Year 8: Precious Blood

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This is blatantly plagiarized from this:

If you like My Little Pony and Fluttercord, I strongly suggest this fic. It's wonderful, and a lot better than this crappy wannabe rendition of it.

Yes, I drew the picture. All of the pics in this I drew. Blegh.


Lubiu, a small town in Huntersvania, was home to many wolves

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Lubiu, a small town in Huntersvania, was home to many wolves. It was a bright and colourful town, surrounded by the Clawpathian Mountains. It was a quiet community, but like all towns in the late 19th century, wolves were placed in classes with their own hierarchy. In the particular town of Lubiu, there dwelled only one noble family. The rest were below them, petty towns wolves, higher classed officers or sales wolves. By day, Lubiu was safe and quiet with magnificent scenery. By night, however, it was completely different.
In the deep dark forests of Lubiu, dwelled certain supernatural creatures. Some were not much different to wolves, but some were strange and horrific. There were two things that the citizens of Lubiu kept a special eye out for: one of them was witches. The word 'witch' sent shivers upon the speaker but only because most had never had the experience of meeting one. Witches were simply she wolves that practised healing and had ties with the supernatural. If one ever had the misfortune, or fortune, to meet a witch, one should avoid making her angry, for she could bring terrible misfortune. However, witches weren't the only thing to look out for.
The creature that brought even more horror than witches were dangerous and bloodthirsty; they were the vampires. There were many terrifying legends centred on the vampire. Legends told of wolfish creatures with long fangs, an abnormal thirst for blood and the ability to shapeshift into bats. They supposedly had red eyes, were warded off by garlic and were nocturnal creatures.
'Vampire' was almost forbidden to be spoken by citizens of Lubiu. There was a belief that the word brought back luck upon the speaker, and ultimately, death. If you were bitten by a vampire, you would either die from blood loss or turn into one of them. There had been some cases involving vampires. Some were recent, others not. Some of these cases were mysterious disappearances, but most were the horrible findings of sucked dry corpses on the outskirts of town. The villagers buried the body, or if able, burned them. The body was never eaten, for wolves were afraid that the vampire venom would contaminate them.


"Somebody get me water!" Bianca shrilled.
About five servants came to her call, each holding a soaked bit of moss in their jaws. Bianca snatched one from the closest servant and drank it quickly. The others slowly backed away, their heads bowed deep in their fur.
"Here, doamnă".
"Thank you," Bianca sighed. Then her gaze sharpened. "Can somebody get me my niece!?"
Again, all the servants darted off. She flicked her ear impatiently as her servants desperately howled, "Domnișoară, domnișoară!"
Finally, Alexa padded into the parlour of their hollow tree mansion. "Auntie Bianca," Alexa acknowledged politely, her eyes shifting to Bianca's and then to the ground. A live bunny peeked out from behind her hind leg. Alexa had found the bunny one day, and instead of killing it she decided to make it her pet. It was most unusual for a wolf to keep prey as a companion, but her Aunt agreed to let her keep it for the sake of keeping her happy. Fortunately, her niece was easily pleased and Bianca had thanked the stars that she was obedient.
"What were you doing?" Bianca demanded sternly.
"I was giving Angel a bath," Alexa said sweetly, blinking her large green eyes.
Bianca scrunched up her nose in disgust. "For the last time," she snapped. "Ladies do not do petty chores like bathing a pet. We leave it to the servants!"
"I'm sorry, Aunt... I just thought..."
"Thinking is not a good past time for ladies either! You should be more focused on making yourself pretty until you find a rich and wealthy Lord to mate with!" She leaned forward, grabbed Angel by the scruff and tossed him toward the servant that had escorted Alexa to the parlour.
"Clean him, Nightflyer," she ordered, sniffing the air. "And do it properly!"
Nightflyer bowed her head low. "Yes, doamnă," she said, picking Angel up. The bunny squirmed in annoyance but Nightflyer didn't let go.
"And you," Bianca added to Alexa. "Go upstairs and revise your vocabulary. The dinner with Count Vladir is tomorrow night! You have to impress him, Alexa. Make yourself look sophisticated with words but do not make yourself too smart. I don't want him to be wary of you."
"Oh... is he nice?"
Bianca frowned. "Count Vladir is one of the richest and most handsome Lords in the country! What more could you want?"
"I meant is he kind?"
"Kind," Bianca echoed. "Alexa, dear, you really must get your priorities straight."
"Okay... but I thought my next dinner was with Count Polo?"
Bianca nodded. "Yes, yes, but if your dinner with Count Polo doesn't go as planned, we have another rich Lord to turn to. Your dinner with Count Polo has been changed. You will visit his estate in two weeks' time."
"What if they both like me? Which one do I choose?"
"If that is the case, then I will decide for you, my dear. You don't know how lucky you are to have me around."
"But what if I like one better than the other...?"
"Oh it doesn't matter who you like better! It all depends on his status and wealth. I only want the best for you, Alexa."
"The best for me or the best for you...?" Alexa muttered.
"The best for you," Bianca replied with a hard edge to her voice. "Now go upstairs, you silly she wolf, and revise your words from the bone dictionary."
Alexa sighed, "Yes, Auntie Bianca."

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