Year 9: Zootopia: The Hunt for the Hunter

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This was supposed to be the last story in my Zootopia trilogy. But, similarly to the Sasha trilogy, it was never finished and never will be.


It was a chilly October morning when Nick and Judy pulled up at the ZPD headquarters, Judy ready for her first day of duty since Easter. Her maternity leave expired today, which meant she was able to get back to work. They had called up Nick's cousin Miranda to look after their kids, Aidan and Jeannie. She was more than happy to come over to the Zootopia Capital, where Nick and Judy had settled in their new apartment.
"I'm telling you, it's the left side," Nick said.
"Well, I say it's the right," Judy argued.
They entered the station and moved their gaze to where Clawhauser sat. Stuck under his chin, between his fat rolls, was a chocolate glazed donut. As Judy had predicted, it was placed closer to the right of his neck than the left.
"Told you," she said, shaking her head in mock disappointment.
Grumbling, Nick forked over five bucks. "You're lucky I love you."
Clawhauser saw them and immediately waved. "Hey! Welcome back. Bullpen's over there, as per usual."
"Good to see you too," Judy replied.
As they headed toward roll call, several other officers also approached them. They all gave the couple a warm welcome before letting them go.
When Judy looked back to wave to a leaving colleague, she noticed the mailman had arrived. Instead of going to his usual post at the mail drop, he was at Clawhauser's desk. They talked for a little before the mailman pulled out a letter and gave it to the cheetah.
Curious, Judy lingered where she was, allowing Nick to pull ahead of her. To her bemusement, Clawhauser took one look at the envelope's contents and visibly sagged. His ears drooped and his tail hit the floor with a soft thump.
"Carrots!" called Nick, startling Judy. "Come on."
"Coming," Judy called back.
They slipped into the room and into their seats just in time; Chief Bogo stomped in with a clipboard tucked in the crook of his arm. Instantly, the light-hearted banter that filled the room evaporated and everybody put on their most solemn expressions.
"Listen up," Bogo said, tossing his clipboard onto the podium, "because I have a very special announcement to make."
Everybody in the room perked up, save for Francine the elephant, whose head was only an inch or two from the ceiling.
"We've received an urgent call to arms," Bogo continued, his brows furrowed. "Starting today, you will all enter a compulsory two-week training program with a special agent. You'll need to be strong, smart and fast. Only the two best of the bests will be accepted"
Behind her, Judy could hear the others passing excited whispers to one another. They clearly wanted to be chosen for this mission. Others weren't so sure though. The task was sure to be dangerous.
"The two chosen will head off to Featherlands," Bogo said. "That is all I can say to all of you. I will disclose the rest of the details in private to the two chosen."
Judy turned to Nick as the others started talking loudly about the program and the mission. "What do you think?"
"Of course we're not doing it. Our kids need us to be in one piece."
"But this is an once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! And what if no one else wants to do it?"
"Okay, one, our kids are an once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and two, are you blind? Look around you, they look like they're about to piss their pants from excitement."
Bogo overheard their discussion. He marched over to them.
"You two," he said rather gruffly, "the program is compulsory for all officers." The buffalo raised an eyebrow. "And I'm sure Hopps here would find it very appealing."
Nick's hackles started to rise as he stood up to face the chief. "You're not in any position to be the judge of that, Chief."
"Nick," Judy said in a warning tone.
"Watch your tongue," snapped Bogo.
Nick opened his mouth to retort but a glare from Judy stopped him. He snapped his jaws shut and scowled instead.
"All of you," addressed Bogo, raising his voice to be heard. "Get changed into your standard training uniforms."
As the officers dispersed toward the change rooms, Judy removed herself from the crowd with Nick by her side. They were now in front of Clawhauser's desk.
"We don't have much time," said Judy, "so spill."
"There's nothing to talk about," Clawhauser said a little too quickly. He had his paws over the letter.
With a sigh, Judy pulled out the letter. Clawhauser didn't even try to resist.
It read:

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