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" W ill you get off the phone?" Polly asked for the tenth time. "Can you please make your wife get off the

phone?" Ryan cracked up laughing. "I can't make her do anything." "Hold on one second." I lowered the

phone and placed a hand over the speaker. "Holy shittttt, that one hurt." I took several deep breaths and

then began talking into the phone again. "No. I want the black Tahoe." "Mrs. Montgomery, would you like

to call us back later at a more convenient time?" "No, it's fine." "I think that I should let you go." "Don't you

dare hang up. I need that Tahoe. I'm not a Porsche person, I don't want to drive a Porsche, and since

Harley doesn't make an SUV, I need this one. My bank is ready to send you the money. I've already been

pre-approved. I just need the vehicle. Hold on." I covered the speaker. "Fuck, that one was bad." "Will you

get off the damn phone? You're dilated to seven centimeters." Speaking back into the phone, I snapped,

"Last chance, are we doing this or not?" "Fine. It will be at your home tomorrow. Would you like a bow on

it?" "No fucking bows." I disconnected and then turned to my husband, who was all the pamphlets the

doctor had sent home with me; I knew that this kid could still take about ten hours before she graced us

with her screaming face. Once the anesthesiologist came in and gave me the good shit, I relaxed and

obviously so did my body. I relaxed so much that, before I knew it, I was holding one red, blotchy faced,

wailing baby girl. I wailed back and she quieted. I'll have to remember that trick. Maybe motherhood won't

be so hard. We thought long and hard about what to name her, and since we already had a Callie girl and

people always thought her name was California, we decided to go with Georgia so we would have a

Georgia girl as well. My hospital room door flew open. Holding one of Georgia's tiny hands, I whispered,

"Georgia girl, you are going to be so spoiled just like your big sister. You have three sets of grandparents.

That is your nana, your mimi, and your grammy." I glanced up at my gorgeous husband as he lowered his

head to mine. "Thank you." "For what?" "For bringing all three families together. You didn't have to, but

you're so good and kind. I love you." "Remember those words the next time you get angry at me, okay?"

Ryan kissed me and I knew that being a wife and a mom was going to totally ruin my tough-girl persona.

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