Year 9: 2ootopia

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Wow, look at this! Year 9! I was 14! We did it fellas, we made it past my 13-year-old phase! I was still a furry when I was 14 tho, and this terrible Zootopia fanfiction was the result. Yikes.


"Good morning, Manchas, how do you do?" Judy Hopps, police officer and representative of the Zootopia police force, asked a black panther, "Have the doctors prescribed anything for trauma yet?"

"No," Manchas replied, "Because I don't need it. But I am recovering well."
"Ah, right! Of course you don't, and it's good to hear that you'll be out and about soon. So... have you heard Gazelle's new song yet?"
"Does the hospital have good tuna?" her partner, Nick Wilde, a sly looking fox, asked at the same time.
Judy elbowed him in the ribs. "Not all cats like tuna!"
"Ouch!" he yelped, "Sly bunny."
"Dumb fox," his partner shot back. She turned her attention back to the bedded Manchas and said, "I'm sorry you have to put up with his stupidity. We came here today because Emmitt Otterton is liable for unprovoked assault against you. We need to know if you want to press charges against him."
"Correction," Nick drawled, "You wanted to know. I'm supposed to be on break."
"Don't make me give you a heart attack, fox," Judy snapped, getting out her infamous carrot pen-recorder from her pocket. Then, she reached into her back pocket and got out a paw-sized notepad, blinking her large violet eyes at the patient in front of her.
"Well," Manchas began hesitantly, "As much as I loathe Otterton right now for putting me in this position... I don't want to hold anything against him. It wasn't his fault, it was Bellwether's. If anything, he's as much of a victim as I am."
Judy nodded in understanding, scribbling on her clipboard. "Thanks for speaking with us today. I – we really appreciate it," she said gratefully, "I hope you'll feel better soon."
She looked to Nick, expecting him to add his two cents. When he didn't the bunny cop peered over his shoulder and saw him playing Angry Birds.
"Nick!" she said angrily, "This is police business! Get off that right now."
"Wait, I have one more pig to kill," Nick said, his eyes fully focused on the screen of his phone. But before he could, Judy snatched the phone out of his hand and pocketed it.
Nick glared at her. "Dumb bunny," he said.
"Sly fox," retorted Judy.
Manchas smiled at them. "I must say, you two would make quite the couple."
"Thank you, Mr Manchas," Judy said. She obviously didn't catch the real meaning behind his statement.
"I'm pretty hungry, since you wasted our break," Nick said as they left the hospital, "Macca's or Burger King, your pick."
"Neither," Judy said, "I'm in the mood for ice-cream."
Nick scrunched up his face. "No thanks."
"Let's split up," Judy suggested, "You go buy whatever you want and then we can meet up at the ice-cream parlour."
"Eh, sounds good to me."
They went their separate ways, and before long, Nick was waiting for Judy with a coffee. After five agonizingly long minutes, the door opened and Judy came out.
"It seriously takes you ten minutes to buy ice-cream?" Nick asked.
Judy shrugged. "It was a long line."
As they were finishing up their food, Judy's watch beeped noisily.
"Oops, it looks like we have to get back to the station," she informed Nick. "You know how Chief Bogo gets if we're late, even if work doesn't restart until five for us."
Nick was too preoccupied picking his teeth with a toothpick to be worried. "Already?" he said, flicking the toothpick away, "It's only two-thirty."
"Yeah, but today's Thursday, remember? All employees must report back to duty early."
"Damn, I forgot."
"Of course you did."
Judy checked her watch again. "We have to get going."
"But I still have a mint to go through," Nick complained. "Give me five more minutes."
"I'll drive so you can eat it," Judy said, pulling Nick by the tie to get him off his chair.
The fox sighed, "Fine, fine. Oh, and give me back my phone, I still have a pig to kill."
"Sweet cheese and crackers, Nick, when will you ever learn?"


The pair got back to the station earlier than anticipated and hardly anyone was there.
"Hey, guys!" Clawhauser greeted when they entered, a friendly smile plastered on his face. "What's up?"
Judy tossed her bag in a locker before answering, "Nothing much. We went to the hospital to ask Manchas some things, that's all."
Clawhauser picked up a donut and tossed it in his wide maw. "Cool," he said with a full mouth. "Hey, come here and look at this, Judy? You too, Nick."
Their curiosity perked, both of them stared at Clawhauser's computer. The cheetah officer then searched up 'Le Cross twins' and pressed enter. A YouTube video being filmed live was the first result. Clawhauser proceeded to click on it. After a few seconds of buffering, the video loaded.
"These girls are so cool," Clawhauser squealed, "They're smart, beautiful... and smart!"
"Things that you lack," Nick muttered under his breath. Luckily for him, Clawhauser's attention was focused fully on the screen.
"Hello, Zootopia!" a female caracal cried in the video. The audience shrieked in delight and put up their paws, hooves, flippers and wings in the air.
"And welcome..." another caracal continued. It was obvious the two girls were identical twins with the exception of their eyes and hair. Their hairdo was exactly the same, save for the highlights in the second twin's fringe. One had ice blue eyes and the other had onyx grey orbs.
"To the concept of inter-species breeding!" the twin with the grey eyes finished. "My name's Raven Le Cross."
"And I'm Frosty Le Cross," Raven's twin said, bowing. Her blue fringe covered her face as she did so but she brushed it back.
"Now, you may be thinking that it's a crazy idea," Raven said.
"But it's really not!" Frosty exclaimed, "I mean, tigers and lions have bred and made ligers, have they not? And don't even get me started on the breeding of mares and jacks! That's how mules have come to be, after all."
"You tell 'im!" a mule in the crowd cried, "Me mama and papa defied all odds to create me!"
"Unfortunately," Raven said with a cute pout, "Only species with similar genes have been able to mate. However, the science that we have come up with will erase that hindrance!"
The twins did a fist bump and swapped their positions on the stage. The audience gasped, entranced by their beauty.
"Anyway," Frosty said, clearing her throat. "Let's get to the chase, shall we?"
"For this, we shall use two completely different animals as examples," Raven smiled, "Behold... the rabbit and the fox!"
A canvas unrolled behind them, showing a female bunny and a male fox gazing into each other's eyes lovingly.
Judy felt her face heat up. She stole a glance at Nick and saw that his face had also flushed a shade of crimson.
"They were natural enemies..." Raven said, cocking her head.
"But now they're lovers!" Frosty gushed.
A second canvas fell on top of the first one, showing Nick and Judy in their office, laughing over a cup of coffee.
In shock, Clawhauser spat out his donut all over the computer. He glanced at his friends and saw that their jaws had practically unhinged.
"How did they get that?" Nick spluttered. "And how did they get permission to use us as the face of interbreeding?"
"Ah, I see you've seen the works of the Le Cross twins," a booming voice said. They looked up and saw Chief Bogo looming over them.
Judy took a deep breath and exhaled, trying to control her exasperation. "Chief... what is the meaning of this?"
The police chief looked down at her. "In exchange for funding, I sold them some high-quality security photos of you two."
"You didn't even get our permission," Nick seethed, baring his teeth.
"Actually," the Cape buffalo said, taking a parchment out of his shirt pocket. He unrolled it in front of Nick. "It's in your contract, Wilde. The same goes for you too, Hopps. Perhaps you two should have read the fine print before you joined the force. Good day."
He stomped off into his office in satisfaction, leaving the two aghast.
"This is public humiliation!" Judy exclaimed, slamming her paw on the table. "And come on, who actually reads the fine print?"
Clawhauser started to raise his paw but thought the better of it and pretended to be interested in the still playing video.
Nick, on the other hand, was less angry. His concentration was on the screen and he narrowed his eyes when the camera zoomed in on Raven's twin.
"What are you doing?" Judy asked, looking over the fox's shoulder.
"I've seen her before," Nick said.
"Oh, where did you see her?"
"I think it was the hospital... yeah, the hospital."
Judy was sceptical. "Are you sure? Was it on a poster or something? You know the hospital tends to have a lot of ads."
"Nuh-uh," Nick said, shaking his head. "She was the hospital's cafeteria lady, I'm sure of it! I remember going to buy a pawsicle and she was the one who served me."
"It couldn't have been," Clawhauser jumped in. "I was at the park earlier this afternoon during break and I saw them setting up for the video."
"How early, Clawhauser?" Judy enquired.
"Oh, I don't know... about one o'clock is my best guess."
"He's right, it couldn't have been," Nick said. "But Frosty Le Cross was definitely the one who gave me the pawsicle."
Judy frowned, her ears flattening. "How do you know that it wasn't Raven?"
"I remember seeing some colour in her hair... oh yeah, and her eyes were blue. She even sounded like Frosty."
"That's strange..." Judy said, putting a paw on her chin, "How could she possibly be in two places at once?"
"Maybe they're aliens!" Clawhauser joked before chugging down a one litre bottle of coke.
Nick visibly tensed. "Ha... yeah... right," he chuckled nervously, rubbing the back of his head with a paw.
Judy noticed his discomfort. "Scared of aliens, Wilde?"
"Scared of ceiling fans, Hopps?" her partner retorted.
"Touché, but at least my fear is more rational!"
"Ceiling fans falling on top of you and decapitating you? That's real logical, Judy!"
The bunny glared at him. "Be quiet, you sly fox."
"Ha, dumb bunny."
"I have a fear of toilets," Clawhauser suddenly said.
Nick raised an eyebrow. "Do I really want to know?"
Judy shook her head. "Knowing Clawhauser, it's probably something nasty."
"Hey!" Clawhauser protested. "That was one time! I really needed to pee, okay?"
Judy snickered. "Right... anyhow, I think we should do some investigation into the Le Cross twins to see if what they're doing is safe."
"Not to mention how Frosty has magical teleportation powers," Nick added, "It's creepy, now that I really think about it."
"We should split up," Judy said, already forming a plan. "Nick, you look for the Frosty at the hospital while I go to their little park gig." She looked at Clawhauser's screen, which was still half-covered with chewed up donuts. Despite the mess, she could see the animals leaving and the clean-up crew starting their work.
"Well, well, just in time," she chuckled. "Thanks, Clawhauser."
"You're welcome. I think."
She tossed Nick her car keys. "Here, take my ride. The park's not far from here so I'll walk."
"Deal," Nick said, catching the keys in mid-air. "I'll call you if I get anything."
Judy gave him a mock salute before running out of the building.
"Oh, and Ben," Nick said to Clawhauser, "Try not to believe any rumours about... well, me and Judy."
"I wouldn't dream of it, Nick!" Clawhauser said, feigning astonishment. He didn't even try to hide his crossed paws.
Nick sighed, "Right. Well, I'll be off then. See you, buddy."
"Goodbye to you too, Wilde!" the cheetah said as he shoved another donut in his mouth.

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