. If it weren't on my personal phone, I'd have the station track it." "Probably one of thoseautomated telemarketers," Harley rationalized. I didn't want to tell her that I highly doubted it, sincetelemarketers didn't call in the middle of the night and you usually didn't hear a television in thebackground. When my phone rang again, Harley snatched it. She answered it and pressed speaker. "Thisis Deputy Scott, how may I help you?" "I'm sorry, I'm not sure how I dialed you, but I was trying to reachDeputy to me. "Holler at me if you want to do anything tomorrow or Thursday. I'm heading home." "Bye,talk to you later." I took the phone off speaker and turned my attention to Ryan. "Hey, sorry about that. Wehad a massive wreck on the 408 and I'm just now getting off work." "Sounds rough. Was everyone okay?""Everyone but the cars. I'm headed home now." "Why don't I bring you something to eat and you canrelax?" I thought of his words from yesterday, next time . Was this next time? "Okay, I'll be home in fifteen.See you soon." I disconnected and then popped my coffee into the holder before grabbing my helmet andheading to my house. I had just walked inside when I heard my doorbell. Snatching Wasabi up to try tocurb his barking, I headed for the door. I was still in my uniform and hadn't even put away my gun yet.Which had Ryan smiling. "You are so fucking hot in your uniform, have I told you that?" I shook my head."You are." "I hate to break it to you, but I'm getting ready to take it off." "Do you see me complaining?""Haha, I've been sweating all day, this vest is heavy, and my pants don't breathe. I know none of that isincredibly sexy." Ryan bit back a smile and set the food in my kitchen while I unlocked Wasabi's doggydoor so he could go outside. "Do you care if I take a quick shower?" "Not at all." I headed back to mybedroom, feeling like a complete ho. Why? Because all I could think about was him following me into theshower. Hell, I wanted him to take me . . . now. We'd been playing this cat-and-mouse game, and Iwanted him. I'd never tire of the sound of cracking leather, it was that noise when leather was real thickand not pliable. In other words, it fit right in with the rest of my uniform. I unsnapped my holster and slidout my gun then placed it into my nightstand, making a mental note to get a gun safe in case Callie evercame over. Wait. What? Who the fuck was I? When did I start thinking about kids and childproofing my home? Harley was going to kill me. I set my radio on the charger and then got to workon my pins, tossing them into the dish I kept on my dresser. I was unbuttoning my shirt as I walked intomy bathroom when Ryan cleared his throat and I looked up, locking eyes with him in the reflection in mymirror. My bathroom wasn't big, so when he walked in, he seemed to engulf the space. Our warm breathsfilled with desire immediately fogged up the mirror. I dropped his gaze and bent to turn on the shower sothe water could warm up, and when I straightened, he was there, his hands on my waist, pulling me backto him, his erection pressing into me. Every hair on my body was standing on end as I leaned againsthim, wanting to get closer, wishing we didn't have clothing separating us. "Are you joining me?" Goodgod, my voice was so low and sultry that it even turned me on. His answer was to pepper the side of myneck with kisses as he toed off his shoes and slid his hands up my body to the row of buttons holding myshirt closed. The warmth of his palms followed the fabric as it slid off my body before his fingertips tracedalong the waist of my pants. They joined my shirt on the floor a second later. Nope. This wouldn't do atall. If I was getting naked, then so was he. Since he didn't seem all that inclined to strip, I would just haveto help him with it. I spun, bit back a smile as his attention dropped to the swell of my breasts, and thentugged his T-shirt off him. The man was nothing but defined lines of smooth skin and muscle, and it wasmaking my mouth water. My reaction to him only got worse when I dropped to my knees in front of him,my fingers catching on his belt and working to free it, working to free his button and tug the fabric downhis hips. "Holy shit, Sadie, I've told you this before but you're going to kill me." "I think you have that thewrong way around." Because he might just kill me if he made me stop. I needed to taste him. So, I leanedforward and ran my tongue up his length before closing my lips around him and taking him in so deeplyhe hit the back of my throat. "Fuck!" His hands were in my hair, fisting as if he needed something to holdon thrown back and he had his bottom lip trapped between his teeth. If I had a camera, I would take adamn photo of how the man looked in this moment and frame it in my bedroom. "Stop." But I didn't."Sadie, stop. You, I want inside you." Okay, at that, I acquiesced. He reached for my shower door, and Ithought he was going to turn the water off, but he didn't. He pulled me inside and pressed my backagainst the cold tiles. Then his lips were on mine, and they weren't soft or gentle. No, it was the kiss of astarving man who had just sat down at a feast. I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling his body tightagainst mine as I sank my hands into his short hair. If I hadn't been holding on to him as tightly as I was, Iprobably would have fallen when he shifted just enough to hook his arms under my knees and lift me so Iwas spread for him. I didn't care about the cold tiles against my back. I didn't care about the waste ofwater running down the drain. I didn't care that my dog was probably sitting by the door, wondering whyhe was locked out. The only, only thing that mattered right then was the hard press of his cock againstme. Well, that and the fact that he wasn't inside me yet. "Ryan, stop playing." His chuckle was deep. "Oh,this isn't playing." Then he was nudging his way into me, and I didn't have the words to argue. When hewas balls deep, we were both breathing in jagged bursts. It was too much and not enough at the sametime. I knew he was waiting for me to adjust, but I didn't want that. So, I nipped his bottom lip. "I needmore, Ryan. Please . . ." "I thought you'd never ask." And, holy hell, I'd never felt anything like him. Hefucked me with long slow thrusts that hit all the places that made my toes curl. No matter how badly Iwanted to rock against him, to urge him to take more and take it faster, I couldn't. I was completely underhis control. I held on to his shoulders as he shifted and then started to drive into me harder and faster ashe kissed and licked along my jaw and neck. "Ryan." "What, baby?" "I don't know, just don't stop. Whatever you do, just don't stop." I could feel his lips pull intoa grin as he shifted again, pulled almost all the way out of me, and then slammed into me so hard Iwanted to cry at the pleasure of it. When he rolled his hips against me, against my clit, I shattered. "Oh,god, Ryan, I'm coming. Holy shit." "I'm right behind you, baby." Again and again he pushed into me androlled, forcing my climax higher and higher until I was shaking and he was spilling inside me. He was justas breathless as I was as he slowly lowered my feet back to the shower floor, but when I wobbled, hisarms were there to steady me. His lips were there to catch my whimpers. "Sadie," he said between slowkisses. "You are incredible." "You're pretty impressive yourself." This time I was the one smiling. "Youknow what would really be awesome, though?" "More awesome than hot wall sex in a shower after a longday?" "Mm-hmm." His mouth dropped to my shoulder before he asked, "What?" "Food." His boominglaughter seemed to echo inside the confines of the shower. "Well, it's a good thing I brought you dinner.""You know how I told you that I didn't want flowers or poetry just food?" "Don't tell me that you've changedyour mind?" Ryan swept my hair away from my eyes. "No. Well, sort of. That, what we just did wasn't sex,that was naked poetry, I'll take that anytime as well." Ryan placed a quick kiss on my head. "Me, too.""Shit!" I pushed him back and slammed the water off. I hadn't actually washed anything, but I could takeanother shower later because I had something more important to deal with. Ryan was frozen in place,looking at me with wide eyes. "What?" he asked as I grabbed two towels and tossed one to him. "Youdidn't set it on the table, did you? Wasabi, the little motherfucker, will I bent forward and wrapped thetowel around my hair before straightening. Ryan hadn't answered me, so I turned to look at him. He wasstaring at my ass. It was nice to know he appreciated a good view, but . . . food. "Ryan?" He blinked awaythe dazed look in his eyes and cleared his throat as he wrapped the towel around his hips. "No, I set it onthe kitchen counter." "Thank god. He is worse than a Hoover vacuum. That dog will suck down anythingand everything." "But he's so little." "Sure, but don't let that fool you." I grabbed a T-shirt from my topdrawer and slipped it on. "You get dressed while I reheat everything. Okay?" He nodded, and I pressed aquick kiss to his lips before heading to my kitchen. "Wasabi, you little asshole, you better not be on thattable." I clapped my hands and heard the sound of his nails. "Ha, the chairs were all pushed in, youcouldn't get up. Serves you right, you little shit head." If dogs could talk, he would be telling me all theways he planned on violating my boots. When Ryan joined me, he was in his jeans, which were leftunbuttoned, and nothing else. I almost dropped the empty to-go container I was holding. "When do youfind time to work out?" "A few times a week, why?" I handed him a plate and then waved a finger up anddown to indicate his body. He just grinned. "I have to thank genetics for this, but age will eventually catchup with me." Ryan took a bite of spaghetti before asking, "How about you, you have to stay in shape?" Ipulled apart a breadstick and dragged it through sauce before eating it. "I eat like this, so I have to workout a lot." I took a sip of Coke before continuing. "I try to make it to the gym every other day, and I run—and I don't just mean within my job. Although, I do less of that now than I used to." "Why less?" "Mymotorcycle makes it so that I don't really have to since it can go more places than a car." "Why motors?Why not detective or something like SWAT "When I was little my dad had a bike. After my mom passed, it was our thing. We'd put on our helmets, I'dhold on to his waist and then go for a ride through the country. No words, just the wind on our faces. Forme it was feeling his heartbeat under my hands." "How old were you when your mom passed?" "Four.""May I ask how, or do you not like talking about it?" Ryan looked somewhat apprehensive. "I don't mind.She was diagnosed with cervical cancer but it was too late by the time they found it." "I'm so sorry." Ryanreached forward and squeezed my hand. "Your mom lives with you, I figured that your dad must be gone.What happened?" "He passed away just before Callie was born. He was an investment banker and wasjust sitting having breakfast with my mom when he had a heart attack." "Poor Kathryn." "Tell me about it.She called 9-1-1 and then called me, but by the time paramedics arrived, it was too late. We had justbought the house where I'm living now, and Deirdre had just found out that she was pregnant. The poolhouse needed to be redone anyway, so we decided to have it remodeled into a small apartment and havemy mom move in to be close to us." "She seems very happy, and I'm sure it helped having her there afterDeirdre passed." "It did." We were both quiet for a few moments. "So, is that why you volunteer at KidzKlub, to help children with what you didn't have?" "It's more to give kids what I did have. When I wasseven my dad met Margaret and she was wonderful. She loved me for me. I don't think a day went bythat she didn't thank my mom for allowing her to be a part of my life. I always felt my mom was still there.""She sounds very special." Ryan's words were soft. I thought about the night of my senior prom; Margarethad been my stepmom for ten years at that point. "Sadie, you're so beautiful." Margaret's words werealways so sincere, her from the box on my counter and handed it to her. "If you keep this up, I'm going torun out and have to let you use the tissues I've stuffed into my bra." "You do not have any stuffed in yourbra, do you?" Margaret looked dumbfounded. I had to admit, over the past ten years, shocking Margarethad become one of my favorite things to do, maybe because it was so easy. Even at eighteen I wasalready practicing my cop-stare. "Keep crying, and you'll find out," I warned her before cracking uplaughing. Margaret dried her face. "It's just that . . . well, I'm so lucky to be here today, helping you getready for your prom." I pressed the sides of my index fingers underneath my eyes to catch any poolingtears before they had a chance to make my mascara run. "You're just so beautiful, and when I look at thephotos of your mom, I swear that I'm looking at you." "I love you, Margaret. You've been more than amom to me; you've been a friend. I'm so glad that you and my dad found each other. You're kind of likeMaria in the Sound of Music , you know? You swept in and stirred our world up. In a good way, of course.""Of course." Margaret squeezed my shoulders but was smiling instead of crying. "You better hurry or youwill surpass fashionably late and go straight to 'I've decided to ditch prom.'" "Oh, now that's an idea.""Nope, you promised me that you would go, and I want pictures. I need to play doting stepparent and tryto improve our image, you know we stepmoms get a bad rap." "Oh, sorry, maybe I should take that blogdown." "Cheeky brat." I smiled at that memory. Margaret had been a lifesaver not just for me but also formy dad, which made me think of the gorgeous man across from me. Whoever Ryan married, I hoped thatshe would treat Callie just like Margaret treated me. And be the helping hand that Ryan wanted. At thatthought, a slow ache began to grow in my chest. Maybe I'd been wrong, maybe I could do this just likeMargaret did. Maybe I could be that lifesaver for Ryan and Callie.

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