Chapter 1 Faith

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Chapter 1

Faith Willams Damians parents died when she was five years old. Her parents owed money to someone, someone who was said that is ruthless and cruel. How did they end up owning money. No one really knows.

Faith's parents failed to pay it back. So one night they came to collect something in return. But the person behind the mask didn't see anything valuable and just ended their lives, in front of the young Faith. They just left her there with her parents bleeding out.

She wouldn't be able to see her parents ever again and for being young she new that. An hour later finally the cops showed up and it was already to late to save her parents.

The cops found her sitting between her parents crying. A lady cops came and helped get the 5 yeared sad and scared little girl. Blood was covered her. Her face was red and wet with tears and some blood.

It was really a horrifying scene to walk in on. To see a small little girl crying between her dead parents.

Between 2 years she ended up on the streets of New York city defending for herself. She found shelter in an abandoned buildings. Her way to get food was either steeling money, jewellery anything valuable she could sell. When she found a food market she would steal food from the stands. Who would think twice about a very young child to do something bad.

When Faith turned 8 she found out very fast that she could hear people's thoughts. They were so loud that it caused her to fall unconscious a couple times. Then after a couple of days later she had found that she could see people's memories.

Faith could go into anyone's mind at anytime she wants and find happy or sad memories. Then the last thing she had learned about herself at age 8 was that she could see people's dreams, but that one is very rare for her. It's the hardest one she has.

Faith found out at the age of 9 that she could control fire and ice. Her favorite thing to do is to use her ice to make frost. She mostly uses her fire and ice powers a lot more then her others.

Her fire keeps her warm up in winters and the ice helps her keep herself cooled off in really hot summery days.

That really helps because before hand she got really, really cold in the winter. Luckily she made everything to manage.

The only thing that is a problem is that she never wants to hurt anyone because of her powers.

Faith was 10 when she met Nick Fury. She was strolling down one of many streets of new York looking for her next victim. She need to eat and she haven't eaten for days now.

So her plan is to find her next victim and snag something from them. Either there wallets or maybe a watch or bracelet. Sometimes a phone if she can.

When she got the stuff she would go back to a pawnshop she usually goes to and trade for money. The guy working there name Mr. Smith gives her a bit extra money when he can. Sometimes he would give her food and some water when he has it. Mr. Smith is an very old man, very nice man.

Faith finally found someone to steal from. She strolled over to the person not realizing who this person was. She didn't know until it happen that her life was going to change. For the good and for the bad.

As she snagged this person's watch, she quickly left and walked away. She didn't turn back, she made sure she didn't look like she just stole someone's watch.

Before should could turn down an alley way to get out of the view she felt a hand grab ahold of her shoulder. She quickly looked up and froze.

The male that stood in front of her. Didn't look mad, actually quite shocked instead.

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